Updatey McUpdate

Aug 26, 2012 16:46

1) Had a nice time at a backyard BBQ with friends last night. I tasted Bacon-flavored soda pop and PBJ-flavored soda pop. We unanimously decided that Bacon-flavored soda is a big no, lol ( Read more... )

rl: family, i like lists, tv: leverage, rl: teaching

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Comments 3

jesco0307 August 26 2012, 20:54:51 UTC
Bacon.flavored soda pop sounds disgusting. Obviously it is, lol. But I'm happy to hear you had a nice time!

I'm sure you're gonna be fine! Why does stuff like that always seem to be far in the future and then suddenly it's right there?

Tell me about being blocked. I have a fic open which I really, really should work on right now...well, I am commenting, so I'm at least writing. ;)

I have to admit I googled D.B. Cooper. And now I'm half-way excited? I'm not sure what to expect and if it's like The Van Gogh job then I'm not looking too forward to it. But I went against my own rules and peaked on pics from episode 7...and I'm a little excited about that one now, lol.


sheryden August 26 2012, 22:18:50 UTC
I didn't like The Van Gogh Job at all, but I think tonight's episode will just be fun. Plus, I'm excited about their returning guest star (being vague in case you haven't seen the preview clip).

Which one is episode 7? Link me to said pics please. :D


jesco0307 August 26 2012, 22:55:47 UTC
As usual we agree on liking or disliking episodes, lol. Yes, please be vague because I have no clue!


Dean Devlin tweeted this earlier, I didn't read it but went against my habit and actually looked at the pics...pic 2 had me giggle and pic 5? OMG is all I have to say to that.


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