Fic Challenge - Conclusion

Dec 25, 2007 12:01

Hello and happy christmas. I apologise a hell of a lot for the delay in posting this fic. I seemed to have had the worst case of writers block than i have ever had before. In that not only did everything sound awful, but i could barely bring myself to open a word document. I'm praying that it's over now, as even though i'm not satisfied with this chapter, i still managed to write it. It is however quite short, with not much of a plot, but it's still a conclusion to th story that i really loved helping to write.

I hope everyone enjoys it. It's mainly just some fluff for the holday season.

Fic Challenge Conclusion
Pairings: Ryan/Brad, Drew/Greg, Colin/Wayne, Chip/Jeff
Words: 1,050

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. Little birds twittered in low branches, ready to turn in for an early night. A light breeze flustered a collection of fallen leaves into a dizzy circle, sweeping and swaying across the gravelled driveway, coming to rest next to the wheel of a parked car from which the back-end of a person could be seen protruding from the trunk.

‘Could someone please give me a hand?’ The person called with a grunt, his arms currently laden with a few heavy looking boxes.

‘Um...guys?’ Standing up with an annoyed roll of his eyes, Drew surveyed his near surroundings, and found them deserted.

‘Hey!’ He called loudly, receiving a few chuckles in response, coming from the large house in front of him. After a few moments with Drew standing with his hands on his hips, glaring in the direction of the laughter, a lone figure appeared, carrying a glass of wine.

‘You called?’ Greg asked with a smirk, tipping his glass to his lips to take a lazy sip. From his position at the back of his car, Drew glared.

‘These boxes aren’t going to move themselves.’ He grumbled as Greg came forward down the driveway, favouring his left leg ever so slightly. Turning around he yelled back into the house.


With an audible sigh and a wipe of his brow, Wayne trotted out of the doorway and down to the car.

‘What am I, a pack horse?’ He muttered under his breath, passing Greg and hurrying over to Drew to help him with the last few boxes. Stifling giggles, Greg took another sip of his drink and turned on his heel, heading back inside.

As he entered the house he was met with a wave of warmth and noise. With the stairs directly in front of him, Greg grabbed hold of the bottom banister and pulled himself around a large pile of boxes and assorted junk, hobbling over to an open doorway on his left. Standing in the doorway he took a deep breath as his face lit up in a smile.

‘Drew and Wayne are just heaving the last of the boxes in.’ He said, surveying the room and its occupants. To his right, manhandling a large bookcase against the wall, Chip and Jeff turned as one and nodded at him, identical expressions of weary amusement on their faces. Muttered swear words followed as they tipped it this way and that in an attempt to shuffle it across the room.

At the far end, surrounded by packing crates and more furniture, were Brad and Ryan. Both looked exhausted but happy as they organised the people around them.

‘Where do you want these?’ Wayne asked, striding into the room with the last two boxes, Drew quick on his heel, offering a fluttering hand and a worried look as Wayne did all the work. Brad grinned at his friends and gestured next to the fireplace.

‘Push!’ Jeff exclaimed at Chip as the bookcase slid the last few inches and came to rest.

With a very loud, attention seeking sigh, Chip finally let go of the awkward piece of furniture and sunk down the wall, shaking his head.

‘Next time you guys wanna move house, and you ask for my help...I’m busy.’ He muttered with a small smile as Jeff sat down next to him and ruffled his hair affectionately. Brad giggled and Ryan shrugged.

‘That’s fine.’ He agreed with a pointed look. ‘We’ll just find other friends to invite to New Years.’ This earned a pained whine from Chip and laughter from the rest of the group.

‘But seriously,’ Ryan continued, his tone suddenly sombre. He looked around at his friends, collected in him and Brad’s brand new living room, and gestured around him.

‘We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you guys. It really means a lot that you could all be here today.’ He stuttered, his face taking an uncharacteristic flush as Brad grinned and slipped a hand into his.

‘What Ryan is trying to say is thank you.’ He said with a soft smile, his eyes lighting up as he looked around the room.

‘Has Ryan finally gone sappy on us?’ A figure asked from the doorway, his torso covered in a red striped apron, his hands adorned with gloves, a silver tray held tightly between them. Ryan growled and rolled his eyes at his oldest friend, gesturing him into the room.

‘Shut up and bring those cookies over here.’ He grumbled with a grin, reaching out to grab Colin into a hug as soon as he got close enough. Protesting, Colin held the cookies protectively out of the way as Ryan enveloped him tightly.

‘So Colin, how did the kitchen christening go?’ Brad asked as Colin offered the sugary treats around to the group.

‘Oh it was good. It’s really very well equipped.’ He beamed, turning around quickly to bat Chip and Jeff’s greedy fingers away from the quickly disappearing cookies.

‘Just take one at first.’ He tutted sternly at two pairs of smirking, upturned eyes as the pair dissolved into giggles.

Placing the plate down on a taped-up box and throwing off the gloves, Colin took a seat next to Wayne as Drew went to perch on the end arm of a temporarily positioned easy chair that Greg had claimed a few moments before.

Sitting down on the floor in front of the fireplace, Brad and Ryan quickly handed out crystal glasses around the group, following them with a large bottle of Champagne. When everyone had poured themselves a glass and sat back to relax, Greg raised his glass in the air and addressed the couple sat before him.

‘Happy new home, guys.’ He said with a soft smile, his arm looping around Drew’s shoulders. Brad and Ryan raised their glasses to the room, both with huge smiles on their faces.

‘And Happy Christmas.’

As the others all joined in the toast, Ryan and Brad turned to each other, their gazes locking for a few moments. Ryan reached out and laid a gentle hand on top of Brad’s, squeezing his fingers tenderly. Brad squeezed back, his eyes never leaving Ryan’s.

‘Happy Christmas, baby...’ Ryan muttered softly, drawing Brad to him for a kiss.

‘...I love you.’

The End - finally.

fic challenge: march 2007

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