Tudor Mania!

Apr 05, 2008 23:19

Well ever since seeing "The Other Boleyn Girl" in theaters a few weeks ago (which I very much enjoyed, despite its inaccuracies--but then it is based on a *fictional* book, and I think they did a decent job for translating a monster-book into only 2 hours...), I have been in high Tudor-obsession mode. I mean, I am always obsessed with them, but I' ( Read more... )

tudors, henry viii, catherine of aragon, mary i, fanvids

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Comments 4

praize April 6 2008, 08:51:29 UTC
Nice list of recommendations, thanks! There are a few I haven't heard of, so I must check them out. I'm usually more of a Georgian era girl, but I've been delving more into the Tudor era with all these recent Tudor films and books. Strangely enough, I haven't been to any Georgian houses, but I've visited the Palace of Holyroodhouse. I saw Mary Queen of Scots' bed chamber (that bed was tiny!) and even the assumed blood stain on the floor from the murder of her private secretary. I really must dig out all the memorabilia I bought there!


sherrilina April 7 2008, 06:56:59 UTC
Yeah, I've been too Holyrood house as well and remember really liking it (it was one of my fave palaces I visited in Scotland), especially for all the cool Tudor paintings there! ;) And it was so cool (and fortunate!) that her room at least survived from her time!

Lol, Hampton Court (Wolsey's former home, appropriated by Henry VIII, and featured in the Tudors I think at least at some point) is essentially a "Georgian" home now--I remember being so pissed off when I visited it that the "stupid" Georgians had torn down so much of the original Tudor palace to build their own (less special/cool in my eyes) style apartments! :p Because I myself, as you can probably tell, am more of a Tudor-girl....but I imagine with your interests Hampton Court would be the best of both worlds! (Tudor and Georgian in one!) :D

Enjoy the movies/books--the top three I would recommend are "A Man For All Seasons," "Anne of the Thousand Days," and "Mary, Bloody Mary"....


sherrilina April 7 2008, 06:59:42 UTC
Though lol if you haven't seen Keith Michell as Henry VIII in the BBC "Six Wives" that's like a life requirement as well! ;) He's the best I've seen, and he ages pretty well in this production....you can judge for yourself though in clips on youtube....


thedoingofit March 26 2010, 01:47:35 UTC
Adding pretty much all of these to my list of things to see and read. Thanks. :o)


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