I'm on your LJ, spamming your flist

Mar 03, 2009 17:10

Snagged from punklegolas:

Give me a character from any fandom you know I know and I will tell you:a. My favourite thing about that character ( Read more... )

memes: fandom

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Comments 17

betterthanlegos March 3 2009, 22:34:34 UTC
Matt Parkman :)


sheryden March 4 2009, 01:23:23 UTC
a. I love that he is a decent, regular guy who has been thrust into a world that he just can't wrap his mind around. He's just such a good man, and he has a tremendous amount of inner strength. I love that he's not cool and collected, but rather he's kind of kind of freaking out and making mistakes.
b. He's stubborn, which leads to disagreements with his hot, touchy-feely co-parent.
c. Mohinder!
d. Hmmm... I think he'd be pretty well matched with someone like Toshiko Sato.
e. The X-Men, so Emma could teach Matt how to be the mental bad-ass we all know he can be.
f. Sylar.
g. Mad World by Tears for Fears
h. Tales from Bizzaro World
i. That the people he loved all died, and he was left alone.
j. Well, odds are against a death due to natural causes. He'll probably sacrifice himself for someone he loves.


mesmorizee March 3 2009, 22:46:32 UTC
Sayid. ;p


sheryden March 4 2009, 01:48:27 UTC
a. I love his complexity. I was just rewatching "The Greater Good" and "One of Them" the other day. Those episodes revealed the moral conflict that seems to permeate his life. And what struck me about "One of Them" in particular is that he was scared. Naveen Andrews played him as a scared young man during the first parts of the flashbacks, and after Inman left him in the desert, you could see the change in him. Just... wow.
b. There's really not much I dislike about him. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but it's true!
c. Okay, this one might sound weird, but one of my new interests is Sun/Sayid. Specifically, I would like to have seen them, both vulnerable, turn to each other while they were off the island. It wouldn't necessarily be a full-on romance, but rather two friends seeking comfort. I read one really good fic that touched on that idea, and now I'm hooked.
d. I think it would be interesting to see him hook up with someone like Ziva, from NCIS. She's a tough woman, and I think she could handle him.
e. Heroes. He ( ... )


mrslinus17 March 5 2009, 07:42:49 UTC
Sun/Sayid! Another shipper, finally!


mousewings March 3 2009, 22:47:10 UTC
Topher Brink the hot mindwipe guy.


sheryden March 4 2009, 01:52:58 UTC
a. I like his quirkiness. He was the first character on the show I connected with.
b. His creepy amorality.
c. Possibly Boyd.
d. How about Faith from BtVS
e. I'd like to see him interact with the crew of Serenity.
f. Echo.
g. Oh, shoot. I forgot the song. Eek! I can't think of anything. D:
h. Clean Slate, Tales of a Mindwiper
i. I don't know... Maybe that he accidentally wiped his own mind...
j. He'll probably die peacefully of old age.


galacticmist March 3 2009, 22:47:18 UTC
Hmm... Who to choose this time... Dr. Carson Beckett. :D


shinealightonme March 3 2009, 22:57:02 UTC
Chekov! ^_^


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