Fic Challenge - Chapter 19

Sep 28, 2007 23:29

Chapter Number: 19.
Chapter Theme: Dusk.
Word Count: 984.
Warnings: Nothing really
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making any money from this.

Greg let out a soft moan as he surfaced from sleep, his eyes blinking as they became used to the dimming light and automatically searched for Drew.

Greg sighed contentedly after a few seconds when he realised Drew was still next to him, stretched slightly over the bed as he slept, head resting on the hard hospital mattress and fingers gently entwined with his own.

He wondered about waking Drew up, but decided to let him sleep, he’d only worry or worse - Start with the guilt crap again.

Grimacing as he turned his head slightly to the left to look out the window, Greg made a mental note to hit the nurses up for some more drugs soon.

Staring out the window as the sun disappeared from the reddish orange sky, streaked with lines of hazy purple; Greg tried to sort out his thoughts…

Before coming to the conclusion that they were as mixed up as the sky - And no way near as pretty.

Okay, now he was just turning into a one man pity party, which was kind of stupid. But he couldn’t help it.

He could have died.

He didn’t blame Drew at all; it was an accident that’s all.

But he still could have died.

If that had happened he would have been blaming himself from beyond the grave if such a thing was possible - For not being strong enough to survive, for Drew’s sake.

But if he had died, he couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened to the others. To Drew.

An unsolicited image of Drew appeared in his mind, but Greg pushed it away after a few seconds, not able to even bring himself to think about the ifs and maybes any longer.

He wondered what it spoke about his character that he wasn’t frightened about dying at all. Only about leaving Drew on his own (Especially when his death would cause Drew to blame himself).

Greg groaned and shifted his weight as told himself it was the drugs talking. Except they had long since worn off, the pain from his injuries rhythmically throbbing just to prove that fact.

He felt Drew shift and mumble in his sleep, the warmth of his hand in Greg’s almost burning him.


Greg reached with his other hand and sought out the nurse call button, deciding against resisting pain pills any longer. Then he gently inched closer to the body next to him.


“S’okay, I’m not going anywhere.” He mumbled back at Drew, lightly squeezing Drew’s fingers in his grasp. He may be the one lying in the hospital bed. But he was more than sure that he wasn’t the one in need of protection.

Greg listened as Drew’s breathing became even again, slipping back into sleep as the nurse opened the door.

“Is everything alright Mr Proops?”

“It would be if you could lower the volume level sweetheart and get me a few CC’s of trip out meds, my left side is killing me.”

“Anything else?” The nurse asked with a roll of her eyes, and slightly sarcastic, but much quieter tone.

“No thanks doll…Actually, any chance of some sleeping tablets?” Greg added, pretty sure that the unwanted image of Drew he was trying hard not to think about would come back to haunt him in his dreams.

“I’ll ask Doctor Matthews.” Greg nodded as she left and turned his head back to the now almost dark sky outside the window…

Wayne yawned as he opened his eyes, feeling for Colin, but finding only his jacket and the cold, hard chairs of the hospital waiting room.

“Canteen, talking to Dan with Ry and the others.” Brad said from a few chairs away, his hands wrapped round a cup of what generally passed for coffee in places like this.

“Dan’s here?” Wayne asked, the ‘others’ part of Brad’s statement not connecting in his mind as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Yeah, he turned up a couple of hours ago in a complete panic about Greg, then when he found out Greg was gonna be fine, he went into a long rant, intermixed with whining that couldn’t we just stay out of trouble for the rest of the tapings - Otherwise he’d have no more fourth seaters left.”

Wayne sat up, stretching his stiff limbs and idly wondering how long he’d been asleep.

“So he gonna give Chip a call?”

“We suggested that, but he just threw his hands up and said with Chip’s record he’d only end up with a hat trick of hospitalisations on his hands.”

“He does have a point.” Wayne chuckled back before glancing out the window at the end of the corridor.

“Wow, it’s dark.”

“I know. There was talk of going back to the apartments for a bit and getting some rest, but we all agreed we’d rather stay…Chip’s here now actually, and Kathy. So Dan will have to sort out the rest of the tapings between them…But shockingly they aren’t that interested in the show right now.” Brad sighed and stretched back in his chair.

“How is Greg?”

“Nurse went in a few minutes ago, from what I can gather, he’s already back to his usual bitchy self.”

Wayne smiled to himself at that and picked up the jacket absently, holding it on his knee carefully as he grasped the material in his fingers, thinking a few things over. “What about you?”

“What about me?” Brad asked back, a soft smile playing on his lips.

“Well, you and Ry. Something’s happened between you two since last night.”

“I could say the same about you and Colin.”

“True.” Wayne admitted, his smile mirroring Brad’s as they lapsed into a contented silence for a few minutes, each one full of thankful thoughts that Drew and Greg got out of the house safely, and much more personal thoughts about the man of their choice…

fic challenge: march 2007

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