Leverage20in20 - Eliot - The Tap-Out Job

Apr 24, 2011 13:01

Okay, I'm trying to challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone and learn something that I'm not naturally good at. So...I've decided to join a couple of 20in20 icon communities. These were done for leverage20in20. My claim was Eliot in "The Tap-Out Job." *hides*

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eliot gets his own tag, icons, tv: leverage

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Comments 23

hollymac_79 April 24 2011, 17:06:44 UTC
These look really good. I'm gonna be snagging a few of these and will credit when I use.


sheryden April 24 2011, 17:13:03 UTC
Thanks, hon. :)


scout_lover April 24 2011, 17:16:18 UTC
Oh, man, these are gorgeous! I just might snag a few, especially the WTF? one. As well as the close crop, and the lonely, and … yeah. Wiff definitely credit. ;)


sheryden April 24 2011, 17:17:09 UTC
Thanks, hon. :) I was really nervous about posting these.


theron09 April 24 2011, 17:55:08 UTC
I can't believe this is out of your comfort zone! These are really wonderful - is it okay if I snag a few? I'll credit, of course :)


sheryden April 24 2011, 17:56:17 UTC
Yeah, feel free to snag. :) And thanks!


mousewings April 24 2011, 18:41:13 UTC
Those look really good. :)


sheryden April 24 2011, 18:41:50 UTC
Thanks! :)


melodious329 April 24 2011, 21:48:53 UTC
These are really great and some great scenes. I'll be back later to take some :)


sheryden April 24 2011, 21:53:08 UTC
Thanks, hon! :)


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