Challenge Fic - chapter 7

May 02, 2007 15:30

SORRY this took so long! I knew what I wanted to happen in the chapter, but my entire vocabulary wanted to play hide-and-seek for a while. And I’m not very good at hide-and-seek.
As such, it’s not too good, but if I took any longer on it I’d be at risk of knocking myself out of the challenge…and I’m the moderator, so that would be a bit of a blow.

Chapter number: 7
Chapter theme: Discovery
Word count: About 970.
Warnings: Nothing major - slight graphicness.
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line, Brad Sherwood or Ryan Stiles. Not making any money from this.


Wayne pushed open the door to the bar and scanned the room until he found his targets. He shuffled over to Colin, Greg and Drew with his hands planted in his pockets, “Hey, guys.”

Only Colin reciprocated, “I thought you’d gone home.”

Wayne’s mouth shifted involuntarily into a half-smile, “Nice to see you, too.”

He looked over at Greg and Drew, in the hope of some form of acknowledgement.

“Don’t expect them to respond,” Colin said, vaguely waving an arm in the direction of the kissing couple, “They’ve been at it since we arrived.”

Wayne peered over Colin’s shoulder at the pad he was writing on.

‘The sexual tension burnt between them, a hot energy that refused to relent. Neither of them dared to speak. They stood their distance, two afraid and fragile souls. Not quite sure.’
Colin rapidly tapped his pen against the edge of the paper, rubbing his temple. Wayne pulled up a seat, “Not getting much further, huh?”

“Not getting any further. Who’d have thought romance would be so hard to write?” Colin rubbed one of his eyes with his palm, “Love is supposedly everywhere, why can’t I get any inspiration for it?”

Wayne bit hard on his tongue. He was desperate to say it. He’d restrained it for so long. How bad would it be to just tell Colin how he felt? If nothing else, he’d be helping Colin with the inspiration he was grappling for.

He was going to do it.

“Col. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure thing,” Colin replied, not looking up from his novel.

Wayne gulped and took a deep breath, “I was just wondering…would you ever…I mean…do you….do…”

Colin met Wayne’s gaze, obviously anxious over his stutters, “What’s up?”

“Do you want a drink?” Wayne said quickly. He knew it was a lame cover up, and it would be a miracle if Colin bought it, but he couldn’t say what he was going to say. The time wasn’t right.

“Uh…yeah, okay. Maybe if my inhibitions lower, my hand will actually let me write something.”

Wayne forced a laugh. He took Colin’s order then turned to Greg and Drew who were still wrapped up in each other. Wayne hesitated, then walked away. He knew if he was in that situation (he forced himself not to add ‘with Colin’), then he wouldn’t want to be disturbed.

He ordered the drinks and tried to focus his attention on the coaster in front of him, but his eyes somehow returned to Colin. A small smile traced its way across Wayne’s face. The lighting in the bar wasn’t exactly flattering, but he still found Colin the most beautiful and radiant thing in it.


The song’s final refrain faded out, leaving Brad and Ryan in a motionless embrace.

“You said you wanted to talk,” Brad said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ryan nodded, “I did, didn’t I.”

Still neither of them moved.

Brad noticed Ryan’s grip on his hand had tightened, almost possessively, but not uncomfortably. Similarly, Brad’s other arm had gradually been sliding further and further around Ryan’s neck. Their faces were just inches away.

“Are you going to talk?” Brad asked almost inaudibly.

A small smile crept across Ryan’s face. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Brad’s.

“I don’t think I need to say anything any more.”

They gazed deep into each other’s eyes.

“I think I know anyway,” Brad said, then, in a flash of confidence, tilted his head so his lips gently brushed against Ryan’s.


Several drinks later, Colin was finally willing to let go of the pen and go home. As designated driver, Wayne had the responsibility of getting everyone back. He was slightly relieved that Greg decided to spend the night at Drew’s, as Greg’s house was well out of the way of everyone else’s, although it did mean the couple were talking in innuendos for the entire ride - some less subtle than others.

Pulling away from Drew’s drive, Wayne relished the silence that was only broken by Colin’s gentle breathing. He’d fallen asleep in the passenger seat, face squished up against the window, hands tucked up by his neck. Wayne kept a careful eye on the road as he reached into the back seat and produced a blanket which he draped across Colin. A part of Wayne wished Colin was awake to tell him how much of an idiot he was for not bringing a jacket.

A wave of realization washed over him as he cast his mind back to the morning - Colin did have a jacket. Wayne glanced along the back seats. It wasn’t there. He tried to remember the bar. Granted, he’d been staring at Colin for the most part, but he was pretty sure Colin didn’t have his jacket then, either. Which meant…

Heaving a sigh, Wayne pulled into a road and turned round. The studio was much closer than Colin’s apartment (the keys for which were probably in said jacket).

“Mmbblmm…” Colin mumbled groggily as Wayne parked in the Warner Brother’s parking lot, “Home already?”

“Nope. Studio.”

Colin squinted in confusion, “For work? How long have I been asleep?”

Wayne smiled and patted his friend gently on the arm, “You left something behind. I’m just gonna go get it for you. Go back to sleep, sweetie.”

Wayne needn’t have flushed with embarrassment at his slip - Colin had already slipped back into unconsciousness.

Wayne clicked open the door to the studio and wandered down the maze of halls. He knew the way to Colin’s dressing room all too well. First right, second left, pass the bathrooms, right at Drew’s dressing room, past Brad’s, first right…

He paused.

He blinked.

“No way!” he whispered to himself before turning on his heel and taking a few steps back.

He peered into Brad’s dressing room to discover Brad and Ryan.



Just realized I don’t have anyone to give me a big, fat approved…it’s just not very satisfying getting it from yourself…

Anyway shandi_mai - over to you!


fic challenge: march 2007

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