Today, a day late, I managed to get come chocolate from my students, and gave some back. Yesterday, I was gifted with a cute pin and heat sticker. Today I got chocolates from the art club! I have pictures, that I will share at some point (on flickr most likely, and possibly on Facebook as well, if not here on LJ).
Lent talk, haha religion what?! )
Comments 6
Ahh Sudoku! I love Sudoko, I do them daily. I like numbers, but not words *HAVE NEVER COMPLETED A CROSSWORD IN MY LIFE ;A;* But I love number puzles xD
I have a massive book with like 1000 in, and an electronic one that has like 1million stored on it lol, i always do them when i am bored or sat in front of the tv xD
Yay for rediscovered plot!
I am so, SO bad at them! I can't really do crosswords either, but I am generally better with words then numbers. But I find them fun and challenging, even if it takes me wayyyy longer then I care to admit to complete them. (I am distracted by shiny things)
But yay! Glad that we'll all have a cheering system
I'm very bummed you won't be around while I'm in Okayama this weekend, but have so much fun in Tokyo! Any cool Okayama people I should look out for? I have no idea where I'm sleeping haha, probably not sleeping ne~
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