Always thought of myself as a Marvel girl, but I haven't been thrilled with what I've seen of them lately. Mind you, I am sure if I picked up some good old Spidey comics, I would be ALL OVER that.
Babble about Watchmen, emo thoughts, and yumyum BATMAN )
Comments 14
If you liked those, with connections to Gordon, I'll recommend Night Cries (have tissue box on hand though.), The Cult and the Death in the Family arc.
I will have to check those out in a few weeks. I know there were some other comics I wanted to check out at the moment, but I can't for the life of me remember which ones anymore, whoops!
Thanks for the reccs. 8D HAHA, I always need a new place to toss my money at.
Marvel's had some good stuff, but as far as single shot stories go, DC's done a LOT better. Marvel's kind of a mess, I'll admit. But I have good memories.
Even Brian hasn't gotten a PS3 yet. There just haven't been any particularly interesting games to warrant the price tag.
I guess, for now, we'll see what happens with Kingdom Hearts 3 and the next FF. Since those are my big draw games, if there are at least three on a system I'd enjoy (plus blueray, which is kinda cool), it'd be more worthwhile then one.
Although I am apparently playing the Devil May Cry series next. Ahaha. >.> And if I like those, that'd up it to four games. . .
Man, why is it so difficult to explain WHY something is awesome. Yes, yes; I got it. [x] is AWESOME OH MY GOD I SHIT MY PANTS IT'S SO GOOD YOU SHOULD TOTTLY READ IT!!!!!111!!
The question is why is it awesome. Tell me why I need to read it, like, right this second. God, is that really that a) hard or b) confusing?
I have NO IDEA why people are like this. Usually, it just ruins something entirely for me. Just tell me, IT IS NOT THAT HARD. GAH people.
I should read The Killing Joke someday. Yay Batman!
And yeah, it's that scene. I'll just have to take someone with me to tell me when it's okay to look. I can't really take violence against dogs and cats very well, dogs moreso probably because I've lived wit them. (Ugh, it was hard enough to read.) Thanks for the info<3
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