Fic: Just Fish (Leverage, PG, Eliot and Nate)

Dec 31, 2011 20:42

Title: Just Fish
Author: sheryden
Written for: nightcamedown for leverage_sesa.
Characters: Eliot and Nate
Word Count: 1124
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for “The Carnival Job” and “The Experimental Job.”
Rating/Warnings: PG; none
Disclaimer: It they were mine, Eliot would be shirtless a lot, and I would be his love interest.
Summary: Eliot and Nate take a quiet fishing trip ( Read more... )

eliot gets his own tag, fic: leverage

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Comments 19

jesco0307 January 1 2012, 02:07:58 UTC
Why do I feel the urge to go fishing right now? ;)

I like it a lot, you've created such a calm and relaxed atmosphere which I would expect when you pull Eliot out of the city and let him actually go fishing. And although it might have been fun with the whole team, it would have become a whole different fic. Great work on the inside of Nate's head, what he's thinking and how he's seeing Eliot.

Of course Sophie thinks he needs to talk...but I seriously love the ending:

"I just did." - Killer line right here!!!
"Do you want to talk about your drinking?" - valid point, Eliot ;)

Great work, but I don't expect otherwise from you!

Happy New Year!


sheryden January 2 2012, 14:56:57 UTC
Thank you! :) I'm glad I made it just a Nate/Eliot story in the end!


vexed_wench January 1 2012, 02:48:50 UTC
This is really sweet. I do love when you post new Leverage fics.


sheryden January 2 2012, 14:57:09 UTC
Thanks! :)


hollymac_79 January 1 2012, 02:54:36 UTC
This was perfect! Loved the bit with Nate asking Eliot if he wanted to talk about it, and Eliot's comeback about Nate and his drinking. Nate, Eliot does have a point.


sheryden January 2 2012, 14:57:30 UTC
Thanks! :) Yes, he does indeed have a point!


nightcamedown January 1 2012, 03:38:04 UTC
Oh my goodness, I can't believe this is for me! It's just wonderful. The show has given us little hints lately of the quiet time Nate and Eliot spend together, and this is an absolutely perfect and believable extension of that dynamic.

I loved the details about Eliot keeping his dad's rod, and Nate noticing the new scar. Both of those were perfectly in character.

And this part killed me:
Nate cleared his throat and stared at his fishing rod. “Do you, uh, want to talk about it?”

Eliot looked momentarily alarmed. Shaking his head, he plastered a cool expression on his face and turned back toward the pond. “I just did.”

My boys! So good in a crisis, so horrible with Words and Feelings.

Thank you so much ♥


sheryden January 2 2012, 14:58:46 UTC
Yay! I'm glad (and relieved) you liked it! I love their dynamic to bits. Their interaction probably intrigues me more than any other on the show.


elzed January 1 2012, 11:24:51 UTC
Ah, perfect bonding there. And yes, fishing as therapy - just about the kind of stuff Nate and Eliot can manage... ;) Lovely.


sheryden January 2 2012, 14:58:56 UTC
Thanks! :)


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