(no subject)

Sep 19, 2007 17:55

 I am really sorry for the delay!

Chapter Number: 18
Chapter Theme: 'Revelation'
Word Count: 491
Disclaimer: Even though I wish I do, I don not own these people :(

“Life's too short for this shit, Brad. I really care about you. And this could be something great."

The words ran through Brad’s mind, over and over. He looked up at Ryan, who was smiling back at him tears still in his eyes.

Brad nodded, fresh tears pouring from his eyes. He raised his arms and draped them around Ryan’s shoulders.

“Come on, we should leave Drew and Greg alone for a while.” Colin said, putting his arm around Wayne’s waist, motioning him towards the door, pulling Ryan and Brad with him.

They walked out of the door and walked into the waiting room, leaving Drew and Greg alone.

After another hour Drew sat by the bed and grasped Greg’s hand in his own.

“G-Greg, I’m sorry, really sorry” Drew started, trying to hold back the tears that were pressing against his eyes. “I never should have sent you in that kitchen, or hell I should have remembered to turn the fucking cooker off! I can’t believe this has happened! I never thought it would happen to you, Greg. I’ve realised that’s I’ve been taking things - you- for granted. I won’t let this happen again I promise Greg I p-promise”

With that Drew put his head onto Greg’s chest and sobbed openly onto the thin hospital paper gown.

Greg’s eyes fluttered a little, then opened fully blurry without his glasses, and looked down at Drew, weeping on his chest.

“D-Drew I know you would have never let anything happen to me,” Greg said, still a little groggy from the drugs. Drew’s head sprang up, a look of surprise and joy on his face. “I know you would never do anything to harm me” Greg smiled slightly.

“Now if you don’t mind Drew I’d like to sleep. So keep the noise down Honey.”

With that Greg closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.


Out in the waiting room Wayne had fallen asleep on Colin’s shoulder. Colin seemed to be in a daze, staring at the pattern on Wayne’s shirt.


Ryan looked down to find the source of the voice, and saw Brad looking up at him.

“I thought you were asleep, you haven’t moved in a while” Ryan replied as Brad sat up slightly.

“Ryan you know when you said you really care about me and this could be something very special?” Brad asked sitting up fully.

“I think the words I used were ’something great’” Ryan said

“Oh same thing!” Brad said shoving a laughing Ryan. “Anyway, what made you say it?”

“Well when I saw Greg lying there and Drew sobbing his heart out I realised how, if that were you - like Greg I mean - I would break down, maybe more then Drew, though that would be hard to top.” Ryan said playing with the fabric of Brad’s shirt.

“Oh” Brad said and rested his head on Ryan’s shoulder a smile on his face.

Again sorry for the delay! Hope I am forgiven (0_0)

fic challenge: march 2007

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