Yuletide picspam - Sungkyunkwan Scandal edition

Mar 20, 2014 13:32

These are admittedly pretty lq screencaps, and for half of them the "press esc to exit full screen" thing is across the screen, because I watched it on Hulu and there was some dumb glitch where that stayed there forever. Whoops?

All screencaps here with out-of- context looking subtitles are actually in context. Because the context is Yeorim flirting with Goel Oh, which is what he does best.

followed by jealous!Goel Oh. Ho ho ho:

Speaking from experience, perhaps?:

The first time we see Yeorim emotional or sincere about anything:

What do Goel Oh and Yong Ha do when left to their own devices? Well, clearly they just stand around, touching each other:

Yong Ha is constantly touching Goel Oh part II:

and then Goel Oh looks down fondly at Yeorim with a child. Friends don't look at friends like this, guys:

a different day, and a different scene:

Their fade-to-black pre-timeskip, in which they wander off, touching one another (because that's what they do):

Bonus OT4 Schenanigans ♥

yuletide, picspam, dramas

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