My Body is a Cage: A Castiel Fanmix

Dec 20, 2010 20:00

So this year I participated in Treehaus's Secret Santa, and got sweetsyren, who likes Castiel a here is a Cas mix for you! ;)

Medium:  Television
Fandom:  Supernatural
Subject:  Castiel
Title:  My Body is a Cage
Warnings:  Spoilers through the end of season 5.
Notes:  This fanmix explores Castiel's personal journey throughout season 5.  Made for sweetsyren, Merry ( Read more... )

christmas, treehaus, secret santa, castiel, tv shows, supernatural, fanmix

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Comments 15

sweetsyren December 21 2010, 05:35:19 UTC
OMG! OMG! It's glorious bb!

Thank you so much! You're amazing :)


sherrilina December 21 2010, 13:33:48 UTC
Glad you like it bb! :D *hug* I was hoping the music would be more or less up your alley given the eclectic tastes on your list.


nanoochka December 21 2010, 19:23:37 UTC
Excellent mix, but I also have an unrelated question - which font did you use for the cover art? I wants it!


sherrilina December 21 2010, 20:17:03 UTC
Thanks, and lol on the front cover is Jellyka - Queen or something (Castle Queen maybe?), while on the back cover is Jellyka - Esther's Handwriting or something. I can look them up more precisely later when I'm on my laptop, but maybe that's enough info! Glad you like the font, I spent at least 15 min deliberating and trying out different fonts before deciding on that one! ;)


fancypopcorn December 21 2010, 22:11:01 UTC
Taking this mix, it looks really interesting (plus I like that you included the lyrics and explanations in the download).


sherrilina December 22 2010, 01:37:01 UTC
Thanks! Hope you like it, and glad someone appreciates the lyrics/explanations in the dl, wasn't sure if I should include that or not!


whatsername_05 December 22 2010, 01:36:31 UTC
Oh this looks great! Snagging. Thanks!!


sherrilina December 22 2010, 01:41:24 UTC
Thank you! :)


zenwiccan December 22 2010, 02:46:56 UTC
I loves me some Castiel and the songs look awesome. Downloading, thanks!


sherrilina December 22 2010, 03:13:02 UTC
Thanks, enjoy! :)


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