Fanfic Challenge

Mar 31, 2007 13:59

Chapter number: 2
Chapter theme: Dead
Word count: 357 I think
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Do not own a thing. I wish I did though. .

Brad decided against going back to Ryan’s dressing room, as he headed out of the door. He headed down the corridor, smoothing his shirt, as he spotted Colin and Wayne walking, laughing.

‘About my shirt probably’ Brad thought bitterly. As he rounded the corner he didn’t notice the table that had been placed there. Brad’s leg collided with it and he fell to the floor.

“What a stupid place to put a table!” He shouted, and got to his feet. But when he tried to move the leg, he couldn’t feel it.

‘Oh great!’ He thought. Ryan came bounding around the corner, almost tripping over Brad, who had sat on the floor.



They stared at each other for a moment in silence, until Ryan’s face broke into a grin.

“This may be a stupid question Brad, but why are you on the floor?”

“Well you know I like the feel of the cold floor.” Brad replied, his face reddening slightly.

Ryan laughed and held his hand out for Brad. Brad took his hand face almost as red as the emergency sign above the exit door.

“Can you walk on your own?” Ryan asked as he helped Brad to his feet, there faces inches away from each other.

“I don’t know,” Brad said “I can’t feel my leg. It’s gone dead.”

“Walk into the table?” Ryan said, eyeing the table behind them.


“Come on guys, 30 seconds before we go on!” Dan shouted at them from the stage.

Brad tried moving his leg, almost falling over again.

“Come here,” Ryan grabbed Brad around the waist and pulled Brad’s arm over his shoulder. With that Ryan helped Brad onto the stage and into his seat.

“Thanks” Brad said to Ryan as he moved over to his own seat. Ryan smiled back at Brad, and took his seat.

Drew started the show with the usual.

“Goodnight everyone and welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway?! On tonight’s show-” Brad tuned out, caught in his own thoughts, absently rubbing his dead leg. His thought traveled back to moments before, in the corridor with Ryan, and he wondered why he was getting so shy around him.
 I hope I posted this right, lol.

fic challenge: march 2007

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