Characters: Satoshi, Daisuke, Donna, Oliver, Benny, Riku, Isaac, Box, Ai, Cally and those who venture in to deliver friendship speeches/whacks to the head!
Location: Near the Plane's mansion in a completely empty area--UNTIL something suddenly appears!
Time: After the watch has completed its collection of hearts and has found a permanent host.
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Anyone want to take him on, or try to slap some friendship into him?]
[His free hand clenches into a fist, and he goes for a suckerpunch. Not the fairest of moves, but neither is reaching for someone's weapon arm.]
Well, when you don't get me much of an option... [Back to a fighting stance. Riku's going to be keeping an eye out for any more attempted grabs, or any moves that involve invading his personal space.]
Are you done talking yet?
But then again, that watch...
No. Riku refuses to entertain that thought. He hesitates, but only for a second, and begins charging a sphere of black energy in his hand.]
Shut up.
[Here, Doctor. Have a Dark Firaga to the face.]
Stop it! [immediately jumps to his feet] It's that watch and that watch stole a part of your heart. I can't say that enough. This isn't you!
And you think you know anything about me?
Then I'm not going to miss my chance this time.
[Something must be getting through to him, though, because while his sword is once again pointed at the Doctor, he hasn't made a move to strike him. Yet.]
[Riku lunges forward. He might have impaled the Doctor's chest, but at the last possible instant, he jerks his blade upward. Cue an internal struggle, which means Riku's ignoring the Doctor for the moment in favor of letting his sword fall to the ground as he grips his head in both hands.]
Please... stop me.
[he reaches up, placing his fingers on both sides of Riku's face] For your own safety, I'm going to put you to sleep for a little bit. Once this is all over you'll wake up, right as rain. I promise you that. [he closes his eyes, and makes the connection with Riku's mind. he ignores the turmoil and negative feelings long enough for him to, in essence, hit a switch and knock him right out]
It's a strange feeling, whatever it is the Doctor's done, but he doesn't have long at all to think on it.
Riku's eyes close as his mind shuts down and his body goes limp.]
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