Fanfic Challenge

Apr 12, 2007 18:36

Here's my first chapter for the rotating fic thingy, soz it's took so long and it has been a little beta'd by Sess, but I apologise for any grammer mistakes I missed...But I think my shoddy icon just about covers it...Oh hell a *huge* wasp just flew in through my window...Anyway:

Chapter number: 3
Chapter theme: Society
Word count: 966
Warnings: Just odd bit of swearing
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line, Brad Sherwood or Ryan Stiles. Not making any money from this.

Brad winced slightly and glared down at his leg. Okay, so on the plus side his leg wasn’t dead any more - It was well and truly alive, but now hurt like hell…Though to be fair it was beginning to feel a little better - In fact it barely hurt at all…So long as he just didn’t move it at all…

He was still enjoying the taping though - First game had been Let’s Make A Date, with him as the girl so he hadn’t had to move much apart from getting to and from his seat, and now it was Improbable Mission - So all he had to do was ignore the pain and watch the masters at work…

Though it wasn’t long till his thoughts drifted back to Ryan and that just confused him. Brad hated constantly feeling like a nervous deer caught in headlights around him, but he also hated not being around Ryan…Which was an annoying contradiction in itself but Brad wasn’t really sure of any better way to put it…

“Oi.” Brad looked up at Wayne stood over him and blinked to find every single person in the studio staring at him. He hadn’t realised the Mission Impossible game was over and they were moving on.


Everyone laughed and Brad forced an innocent grin. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”

“No shit.” Ryan remarked, setting the audience off again.

“Hey, where am I? What show is this? Who’s this under the desk?” Drew chuckled in mock confusion before grabbing a microphone and walking up into the audience.

“Hi there, what’s your name?” He asked a woman in the centre section 3 rows back.

“Carol.” The dark haired woman wearing jeans and a greyish black tunic top replied as Drew took her hand and guided her out of her seat.

“This is Carol everybody, Carol, that’s Wayne and the ditzy one in the chair is Brad, they are gonna sing you a song. And it’s gonna be really fun - Do you have a job or any hobbies or anything?” Drew continued as Carol shook hands with Wayne and then Ryan and Colin, who unsurprisingly had shot out of their seats to meet her.

“Err, I’m a social studies teacher.” She replied as Brad slowly stood up and walked down to the stage to meet her and do the song, he prayed to god the song would be in a style that didn’t include much movement…

“The study of society huh? I do that every time I open a magazine.”

“Yeah but Drew - The kind of magazines you read don’t count.” Ryan smirked before taking a sip of water.

“Darn it…Anyway, you will be singing a duet song to Carol the social studies teacher in the style of a jitterbug.”

Brad blinked…Fuck.

He knew he could explain to Dan that he’d done his leg in, but he didn’t fancy interrupting the taping and getting teased for being a wimp for the rest of the taping…Even if it would be a good way to brush the shirt incident under the carpet…

Ryan put his glass back on the table as Laura and Linda started to play some swing music, though his eyes were firmly on Brad. He looked really uncomfortable moving like in Let’s Make A Date, but was obviously trying to hide it.

“Hey, you know what’s up with Brad?” Colin whispered and Ryan leaned over, still watching Brad as he started to sway slightly and click his fingers in time to the music as Wayne sung the first verse.

“He whacked his leg just before we came on, it was just numb but I think it really hurts him now.”

“Poor guy.” Colin murmured, Ryan nodding subconsciously in agreement, wincing as Wayne started to dance with Brad during the verse, Brad’s voice sounded really strained. Maybe they should stop the taping for a bit, or at least skip this game?...

“Jesus!” Brad suddenly yelped as Wayne randomly spun him round, causing him to collapse onto his leg in a heap.

“Fuck.” Ryan muttered under his breath, shooting out of his chair and over to Brad.

“You alright?” He asked worriedly, starting to help Brad to his feet.

“Oh yeah, now for my encore I’ll go climb Mount Everest - Wanna come?” Brad winced, wrapping his arm round Ryan’s neck.

“Sure, can’t be any colder than the studio, though first let’s aim for your chair.” Ryan chuckled in reply.

“I didn’t do anything did I?” A confused Wayne asked, as the director yelled cut and various people began to mill around.

“Nah, just did my leg in earlier.” Brad explained as Ryan eased him back into chair and let go…If somewhat reluctantly.

“And you didn’t tell me because?...” A slightly pissed off Dan Patterson inquired, appearing next to Wayne.

“Uh…Because I didn’t want you to make that face.” Brad replied, pointing at Dan as Ryan went back to his chair, giggling at Brad’s last comment.

After a minute or so, the studio nurse appeared to check Brad out. Ryan watched her feeling his leg and thigh before searching in her kit for some painkillers. After a while he began to feel like he was being watched…Well obviously - He was in front of a studio audience of about 300 people plus the crew, but not that kind of watching…He turned to see Colin studying him carefully.



“Why are you staring at me like I’m a subject in that woman’s social studies class?”

Colin shrugged innocently. “I was just thinking about stuff.”

Ryan raised an eyebrow. “What stuff?” He persisted as Dan yelled “Ten seconds!” and people started to scurry out of shot.

Colin shrugged again and looked round. “I dunno…The show…”






“By the way-”


“Why is he wearing your shirt?”


fic challenge: march 2007

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