Fic Challenge - Chapter 22

Oct 14, 2007 03:52

Ok, here it is. Im kinda sad at the moment though so im not sure if it's any good. I dont feel anything when i read it. Hrm.

Theme: Simplicity
Words: 926
Disclaimer: Dont own them.

‘Hey, careful now.’

‘I know.’ Greg replied with a smirk, giving Drew a look out of the corner of his eye. Drew shook his head, reaching behind Greg to close the car door without letting go of the other mans’ arm.

Then together they slowly made their way towards the house, arm in arm, with Drew watching Greg’s every move with concerned attention. They had made it about halfway before Greg pulled Drew to a stop.

‘Drew. I’m fine.’ Greg said with a patient smile, giving a reassuring squeeze to Drew’s hand that was resting gently on his forearm.

Drew frowned. ‘But I...’ He began, before being silenced by another poignant look. ‘Ok.’ He relented with a smile, letting Greg lead the way to the front door.

They were a few paces in front of it when it swung open, making Greg jump in surprise and Drew frown again and tighten his grip. In the doorway, his head brushing the top of the wood, was an amused looking Ryan. Just behind him Brad was sat on the stairs, his arms resting on his knees.

Ryan shook his head and grinned at Drew.

‘He flapping again?’ Ryan asked, his gaze shifting from Drew to Greg. Drew huffed as Greg chuckled.

‘Yeah, he’s flapping.’

‘I am not.’ Drew muttered under his breath as he helped Greg into the house and shut the door behind him.

‘It’s ok.’ Greg whispered to him in the hallway. ‘I kinda like it.’

Drew was beaming as Greg pulled away and let Ryan and then Brad hug him and lead him through into the living room.

‘Welcome home.’ Wayne grinned from his position on the couch next to Colin.

‘It’s great to have you back with us, man.’ Chip offered with a glance beside him at Jeff, who nodded enthusiastically.

They all went to stand up but Greg ushered them back down, letting Drew help him sit down in a large armchair by the door. Drew perched on the chair’s over-stuffed arm as Brad and Ryan chose their own seats.

There was a beat of silence as everyone stared at Greg and Greg stared back.

‘Jesus Christ!’ Greg cried, shaking his head. ‘I’m fine.’ He looked around the room at the others, silently pleading with them to relax. Wayne and Colin looked at each other. Chip and
Jeff looked at the floor. Brad stared back at him as if trying to think of something to say.

Ryan smirked.

‘Yeah, you’re still an asshole.’

Greg threw his head back and laughed, almost knocking Drew off the arm of his chair. Drew righted himself and rolled his eyes with a giggle.

‘Yeah. There’s no cure for that.’ He said.

Greg turned to him in mock protest, pushing him off the chair again. Drew exclaimed loudly as he fell to the floor and the rest of the group erupted in laughter and relaxed further down into their seats.

‘But seriously man,’ Brad interrupted the fading titters. ‘I can’t tell you how good it is to have you back here.’ He said with a shy smile, his fingers loosely entwining with Ryan’s and pulling him closer to his side.

‘Brad’s right. You had us pretty worried there.’ Colin interjected with a small shrug.
Greg quietened and his face softened as he looked around at his friends.

‘To tell you the truth, I was worried myself for a while.’ He said, looking down at his lap and then over at Drew who was gazing fondly down at him. ‘And not just for me.’

Nodding, Drew reached down and took Greg’s hand in his and held it gently. He then turned to the rest of the group, taking a deep breath.

‘There was another reason for me inviting you guys over tonight. Greg asked me something while he was in the hospital - something that no one has ever asked me before. And I wanted you guys to be the first to know...’

Drew took another steadying breath, glancing down at Greg who encouraged him with a nod of his head and a tight squeeze to his hand.

‘...Greg and I are getting married.’

All at once the room was filled with noise.

Ignoring Greg’s protests everyone got up and hurried over to him and Drew, hugging them and patting them on the back, congratulating them both with earnest. A little overwhelmed, Greg allowed this to continue for a short while before waving his arms in the air with a grimace.

‘Ok ok, you know how I said I was fine - well that only works if I can breathe.’ He stated firmly, shooing the others back to their side of the room.

When they were seated again, Greg broke into a huge grin.

‘You guys’ll be there, right?’

He didn’t have to ask twice as the group once again erupted in congratulations and laughter, which soon made way for excited chatter and eager gossip.

‘Hey, this calls for drinks.’ Ryan exclaimed, getting up from the couch to head for the kitchen.

‘I’ll help you.’ Brad replied, following him.

While they were waiting for Ryan and Brad to return, the rest of the group settled down into relaxed conversation. Colin and Wayne chatted easily with Chip and Jeff, the four of them laughing and joking together with the ease of long companionship.

Drew looked down at Greg and smiled.

‘Right now, I can’t imagine being anywhere else but here.’ He said, looking over at their friends. Greg nodded.

‘This is how it’s meant to be.’



fic challenge: march 2007

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