Icons - Eliot and Jared

Jun 28, 2011 02:06

Here are icons for tvcharacter20 and guesswhat10in10. My claims were Eliot Spencer and Jared Padalecki. For the latter one, you had to claim a celebrity, and the mod provided you with ten pictures. You had to use those pictures to make your ten icons.

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eliot gets his own tag, icons

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Comments 29

woman_of_ June 28 2011, 07:00:58 UTC
These are really good, well done!


sheryden June 28 2011, 21:51:37 UTC
Thank you! :)


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sheryden June 28 2011, 21:51:59 UTC
Thanks! :) And enjoy!


rozabellalove June 28 2011, 08:17:23 UTC
#1 on the body parts OMFGYES! :D

Mmmm very nice!


sheryden June 28 2011, 21:52:27 UTC
Thanks! He has very nice body parts to work with. :D


jesco0307 June 28 2011, 09:09:37 UTC
Are you insane? How on earth am I supposed to choose when you make icons like that? Honestly, I'm gonna snag tons of them, credit of course like always.

The full body for Jared really did work out great. Because of the way he's sitting with his arms to the sides, the icon doesn't look "empty". Great work! I love full body and #3 most.


sheryden June 28 2011, 21:53:27 UTC
Thanks! :D Those last ten were a challenge, but it was fun!


hollymac_79 June 28 2011, 11:53:47 UTC
These turned out fantastic! Snagging the whole lot of 'em and will credit when I use.


sheryden June 28 2011, 21:53:41 UTC
Thanks! :D And enjoy!


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