Big Bang Polls

May 16, 2011 13:13

1) The rpf-big-bang is open for business. They have signups for writers and artists. And it can be any RPF--Kane, Trek, Sports. You name it! Go check out the comm and sign up! I have three basic ideas for this one. They can be tweaked, but these are the nuggets I'm thinking about at present.

Poll Big Bang Poll 1

Signups are coming next week for thebigbangjob. I'm excited, because ( Read more... )

eliot gets his own tag, poll

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Comments 14

telaryn May 16 2011, 17:51:18 UTC
Jeff catches Chris trying to steal food from his farm and decides to keep him.

Okay, there is *no* way I'm going to be able to concentrate on work now with the places my brain is going to take this line.

Thankfully it's set in the Depression, so I don't have to clean them up too much before I return them...right? *g*


sheryden May 16 2011, 17:54:10 UTC
LOL! Yeah, if I wind up doing this one, I may let Jeff put Chris over his knee once. Think about that image, lol. And you can return them nice and scuffed up.


telaryn May 16 2011, 18:03:48 UTC
I may let Jeff put Chris over his knee once. Think about that image, lol.


"Dear LOL!PM: Please excuse Telaryn from work today, due to an unexpected case of porn-brain."

(evil Sheryden! EVIL!)


jesco0307 May 16 2011, 18:18:39 UTC
Seriously, what are you trying here? I'm glad work is over and I am at home, no way I would get any work done after all the images going around in my head now.

The first poll? I thought I was save, because the UFO thing got cut the last time and I am really, really, really curious about Chris' secret. And then you throw the last one in there ... and I read your comment to it "I may let Jeff put Chris over his knee once". Yeah, so thanks for multiple choice ;).

a tried and true trope for the Leverage fandom. When all else fails, whump Eliot.

That is so right, lol. But I think I really would like to see eccentric Doctor Ford. That sounds like a whole lot of fun.


sheryden May 16 2011, 18:24:02 UTC
Seriously, what are you trying here? I'm glad work is over and I am at home, no way I would get any work done after all the images going around in my head now.

*mine is an evil laugh*

Yeah, I couldn't help but include that last one in the poll. I've been toying with doing a Chris/JDM story like that, but I didn't know if there would be any interest.

Yes, I like the idea of eccentric Doctor Ford. The whole fantasy world is kind of developing in my head. It could be way fun to write.


pippii May 16 2011, 18:21:38 UTC
I would love the Chris/Steve detective story;)
And I Woted for the Fantasy AU too..
HAppy Writing;)


sheryden May 16 2011, 18:24:45 UTC
Thanks! :D I'm going to have to make a list of due and check in dates. I am bursting at the seams with fic!


kadams27 May 16 2011, 21:43:25 UTC
Thank god its the evening here and I'm not trying to work cos seriously I love all your ideas and my mind is whirring!!

And Chris over Jeffs knee.... gulp.... *steps away to find bucket of ice*


sheryden May 16 2011, 23:30:34 UTC
LOL! Thanks! :D Hopefully, I can make one of them work!


elebridith May 17 2011, 11:51:15 UTC
Oh... that was multiple choice? *headdesk* Yeah, UFO won by a millimeter over Chris/Jeff... so, meow....

Eccentric Dr. Ford? Oh hell yes. *lol*


sheryden May 17 2011, 15:22:38 UTC
Yeah, UFO won by a millimeter over Chris/Jeff... so, meow....

That's okay, 'cuz I actually have a plot for that one, lol. I'll probably save the other idea, though!

Eccentric Doctor Ford will be fun.


elebridith May 18 2011, 08:01:26 UTC
Save it. *nods* It will pop up again with a plot at the most inconvenient time, if the bunny is behaving remotely like mine... *lol*


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