CK Icons for Inspired20in20

Jan 16, 2012 05:14

These are icons I made for inspired20in20. The theme of the round was facing our iconning fears and doing some things we might not be good at or might not normally do. Since I'm still relatively new at this, I had lots to choose from, lol. I think some of these worked out better than others. :) Oh, and to be fair, there are two icons from the season finale ( Read more... )

icons, actor: christian kane, tv: leverage

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Comments 16

sigrundora January 16 2012, 11:21:52 UTC
these are so so so pretty :D

i'll be snagging loads




sheryden January 16 2012, 17:31:13 UTC
Thanks! And enjoy! :D


cowboyangel January 16 2012, 12:39:12 UTC
These are gorgeous! I'll be snagging some for future use. BTW, you have now inspired me to go listen to "The House Rules" during my workout :)


sheryden January 16 2012, 17:32:10 UTC
Thanks and enjoy! And have fun working out with Kane. :D


elebridith January 16 2012, 12:51:15 UTC
Red shirt!!!! And a SQUEE icon! I'm snagging #4, would you mind if I use it in my Dreamwidth account?


sheryden January 16 2012, 17:33:12 UTC
Thanks! :D Yep, you can use any of my icons on Dreamwidth!


ionizable January 16 2012, 16:14:11 UTC
great set! i really like how creative your cropping is, and the blending in 05 is perfect C:


sheryden January 16 2012, 17:34:00 UTC
Thanks! I really struggle with blending, so I'm glad it turned out well. :D


jsfunction January 16 2012, 20:34:00 UTC
These are very good icons, colors and crops especially. My favorite is 6, adore the really vivid colors!! Also the shadowy look on 19 = love. 10 is perfect, especially the crop, and love the warmth of 12. 15 has an awesome crop. I also love the browns in 13. I also really love the coloring of 11. Your use of text is otherwise great, but the fonts look a bit pixellated - they could look better with antialiasing on. But like I said, really good set. <3


sheryden January 16 2012, 20:49:12 UTC
Thanks! :D


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