WLIIA fanfic challenge, chapter twenty-one : Room (Ry/Brad, Drew/Greg, Colin/Wayne)

Oct 05, 2007 12:50

Chapter number: 21
Chapter theme: room
Word count: 752
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: not making any assumptions about anyone portrayed within, not making any money.
Author's notes: I do realise that this chapter is about two thirds Drew/Greg, but really, with the way Shandi left it...are you really going to blame me? :) And this is my last chapter as well. Oh and I think I managed to include the chapter title in the most vague possible way. Good luck to the next player.

”Drew, will you...”

He paused, chewing on his lower lip, needing to get the words out just perfectly. And he could think of more suitable places to do this than in an hospital room filled with electrical stuff and stark white walls, but this was something he needed to do right now.  Gazing into Drew’s eyes, he smiled gently, knowing that those five words were perfect just as they were.

“Drew, will you marry me?”

The absolute stunned look on his lover’s face made him giggle, feeling still somewhat drunk on the meds. But still more sure of this than he had been of anything in his whole life.

“Well,” he teased, “aren’t you going to answer me?” Scooting closer, his hand was still on Drew’s face, fingertips tracing the arch of a curved eyebrow, the line of a smooth forehead, the fullness of those sweet, sweet lips…

“I think I may still be dreaming,” Drew whispered back, keeping perfectly still.

Frowning slightly, Greg tapped a finger against his chin.

“Why so?”

“You just asked me to marry you.”

“Of course I did. Why are you whispering?”

“I don’t want to wake up.”

“Oh. I see. This is going to be a little complicated.”

Now the frown was on Drew’s face.

“How come?”

“I don’t think that they’ll let me marry a sleeping man. Even one as cute as you.”

Taking hold of Greg’s hand, Drew placed a kiss on his palm.

“You sure it’s not the meds talking?”

“Absolutely. I’m surer of this than I’ve ever been about anything.”

“In that case…”

Greg was holding his breath.

“Yes. I will marry you.” Holding Greg’s hand in a grip so strong it was nearly painful. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

Realising that he had been more nervous about Drew’s answer than he had expected, Greg couldn’t stop a wide, relieved grin.

“Oh that’s good.” He looked up to find Drew studying him with thoughtful brown eyes.

“You thought I was gonna say no?”

“No, Not really…” Greg lay back in the bed, watching Drew while still holding on to his hand. “I guess I was a little nervous…that maybe you didn’t want more. That you were happy with things the way they were.”

He didn’t quite know how to explain the need for something more tangible. It wasn’t like he didn’t already know that Drew was committed to him, how committed they were to each other. But actually saying those words, asking Drew to marry him…it sort of felt like a lucky charm to make sure that they were going to be together forever. Nearly losing himself in flowering descriptions of what magical properties their union would have, Greg paused. Of course, that could be the meds talking…

“I love you,” he opted for in the end. “I want to marry you. I want to make sure that we’re going to be together forever.”

“We will.” Drew’s hand gently smoothed down his curls as Greg succumbed to the effect of the strong pain medication. “Trust me; I’m not letting you go.”


“Brad, will you…”

“What?” Brad’s voice came out foreign even to his own ears; the fact that all he pretty much could hear was his own pounding heartbeat in his ears might have something to do with that.

“Will you stay the night?”

Not bothering to fight the smile that threatened to take over his face, Brad nodded.

“Yes. Yes, I will.”

Leaning in to place another kiss on Ryan’s lips, he suddenly chuckled.

“Do you think we’ll actually make it to a bed room this time?”


Wayne waited for a little while, cocking his head to look expectantly at Colin.

“Will I what?” he replied with a smile.

Standing in the doorway, Colin rubbed a self-conscious hand over his head. Stepping back into the room, he met Wayne’s eyes.

“I… I just wanted to ask, do you want to… I mean, there’s this new movie playing that I thought you might like…”

“Why Colin, are you asking me out on a date?”

Smile growing, Wayne leaned back in the couch. He was a bit amazed of how quickly the nervous feelings he had been harbouring about this, dissipated. And apparently Colin had been every bit as nervous as he. A giddy feeling spread inside of him as Colin smiled back. Getting out of the couch and striding across the floor, Wayne pulled Colin to him.

“Let’s forget about the wine, I just thought of something I’d rather have..."

fic challenge: march 2007

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