
May 17, 2012 14:13

I really need to buy a new mattress in the next few months. I probably won't be able to get one until October, but I'm shopping around to see what would be best. I have chronic back problems, so I've been looking at one of those memory foam mattresses. Is it worth the extra money? What about the memory foam gel? I don't have the money to spend ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

kimberlyfdr May 17 2012, 18:41:33 UTC
I had been considering a memory foam for a while, but I wanted to try it out before shelling out that kind of money. However, they had one at a con I went to and I can honestly say that was the best night of sleep I've ever had. My mattress still has a year or two left on it, but the next buy will be a memory foam!


magicbus3 May 17 2012, 21:39:49 UTC
I have a combined mattress, the main part is open spring (the traditional type of mattress) and it has about a 2 inch memory foam layer on top. I have to say that it is simply the greatest thing EVER. I love my bed, and would never go back to a normal mattress, it's so supportive and comfortable.

When I went to buy mine the saleswoman said that some people find that a solely memory foam mattress is difficult to get of as you you sink into it during the night. Also, they do create heat (that's how they work, your body heat makes the foam move) so it can get quite hot. I'm always cold so I don't have a problem with that, but it would be another thing to consider. Another thing that is good about a combined mattress is that it is cheaper than a full memory foam one. There is a option of getting a memory foam topper, which you can add to any mattress with much the same effect as a combined one.

OK, sales pitch'll have to let us know, what you go for. :)


kadams27 May 17 2012, 23:30:03 UTC
I have a memory foam mattress because hubby has lower back & also shoulder issues. He loves it & I've had some of the best nights sleep ever on it (when I don't have insomnia!) It's true that it can get warm but I just use a lighter cover now. We had a combined one before with a layer of memory foam and that was great too, I just prefer the full memory foam one


fleurlb May 18 2012, 07:35:31 UTC
For Christmas a few years ago, I was given a memory foam 'topper' for our mattress. We already had an exceptionally comfortable mattress (Simmons Beautyrest) and I was skeptical of the value of the foam topper.

My goodness - the thing is a miracle. I love it and couldn't imagine sleeping every night without it. The way it molds to your body is amazing. It creates a comfy little nest for you to sleep in.

Can't say enough good things about our topper, so I can only think that an entire memory foam mattress would be incredible. I imagine they're pricey, though, so keep in mind that a topper on a good quality mattress is probably a decent alternative.


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