Anyone available?

Sep 07, 2012 11:22

Anyone able to look over a Leverage or Kane story for me this weekend? The Leverage is a short one, and it takes priority since it's for a challenge. I don't need a rush job or a grammar queen or anything... just another pair of eyes to feel out some ideas I have.

I'm a work right now, but I could send something off later this afternoon.

writing, question

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Comments 5

jesco0307 September 7 2012, 15:29:59 UTC
You don't even have to ask...just send it over! Unless it's for Leverageland of course, since it would probably be for a voting challenge :).


sheryden September 7 2012, 15:34:44 UTC
Thanks! No, none of them are for LL, so no worries! I'm at the office right now, but I'll send it later on! How are you doing?


jesco0307 September 7 2012, 15:37:52 UTC
Besides being stressed, tired and sick? I want to write my Kane fic, but I don't seem to find time :(. On the other hand I just had an idea for one of the challenges, so that's something...and it's Friday, so everything looks better ;).


sheryden September 7 2012, 15:39:57 UTC
Yeah, I know the feeling. I never seem to have time to settle down and really write the way I used to. And when I do have time, I'm exhausted.

Ugh, I'm sorry your sick. But at least it's Friday!


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