Poll McPoll

Jul 23, 2011 21:39

I've been writing a lot of the past couple of days. I have one story that might go up tonight, have made some progress on my J2_Kane Big Bang, and am nearly done with the one I'm writing during this round of ficfinishing. The Big Bang Job werewolf fic is coming along.

So help me sort out what to do for the "counseling" prompt for hc_bingo. These are the ones ( Read more... )

writing, hc bingo, poll

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Comments 16

woman_of_ July 24 2011, 06:52:36 UTC
I could help with the fake counseling with Eliot Hadison, are you on Skype or YPM?


sheryden July 24 2011, 20:59:27 UTC
I haven't decided which one I'm doing yet, but if I go with that one, I'll definitely pick your brain! :)


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sheryden July 24 2011, 21:00:05 UTC
I may go there. I'm going to look at the top 3 or 4 choices and see which one sparks my interest. :D


rozabellalove July 24 2011, 18:49:11 UTC
The more I think about it the more I really want to read Eliot and Hardison going to couples counseling for a con, whether they're in a real relationship or not. But does it have to be hurt/comfort? Because I just think that would make such a good scenario for a little bit of comedy :D


sheryden July 24 2011, 21:03:47 UTC
If I do it for the bingo fill, it has to be hurt/comfort. But it can be of the light and airy variety. :D I think that if I go with this prompt, I'll probably have them hash out all of their little grievances with each other and at the end, become closer than they were.


magicisfree July 24 2011, 20:21:45 UTC
oh, so many of those sound so intriguing and I think I'd actually love to read them all. But the one I can't shake off is the last one so that gets my vote :)


sheryden July 24 2011, 21:06:03 UTC
I've been kicking that last one around for a while. I'm intrigued by the idea of Chris keeping his problems to himself and how Steve would react to not only finding out that Chris kept him in the dark but that he didn't realize Chris was having problems.


jesco0307 July 24 2011, 21:04:18 UTC
I like the last one a lot...Chris should know not to keep secrets from Steve :). But I also like Eliot going to counseling...I'd like to see how that plays out.


sheryden July 24 2011, 21:09:12 UTC
I've been kicking around that last idea for a while. I'm intrigued at how Steve would react to Chris keeping his problems (and his attempt to deal with them) from Steve. I think it could cause some friction and maybe some guilt on Steve's part for not recognizing that Chris was having problems.

I've had the Eliot idea in mind for a while, too. Let's face it. The guy is not going to seek help on his own, but he could probably benefit from it.


jesco0307 July 24 2011, 21:20:01 UTC
Definitely, I can't imagine it going without a hitch if Chris keeps all of it to himself. I take it as a good think you've hang on to that idea for a while...better chances to be written some day ;).

Eliot? Seeking help? I don't think so ;).


sheryden July 24 2011, 21:25:23 UTC
Well, I have to write something for this bingo fill, so that might be the one! Right now, it seems to be the direction I'm leaning in, even though it's coming in third on the poll (since I'm not counting the automated bot that always votes for the first poll item). I have to sketch all three of the top ideas out and see how they look once I have an outline.

My main sticking point is that I have to decided exactly what Chris might seek help for. Have any ideas? Maybe his schedule and his anxiety over relationships starts to wear him down?


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