Fanfic Challenge

Apr 14, 2007 22:37

Chapter number: 4
Chapter theme: second
Word count: eep sorry the computer I'm working from doesn't have MS Word...UGH...I think I meet the requirements though...LOL! I never run out of things to say!!!
Warnings (Language/violence/sex/squick) none just a plot point:)
Disclaimer (very important!!) Don't own, don't sue...just wish I could have a lil Brad puppie to love, pet and call my own:)

The second the green light came on, Ryan turned his attention away from Colin, who had since turned his toward Drew, and followed suit. He left Colin's enigmatic remarks to ponder over at a later date as Drew announced the next game which happened to be All in One Voice. Ryan hadn't played that game in a long time and he was looking forward to being closer to Brad again, if for anything to see that he was ok and not seriously injured.

Brad in the meantime had popped the second of the painkillers the nurse had given him, knowing full well she had warned him against taking two at one time. He knew his leg was killing him and he thought, 'Oh well, if one was gonna knock out the pain, two just might make him forget about it altogether'. As Drew explained how the game worked he wobbled his way over to Ryan who had taken his place diagonally from Wayne and Colin.

While Drew continued to confuse the audience with the directions on how to play the game and informing Wayne and Colin that they were to be Juliet and Ryan and Brad were to be Romeo, Ryan put his arm around Brad's waist and held him steady. Ryan leaned his head a little toward Brad and whispered in his ear "are you ok?" Brad looked over at Ryan inches away from his face and nodded slightly. He smiled his shy boyish grin and said "Yeah much better after the second one."

Ryan's eyes bulged as the song began, no time to protest, but knowing full well what he meant by "second one". Wayne and Colin both sang in a high pitched voice. "OOOHHH Romeoooo...Ohhhhh Romeoooooo....Wheeerreeee fore aaarrrttt thou...OHHHHH Romeo......"earning several chuckles from the audience.

Ryan had moved his hand from around Brad's waist and placed it on his shoulder. He gave it a little squeeze as they began their reply. "Juuuulllllieeeettttt......IIIIIIII aaaammmmm rrrrriiiggghhhhhttt here....." Ryan and Brad sang stumbling only a little over which words to choose. Brad was beginning to find the whole scene very silly. 'Were the pills starting to take effect already?' He laughed as he cleared his throat trying to stay in character. Ryan was supporting him so he didn't have to put all of his weight on his bad leg and he found himself pleasantly aware of his close proximity to the man who had caused him his earlier uncomfortableness. Right now though, he rather liked the contact and he breathed in Ryan's scent, even more up close and personal than a shirt could ever be.

Colin looked over to Wayne as they continued the verse. They looked so cute together with innocent little girl faces (well the best they could manage) "OOOHHHHHH big hunk of maaaaaaannnnnnn...."

Brad broke into a fit of giggles he couldn't hold back anymore. It was just all too funny to him. He breathed Ryan in once more. Ryan in the meantime smiled back at Brad, and squeezed his shoulder a little bit harder. He knew there was going to be real trouble soon. 'What was Brad thinking when he took both pills? He ought to have known better.' Brad was getting goofy off of the pills and this taping was about to take an even more interesting turn for the worse. Ryan shook his head as Brad continued to sniff at him. "Yyyyoooouuuu Smeeeelllllll ggggoooooooddddd" Brad sang leading Ryan to do the same. Brad was looking at Ryan as he sang, but Ryan was singing to the "girls". The audience broke into laughter.

Colin was looking at Ryan during most of the song. He had a pensive finger pressed against his lip as he waited for his turn to sing. Wayne looked to Colin who had been thrown off for a second, and picked up the beat. "FRESH!" They said in unison and made an attempt to swat "Romeo."

By this time Brad had a glazed over glassy-eyed look on his face and was grinning uncontrollably. Ryan was fingering the material at the back of the blue shirt he had lent Brad and was repeatedly throwing concerned glances his way. 'What was Brad thinking?' he asked himself for the second time. "OOOHHHH Juliet....give me a kissss...." The song ended and Brad stumbled forward his lips pursed in "kissy-lip" fashion already groping for Colin and Wayne.

Drew buzzed, laughing so hard, you could almost hear his gut busting at the seams. Ryan hesitated momentarily by Brad's side, wondering if he should tell Dan to call it quits for the day, and get Brad to the hospital, or just play it by ear. He should have listened to his better judgment. As he turned to go back to his seat, Brad who was now feeling extremely giddy, bouncy, hyper and unbalanced, took one of his patented hop, skip and jumps back to his seat.

One second he was up and the next second he was down for the second time that evening. He reeled forward and missed his seat by mere inches. He fell hard on his knees, and the pain shot through both of them jolting him momentarily back to reality. Ryan was instantly at his side. "Brad are you ok?" Brad looked up at him sheepishly. "Yeah I guess...I do feel a little lightheaded and woozy though." It was then everything faded to black.

fic challenge: march 2007

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