
Sep 10, 2007 20:05

OH. MY. GOD. dethorats You are a wonderfully amazing smexy fantastic woman. I don't know what I was expecting to find when I opened the package that you sent to me, but it certainly wasn't that beautifully done Gewndal costume. You are absolutely so amazing and talented and generous. I love you for absolute real and cannot wait to have the chance to ( Read more... )

yaoi con

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Comments 11

shuraiya September 11 2007, 00:20:01 UTC




sherrymarie September 11 2007, 15:34:32 UTC



shuraiya September 11 2007, 16:29:50 UTC
:D :D :D


vejiicakes September 11 2007, 06:11:56 UTC
You're going to be there dressed as GWENDEL?? *faints of squee*

SIX WEEKS?? O___O *dies of stress*


sherrymarie September 11 2007, 15:36:40 UTC
Yes I am! I now have the most fantastic Gwendal costume to wear, so everything will be ultra-spectacular.

Do you have an art table this year? Is that why you're stressing? Please don't die.


vejiicakes September 11 2007, 18:08:54 UTC
*flails* I can't wait to see it!!

And once again, I do indeed have a table this year along with frog_vamp and Kuma (and maybe Kuma's friend). What remains to be seen is, er, what table, precisely. I won't even know until I get to the convention whether the three of us will be cramming into 1/3 of kiriko_moth's table, a half table, or a full table. Or maybe splitting up between Kiriko's AND the half table. Or something. But no, I'm stressing because I haven't come up with ANYTHING new for the table yet, arrrrgh O___O


dethorats September 11 2007, 09:06:08 UTC
I hope it fits okay ^-^;;; We're approximately the same height so it should be alright.

6 long mother douchebag weeks indeed...


sherrymarie September 11 2007, 15:43:35 UTC
It fits wonderfully. The pants aren't even short on me, since I have short stumpy legs. They are actually quite comfortable being all roomy and loose. I may have to start wearing them out and about as fashion.

The really funny thing is, I was just shopping on ebay the morning I got your package for cosplay wigs. I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to this year's trip! And I'm really happy that you decided to go (I went back and played catch up on LJ and read about your school issues!). It wouldn't have been the same without you.

Well, my time is a little less hectic, so I should be online fairly regularly for the rest of the year, so I'll be available to discuss travel plans either on LJ or on email. Can’t wait!!!


sherriaisling September 12 2007, 02:11:19 UTC
Sherry! Hi, I've a question for you. I was talking about the trip with Mom and Mel the other day, and I said something along the lines of 'urg, stupid slow bus' and Mom said she'd buy me a plane ticket (actually, first Mel suggested the train, which is some thing I so need to keep in mind if I come out again during holiday or summer when I'm not worrying about missing school). Which, is amazingly cool of her and saves me like eighteen hours of travel time to get to you. So, the question: Would someone be able to grab me at the airport in Philly sometime Tuesday afternoonish? (I think it was 5:30.)

Also, how are you? And Watson? Because you haven't updated in so long you make me look punctual.

Oh! Have you heard anything about the new season of Supernatural? Thoughts? (If you have, that is.)


sherrymarie September 12 2007, 12:54:38 UTC

I was just thinking of emailing you to see what your plans were to make it out this way for the CA trip! God, a plane ride out here in lieu of that horrid bus trip sounds fantastic! Your mom rocks. As if you didn't know. I can get you whatever time you want. I get off of work at 3 usually, but I can always use 'personal time' to leave earlier if need be. So, whatever works best for you works for me ( ... )


sherriaisling September 12 2007, 17:24:15 UTC
I'll look up ticket times and let you know. Seriously, planes are the best thing ever. The flight'll take under five hours to get to Philly, including the, I think, hour layover in Detroit (A train from Erie to Philly takes something like twelve hours with a change in New York, which is nothing compared to twenty plus hours on bus, but they only run twice a day, so aren't an option when I'm trying to miss as little school as possible. But, honestly, part of me wants to say screw school and do it because taking the train totally makes me think of Harry Potter. Me = dork) And why is it I can't go east from here without going north or west or something else first?

and I am always a kitty cuddle away from choking that bitch. Awwww. Kitties are such evil love. Mine seem to want to eat every power cord in the house, and accuse you of STARVING THEM TO DEATH, SERIOUSLY if they don't get food like every two seconds. And Jensen loves to try and trip people every chance he get, but we got him a bell collar, so HA! Stealthy no more, buddy. ( ( ... )


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