Fic Challenge: Fate

Sep 16, 2007 16:03

Chapter number: 16
Chapter theme: fate
Word count: 916
Warnings: AWWW some character mishap…Suspense ahead.    
Disclaimer: No Greg’s were too terribly harmed during the making of this chapter….Although…he’s not looking too good.
Author's notes: I thought and think, protagonist conflict should continue for at least a few more chapters before they finally can be allowed a happy ending…don’t you? Long way to go:)

The phone in the hallway began to ring. Loud shrills penetrated the intense atmosphere being created in the small studio apartment. Two combined groans of disgruntlement rose from the floor of the living room where two entangled bodies still remained, just beginning to discover all the nuances and pleasures the other could bring.

Ryan continued to kiss Brad slowly sucking the skin of his neck and pausing at his jaw line below his ear. Brad moaned softly and continue to stroke Ryan through his jeans. The phone rang on, despite their efforts to ignore it.

“ARRRGGH….WHAT!!!” Ryan said pushing himself up from under Brad. One thing he could not stand was interruptions. Especially from something he had totally planned to focus all of his attentions on. ‘It must be fate.’ He thought to himself as he eased Brad off of him. Brad apologized with his eyes, a look of disappointment in them as he eased himself off of Ryan. The loss of connection was a real let down and he ran a hand through the thickness of his disheveled hair. “All right, ALL RIGHT!!” He cried as he moved toward the hallway. Apparently whatever it was couldn’t wait and he wondered for the millionth time why his call didn’t go to voicemail. “Maybe the box is full.” He muttered.

“Sherwood.” He spoke into the phone, with an exasperated sigh. He looked over to Ryan who was starting to sit up from his uncomfortable position on the floor. He looked so sexy, Brad thought with a pout coming to his lips. Ryan’s shirt was partially undone, exposing a smooth chest, as was his jeans. The bulge in his pants had not diminished and Brad could not help but lick his lips as he looked at Ryan seductively. He almost missed the frantic words being shouted over the phone.

“Brad!! BRAD!!! Are you listening man??” Brad shook his head momentarily clearing his thoughts. It sounded like Wayne on the other end of the phone.

“What…? Wayne…is that you?” Brad said trying to listen to the voice on the other end of the phone. Ryan stood up and approached Brad. “Slow down, Wayne, calm down. What’s the matter?”

Wayne tried to calmly speak to Brad but it was too difficult. After the frantic call he received moments ago, it was too hard to think, let alone slow down enough to make sense. “Listen, Brad, you and Ryan gotta get to the hospital immediately!!!”

Ryan took note of the distressed features beginning to form on Brad’s face. He tried to press his ear against the phone. Brad pushed Ryan away from him, because he was being too crowded and there was a tightness building in his chest. He hit the speaker phone button.

“What’s the matter? Who’s at the hospital, Wayne?” Ryan said pushing Brad aside and talking into the speaker.

“It’s Greg, Ryan. It’s Greg.” Wayne said with a plaintive sob. Ryan blanched. This did not sound good.

“What happened to Greg?” Brad said putting his hands on Ryan’s shoulders to calm him. Ryan couldn’t speak anymore. He turned away from Brad and put a hand to his forehead.

“Just get over to the hospital. Colin and I are already in the car.” Wayne said as he dodged traffic in the road.

“Colin…!” Ryan shouted into the phone. “I want to know what’s going on!” Brad looked at Ryan as the man clearly looked overly distraught. He didn’t want to blame it on fate, but maybe there was more to this than met the eye. He frowned in concern and turned back to the phone. Wayne handed the cell phone to Colin and Colin spoke calmly into it.

“Ryan, there’s been an accident. You and Brad have to get here as soon as possible. Drew has gone in the ambulance with Greg. He is beside himself Ryan. He’s so very upset right now.” Colin said with a tremble in his voice.

“Can’t you tell me anymore, Col?” Ryan said as Brad scurried about the room picking up his discarded t-shirt and getting himself ready to go.

“I don’t know, Ry, it’s just bad.” Colin said desperately into the phone. He hung up and left Ryan hanging on the other end, the sound of the dial tone slicing the silence in the air like a knife.

When they arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later, they rushed to the room containing their friend and partner. Drew was also there, and their hearts went immediately out to him. He was as white as a sheet. He was shaking and tears were coursing down his cheeks. His t-shirt covered in blood as were his hands. His hands twisted something that looked like an expensive lilac button down. But it too was covered in blood. Wayne and Colin were doing their best to console him.

On the bed lay Greg, with tubes and wires sticking out of him every which way. The monitor beside him registered faint beeps. Brad and Ryan approached him and touched him silently feeling the cold, pale skin. His glasses were off of his face and he looked angelic lying there, peacefully asleep, the drugs blocking out the pain lying beneath the surface.

The doctor opened the door to the small hospital room and both Brad and Ryan looked up as he entered. Greg’s life hung in the balance and it was all left up to fate…

fic challenge: march 2007

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