Sumer Holiday pt.1

Jul 02, 2010 15:14

Author: Sheryllx
Title: Summer Holiday pt.1
Fandom: Being Human
Rating: U
Word Count 636
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer All characters and the pink house belong to the BBC :)
Plot: George, Annie, Mitchell and Nina decide to take a driving holiday...

Summer Holiday, pt.1

‘This is the worst idea you’ve ever had George, in fact, it tops the ‘I know, let’s all go and play mini golf’ idea hands down’ Mitchell told him.
‘What went wrong there?’ George asked innocently.
‘You smacked me in the head with the club!’
‘Well you were the one who, after constantly complaining you didn’t want to play, suddenly decided you’d get in my way when I was about to put!’
‘You were taking forever George! Lining up the shot, laying down on the ground to check your accuracy, I mean Jesus all you had to do was hit the sodding thing!’

‘Oh… well… this is just a great start to our holiday’ George huffed as he slumped back into the passenger seat of Mitchell’s car ‘I just thought, it’d be nice for the four of us to spend some quality time together and go on a nice relaxing holiday when there’s not sudden or probable danger involved where mine or Nina’s lives aren’t at risk!’

‘And we’re avoiding that by being stuck in a traffic jam’ Annie pointed out ‘An irate vampire in stationary traffic, course there’s no danger there’ She said sarcastically from the back seat. Annie, Mitchell, George and Nina had been stationary for about 45 minutes now which Mitchell was not impressed by, he hated traffic jams.

‘I’m sorry to say I’m with Mitchell and Annie on this one George, this is a bad idea’ Nina added.

‘What?! No, no it isn’t!’ George replied turning round looking at Nina who was sitting on the backseat next to Annie, surround by flasks of cold tea and bags of munchies Annie had brought along, ‘The route I set out from the map had no traffic when I checked the news this morning, it’s not my fault someone made us make a detour!’

‘Don’t blame this on me George!’ Annie argued ‘I just thought it’d be nice to see some historic landmarks on our trip!’
‘I don’t think your old hairdressers’ is an important historic landmark Annie!’
Annie tutted before replying ‘Yes it is; I can never get my hair cut there again! I can’t exactly stroll in and ask for the usual, not when they all think I’m dead! Keep up George!’

‘Can I have one of the chocolate digestives please Annie?' Mitchell asked
‘Course you can Mitchell’ she replied handing them over.
‘I’m looking forward to two werewolves, a ghost and a vampire joining in at the party time discos’ Nina said smiling
‘Just for the record, I’m not going to be doing the time warp or anything’ Mitchell said
‘I can totally see you joining in with the Macerena’ George laughed which made Mitchell throw a biscuit at him.
‘Don’t throw the food!’ Annie shouted ‘You're supposed to eat it not play with it!’
‘There must be something we can do to pass the time’ Mitchell said yawning

‘Oohh we could play a game! Annie chirped from the backseat which made George groan ‘Oh no it’ll fun!’ she continued ‘How about I spy?! Who wants to go first?!’ and before anyone had a chance to speak Annie carried on ‘Okay I will. I spy with my ghostly eye, something beginning with T.’
‘Traffic’ Nina said
‘Tea, cold tea to be more precise’ George answered taking a sip from one of the flasks.
‘You know I don’t appreciate the lack of excitement in your tone, George’ Annie quipped back ‘and no, it’s not tea, that’d be too easy wouldn’t it?!’
‘Take that’ Mitchell said
‘Yes! How did you know?!’ Annie said
‘Wild guess’ Mitchell said despite the fact they were listening to their greatest hits on the stereo, which Annie had picked out.
Just then, in the distance, the cars started moving off again, the quartet’s holiday was about to begin...

x x

I Hope you like them :)comments will be very much appreciated x x

fanfiction, television: being human

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