FANFIC CHALLENGE! Chapter 1 and some notes

Mar 30, 2007 00:14

Fanfic challenge is now up and running!

ROTATION - The number indicates the chapter number, the word indicates the theme of the chapter, and the user is obviously the person who'll be writing it.

1. Gold - sess_satan
2. Dead -0_redhead_0
3. Society - zombie_kitty666
4. Second - the_empressar
5. Cake - tambourine_lady
6. Elegant - sky_star
7. Discovery - darkfairy4evur
8. Reckless - shandi_mai
9. Frost - sess_satan
10. Relaxation - 0_redhead_0
11. Names - zombie_kitty666
12. Fear - the_empressar
13. Horizon - tambourine_lady
14. Symmetry - sky_star
15. Fantasies - darkfairy4evur
16. Fate - shandi_mai
17. Great - sess_satan
18. Revelation - 0_redhead_0
19. Dusk - zombie_kitty666
20. Hope - the_empressar
21. Room - tambourine_lady
22. Simplicity - sky_star
23. Light - darkfairy4evur
24. Conclusion - shandi_mai

This is the stuff you need to include:

Chapter number: 1
Chapter theme: Gold
Word count: 726
Warnings: (Language/violence/sex/squick) Partial nudity, but nothing graphic.
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line, Brad Sherwood or Ryan Stiles. Not making any money from this.


Their reaction had been the expected one: uncontrollable laughter.

Brad folded his arms and waited for it to stop.

"What the hell is that?" Wayne asked through his laughter.

"It is a shirt, Wayne," Brad replied calmly.

"But...but..." Drew stuttered, "but it's gold."

"So?" Brad said defensively.

"So can't you see how incredibly garish it is?" Ryan asked.

"No!" Brad said, putting his hands on his hips, "I like it!"

"Hey, come on, guys," said Colin, "Leave him alone. It is a nice shirt."

"Thank you, Colin."

"But why didn't you tell us you were becoming a Vegas show girl?"

Brad sighed and stalked off to his dressing room as the others descended into laughter again. He glanced at himself in the full-length mirror, his opinion of the shirt dwindling with every passing second. He leaned against the wall and gently hit his head a couple of times, hoping to knock out the lingering sound of their laughter, which had hurt a lot more than he had let on.

A light knock at the door made him turn round.

"Hey," said Ryan, "Um, I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour back there. I was only laughing because everyone else was, really."

"Oh," Brad replied, slightly surprised, "Okay, well, apology accepted. Although, I think you were right to laugh," he looked in the mirror again, "It really is a nasty shirt."

"I think it looks good."


"Well, everything looks good on you."

Brad hesitated, studying Ryan in the mirror. He was sporting a rather strange smile.

"Umm...thanks," Brad replied, when he realised he'd been staring for longer than was normal, "Still...I'd really rather not go out in front of hundreds of people in this thing."

"So change."

"I don't have anything to change into."

"Wanna borrow one of my shirts?" Ryan asked, pointing in the direction of his dressing room, "They should fit okay."

"Uh, yeah...okay."

Brad swallowed; part of him was reluctant to go, but his legs were obviously extremely willing as they blindy followed Ryan down the corridor.

"Okay, let's see," Ryan said, looking through his shirts as Brad stood in the middle of the room, unsure what posture to adopt, "I've got blue, red, yellow or coral."

Brad raised an eyebrow, "Coral?"

Ryan looked at him for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "Okay, it's pink, you happy?"

Brad giggled, "Blue or yellow, then."

Ryan fished out the blue shirt, "I think this will bring out your eyes."

Brad slowly reached out and took the shirt, "Th-thanks."

He turned to go, but Ryan called after him, "Where're you going?"

"Back to my dressing room..?"

Ryan smiled, "You can't get changed here?"

"Uh..." Brad edged the tiniest amount towards the door. The very thought of being half-naked in Ryan's dressing room laced his forehead with sweat and sent his pulse racing.

"You're not insecure, are you?" Ryan asked innocently, gradually making his way to Brad, "Because I honestly don't think you have anything to be insecure about."

Brad tried not to show how hard his breathing had become.

Not breaking eye contact, Brad started to unbutton his gold shirt, his hands trembling and his heart ready to leap into his throat. Ryan had that strange smile again.

"Isn't it going to look weird if someone sees me stepping out of your dressing room with a different shirt on?" Brad asked, unable to keep the nerves out of his voice.

"Whatever do you mean?"

" looks a little...suggestive, don't you think?"

"Suggestive of what?"

Brad pulled on the blue shirt and buttoned it up as fast as he could. "Nothing," he mumbled, and dashed out of the door. He sprinted back to his dressing room and collapsed onto the chair, pressing his hand to his chest.

He looked at himself in the mirror. The shirt really did bring out his eyes. And a comforting Ryan-smell clung to it that made Brad relaxed and slightly sleepy.

"Ten minutes, Brad," Dan said, whistling past the door, "Nice shirt, by the way."

Brad smiled got up, wondering whether it would be too weird to go back to Ryan's dressing room and walk with him to the stage.


The next person now has up to two weeks to post their chapter.

Every chapter must be approved by me (by a comment with a big, fat "APPROVED" written on it) before the next chapter can be posted. To be approved, the chapter must be Brad/Ryan, at least 300 words long, and be adequately related to the given theme.

As each person posts their chapters, it would be a great help to me if the next person could leave a message so I know you're writing yours. Thanks!

Remember, this isn't a competition - try not to compare yourself to other writers. Just have fun!

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions, problems or comments.


fic challenge: march 2007

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