Everything You Want - Chapter 2

Oct 03, 2007 18:00

Title: Everything You Want
Chapter: 2/5
Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway
Genre: Slash
Pairing(s): Brad/Ryan, past Greg/Ryan, unrequited Brad/Wayne
Warnings: Language and sex!
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making money from this.
A/N: AUish, in that neither Brad or Ryan are (or ever have been) married. Other than that, the RL timeline is basically the same.
I suck so much at sex scenes. Which is ironic - you'd think 'sucking' would give me an advantage.


Day Two

Brad glanced down at Ryan's side after opening the door to him.

"A suitcase. How efficient," he winked and stood back to let Ryan in, "I like that."

Ryan smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't think you'd give in so easily," Brad continued with a slanted smile, "I thought you'd fight to stay home at nights."

Ryan shrugged, "You're in charge, remember? Besides, I really do like it here."

Brad smiled, genuinely this time, "Good." He shut the door and made towards the hallway, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back in a second."

Ryan put his suitcase by the door and hung his coat up before looking around the room. There was something oddly different about it. The stack of papers on the computer desk had been tidied away, but there was something else. His eyes fell on the photographs. He wandered over to them and looked at them properly. He giggled again at Chip and Drew feeding each other, a couple of Brad's dog, an elderly women he assumed was Brad's mother, a rather sweet one of Colin giving Ryan bunny ears and some various pictures of people he didn't recognise. He looked over them one more time in confusion. Then it hit him. The picture of Brad and Wayne was missing. There was a dark mark where it had previously stood.

"Okay, back," said Brad, rounding the corner and retracting his hand from his pocket. At first he looked a little affronted that Ryan was looking at his photographs, but then he smiled, "They're lovely, aren't they?"

Ryan pointed at the one of himself and Colin, "I don't even remember that."

Brad clapped his back, "Well, you were pretty pissed. Turns out we'd all been spiking your drinks."

Ryan snorted and joined Brad on the couch, "Are we just going to talk again?"


"About what?"

"Well, you picked the topic yesterday, so I'll pick one today," he stared at Ryan intently, "Us."

Ryan felt something heavy drop inside him, "Us?"

"Us. Specifically, your feelings for me."

Ryan licked his lips nervously, "W-why...why do you need to...?"

"I just do."

Ryan swallowed, "Okay, well...uh..."

Where the hell was he supposed to begin? The beginning..?

He took a deep breath, "I met you at Second City. My first impression of you was..." he paused for a moment to laugh, "I remember you...you were wearing this shirt that was...red, I think, and it had about a million little gold sequins on the cuffs."

Brad covered his eyes with his hand, "Well, that must have tipped you off about my sexuality..."

"Actually, I didn't realise you were gay for a long time. I always saw you as a ladies' man, a stud." Ryan laughed again, "But yeah, the shirts should have been a big clue!"

"So, you thought I was straight...how did you feel about that?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"You can say 'indifference', it won't hurt me."

"Indifference, then. I just didn't think of you in that way."

"Fair enough."

"At least, not at first."

Brad shifted his position on the couch.

Ryan cleared his throat, "Uh...a couple of months after I met you...you may remember we went for a drink. With all the Second City guys. And we somehow got separated from them and had a long talk."

"I remember."

"Well, it was...it was then I realised..." he scratched the back of his neck nervously and sighed resignedly, "It wasn't anything more than a crush, I think. It was only for about a week. But every time I saw you, I just wanted to...you know?"

Brad nodded, "I know."

"But then I had to go to England for Whose Line, and those feelings just disappeared. Just like that." He noted Brad's slightly disappointed look, "I never forgot you, though."

"Obviously," Brad said with a small smile, "Or you wouldn't have called me out of the blue and told me to audition for Whose Line."

"I needed you, then," Ryan said in a low tone, "I thought you'd be the perfect distraction."


"By now, I'd met Greg."


"That was love. I was sure of it. With you, I never knew exactly how far my affection reached, but with Greg...it was clear, right from the start."

Brad chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, Brad, but it's true. And it was painful. I needed you to come back. I needed someone else to pine after."

"It didn't work, though, did it? You barely spoke to me, even when I tried to thank you for getting me on Whose Line."

Ryan looked down at his lap, "Sorry. Again."

"Don't apologise," Brad said softly, "I know what it's like to be too far gone."

"If it's of any comfort, I really did miss you when you left. For you. Not for the distraction."

Brad chuckled again, "I should hope so. You two were dating when I left. And when I came back, in fact."

Ryan smiled, "Did you ever figure out that that was my idea?"

"Yep. Well, 'figure out' is probably the wrong phrase to use. Greg told me the first time he saw me." Brad leaned back into the couch, "I never would have figured it out, though."

Ryan's smile widened, "I told you, I missed you."

"As a friend."

"Yeah...as a friend."

A silence that wasn't uncomfortable (but also wasn't enjoyable) fell upon the room. Ryan wondered for a moment if Brad was going to bring up the issue of Greg leaving, but after a couple of minutes Brad stood up and got a medium-sized notebook out of the computer desk drawer. He handed it to Ryan.

"I guess you want to know my feelings, now," he said.

Ryan didn't really want to know any more than he already did, but he took the book. He was sure unwanted information was going to crop up throughout the week anyway.

"It's my diary," Brad explained, "My old diary. It starts around the time I joined Whose Line."

Ryan ran his hand along the spine; Brad had obviously kept this diary for some time. The extra papers were leaking around the edges and the cover was bulging and creased.

"I know you don't care how I feel," Brad continued, "But I think you ought to know...and this is a good a way as any."

"I do care," Ryan said, still perusing the diary.

Brad smiled, "Then you don't want to care."

Ryan looked up, fully prepared to deny that, but he found himself lost for a counter-argument. It was true, he didn't want to care. He wanted to bury himself in denial and think of Greg. But he had a disproportionate amount of compassion which made him want to help Brad, no matter what that entailed; sitting with him, listening to him, giving him full control of Ryan's life for a week...

"Can you tell me what happened between you and Greg?"

Ryan's teeth clenched of their own accord, "Must I?"

"Not if you don't want to," Brad said in an annoyingly casual tone, "I'm just curious."

Ryan considered for a moment, "Okay. I'll tell you about me and Greg...if you tell me what happened between you and Wayne."

Brad's face fell, "But I-"

"Not if you don't want to," Ryan said, mimicking Brad's casual tone, "I'm just curious."

To his surprise, Brad laughed. "You're pure evil!" he said, "Okay, sure, you wanna know what happened, I'll tell you. We met, we screwed, and now we don't speak."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "That's it?"

"You sound unimpressed. Were you expecting drugs and violence?"

Ryan blushed a little, "No."

"In all honesty," Brad said, his tone suddenly quiet and much heavier, "I wish it had been more. I wish he had been violent and mean. At least then it wouldn't be pathetic of me to cry over him every night. But the fact is it was just sex. It was just sex...and then it was nothing. It was like he didn't care."

"I think that's a good enough reason to be upset," Ryan said gently, "You shouldn't feel guilty or stupid for mourning a loss. Because that's what it is, Brad, you're mourning a loss. Wayne obviously meant a great deal to you, even if he didn't return the affection in the way you wanted him to." He let Brad eke out a few tears before taking a deep breath, "That's what happened between me and Greg."

"What, Greg didn't care about you?" Brad said, sniffling a little, "I find that hard to believe, you were together for years."

"No, I'm sure he did care about me. At first. But...I don't know, something changed. Everything seemed to be sped up like it was a chore. Conversation would consist of a few quickfire questions over dinner, sex would be a quick fuck before work. The spark left. And so did he..."


"What do you mean you're leaving!?"

"It's too damn hard, Ry! This isn't a relationship any more, it's just two people in the same place at the same time. We only lasted this long because it was there and it was easier than facing the truth."

"Greg, I want this because I love you! Please, don't..."

"I've made up my mind. I'm sorry I didn't have the guts to do this before, it would have saved us both a lot of hurting."

"Don't! Don't go!"

"I have to. Ryan, let go. Please."

"No! I want you to stay! You know you'll just end up back here! YOU LOVE ME!"

"Ryan. Honey. Of course I love you. But you're not what I need. I'm not what you want. And it'll be better for you, I swear, if I leave."

"Greg! Greg, don't...please, get out of the car. Don't go. We can talk abou- Greg! GREG!"


The memory of his own screams echoed in his head for the rest of the afternoon.

It was early evening before his concentration was fully back on Brad.

Who was sporting a very strange smile.


Ryan's head knocked painfully against the bedroom door as Brad pressed him up against it and kissed him hard. His hands worked furiously across the buttons on Ryan's shirt until it lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. Ryan remained still, paralysed with indecision; on the one hand, Brad was supposed to be telling him what to do, and he hadn't said one word about reciprocation; on the other, Brad had admitted his love for Ryan, so surely he couldn't be too put out if Ryan acted spontaneously. There was, he was forced to admit, a third hand - Brad was damn good, and Ryan couldn't help himself. That sensation of Brad's calloused lips against his own; that warm, comforting 'Sherwood' smell laced with a tinge of sweat; that sweet and slightly smoky taste of his tongue; that quietly subtle yet passionately heavy breathing buried at the base of his throat.

Ryan brought his hands up to the back of Brad's head and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Brad neither said nor did anything to stop him. Ryan murmured against Brad's lips as his hands glided along his body, gripping at the hem of Ryan's t-shirt and pulling it off in one fluid movement.

Brad backed away for a moment to breathlessly say, "Now you undress me."

Ryan wasted no time in pulling off Brad's shirt, exposing his chest and stomach which were a lot more toned than he'd expected. He dipped down to kiss along Brad's chest and trace his tongue around his nipples. It was strangely exciting to hear Brad moan under his touch. He reached down and slid his hand inside Brad's jeans, too impatient to take them off first, but Brad grabbed his wrist and looked at him with a small grin and twinkling eyes.

"Not yet," he whispered, leading Ryan over to his bed and sitting him down on it. He pushed Ryan down so he was lying on his back, then crawled on top of him and pressed kisses onto his lips. Ryan squirmed underneath him, but Brad kept him pinned down, moving away from his lips to trail kisses along his jawline, across his chest and over his stomach. He hovered over Ryan's crotch, fiddling almost idly with the zipper on his jeans.

"Just lie still, Ryan," Brad instructed, "I'll do all the work. It'll be over before you know it..."

Ryan closed his eyes as Brad undid his flies and his eager erection sprang out. He heard Brad's impressed murmur and smiled to himself.

It was a while before Brad made any movement. Maybe he was relishing the moment, knowing that he couldn't get another, or maybe he was scared of having his fantasy come true, or maybe he was just teasing.

Finally Ryan felt Brad's hand grasp lightly but firmly at the base of his cock. Brad ran his hand smoothly and very slowly up his shaft and back down again, stirring a gentle pleasure deep within Ryan. Brad tightened his grip just a little and pumped again, this time slightly quicker. Ryan felt a bead of sweat trail down his face as Brad got harder and faster. His groin burned, his back arched and he gave a deep groan as he felt he was about to come.

"Don't...stop!" Ryan gasped as Brad suddenly withdrew his hand.

"Who's in charge of who, here?" Brad said, ducking his head down.

Ryan had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from screaming as Brad ran his tongue slowly and definitely up his dick, then skillfully tickled and danced around the rim. It was all Ryan needed to see stars. He gripped the duvet and moaned as he came into Brad's mouth. He lay prone and panting as Brad licked around his dick for a little while longer, then lay beside him, smiling softly.

"Fucking hell..." Ryan ran his hand across his sweat-drenched face. He'd never experienced anything like that before. His entire body was tingling, his head was pounding, his crotch was throbbing...and he wanted more. He started to run his hand over Brad's thigh towards his crotch, but Brad held his wrist and stopped him again.

"Why?" Ryan croaked out.

"Because I'm pure evil, too," Brad whispered, "and I want you to feel wrong for wanting this...until tomorrow night." He ran his hand through Ryan's hair, "Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

The light went out with a click. All Ryan could do was stare into the dark room and try to push away the even darker temptations lurking in the back of his mind.


fic: sess_satan - everything you want

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