Miss Molly Had A Dolly And It Was Sick, Sick, Sick. COMPLETED. FLUFF? S&M EXPLICIT SEX NC17 RAPE

Sep 30, 2012 13:47

COMPLETED as of today 16/10/12 UK date there folks...


This is a three chapter piece that runs along side the WIP 'A Complicated Life'.
For this one I wanted an extreme contrast between Sherlock and Johns relationship and the relationship between Moriarty and his man Moran. I also wanted to show quite how messed up Jim's head is. Often suicidal and a sadomasochistic he drifts between reality and his fantasies. I wanted to explore why he didn't kill Molly when he was planning to kill Mrs Hudson, John and Lestrade. I have also given Jim and Sebastian some back story and looked a little into Jim's possible family history. Some not Canon, but Conan-Doyle did not give me much to play with.

Hope no one takes insult to the ref the Jim's Irishness. My family are Irish on both sides so it seemed a natural thing to do.

I am not a writer, I write for myself really.

This starts off pretty gentle and ends pretty messy. Expect it all....flashbacks, fluff, BDSM, rape, incest, explicit sex, Teen Sex, Jim 'Ryan' i.e Jim from the Hospital, Jim Moriarty's fantasies, I tried to get a bit of everything in :D

The children's rhyme 'Miss Polly' in this case 'Miss Molly' has been bastardized for the last chapter.
Warnings for Violence, Explicit sex (some Non Con) constant swearing.
Pairings: Moran/Moriarty, Moriarty/Molly, Moriarty/other character, Sherlock/John implied, Moriarty/Sherlock implied, Moran/Watson implied

Summary:Jim's got a new job. This is what happened on Molly's three dates.
Exploring the totally f**ked up mind of Jim Moriarty.
I still feel a bit sorry for him though :)

Chapter One. The First Date:

James Moriarty sat at his desk in his luxurious fully furnished Highgate flat, rented in the name of Jim Ryan. Living somewhere semi-permanent was a necessity when he needed to plot and plan getting rid of that  irritating bastard Sherlock Holmes -  boasting he was the world’s only consulting detective would you believe.

It was filled with beautiful things. James liked beautiful things around him despite their pointlessness, even though some things were so beautiful they became ugly the more you looked at them - he felt that his soul was like this if he even had one. Once upon a time he had been an innocent child attending Mass every Sunday, an Altar boy even. Now he was insane, twisted and in pain. Just existing was painfully boring now. Here he sat at his leather covered Victorian Men’s writing desk, his laptop open in front of him, a smile playing on his lips, twitching at the corners - a smug little smile. There was a sharp knock at the door.
“What?” He barked.
“S’me, I’ve finished. What you doing?” said the tall man at the door. He held himself very upright - a military man. His voice was neutral, deep and gruffly rumbling in his broad muscular chest. He was dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans. Clumsy, faded tattoos adorned his wiry arms, light brown hairs prickling through the designs. He had a hard, worn face - an attractive face if it had not been for the stern look of vexation in its features. A distinctive nose that had been broken more times than he cared to remember. That combined with a thin scar running from his eye to the corner of his mouth created a air of danger. James Moriarty was a man of charm, guile and intelligence. This man - Colonel Sebastian Moran - was cold, a man of violence and often quick tempered. James Moriarty smiled at him egotistically…”Seb-ast-ian, Seb-aaaast-ian...I have a date!” he drawled in his soft Irish accent. The way Sebastian’s name played on his tongue always pleased him - so he said it often, teasing Moran with its ‘sing song’ syllables.

Moran entered the room and sat in one of the original Queen Anne chairs by the fire facing him. He hitched the leg of his jeans and crossed it across his left knee. Now comfortable he ran a hand through his short light brown hair. He was the only person who could be around Moriarty like this - the only person allowed to see a little into his bizarre split personality existence. He had been in it so long that nothing surprised him any more. He had seen a lot of death, murder, rape, robbery; nothing fazed him, but Jim on a date - now that was different.
“You serious, that girl from the morgue?” Jim ran his fingers lovingly along the studs in the green leather of the table. Moran chuckled “A dead girl, that would be more like you”.
“Now, now, tut, tut” he waved a finger at Moran “No, her name is Molly Hooper, and she is sooooo in love with Sherlock Holmes”. His eyes twinkled with the thrill of just saying the man’s name and  rambled on without stopping for breath -“but Sherlock is a total shit to her and is really a big blue meany so I am going to date her and get to meet him and be all like ooooh all ‘ fanboy’ and maybe he will invite me round for a fuck at his house and then I can KILL THE BASTARD!”. His face contorted with rage and he slammed his fists down hard on the desk. Moran raised his eyebrows at the last words as they were yelled. “You need to get out more Jim, maybe it will be good for you” he sneered sarcastically.

Jim stood up from the desk and quickly Moran did the same Squaring up to each other the Irishman was shorter and half the build of the disgraced Soldier. He looked up into Moran’s face and smiled. Moran stared into Jim’s eyes trying to suss out what was going on inside this madman’s mind - he was so unstable sometimes. He had already stopped him from killing himself twice this year and the pills he was filling himself with were not helping. He couldn’t help but feel something for him, though Moran wasn’t really sure what that something was. He had been his only friend at school - If you could call it friendship. They looked out for each other. Jim was the one with the questioning brain and Seb was the result if you didn’t get the answers right. They had an arrangement. No love, just business and the occasional fuck which even then usually resulted in violence. He made Moran live in a separate apartment down the road, close enough, but not suffocatingly so.

Moran quickly reached out and grabbed Jim by the throat with his right hand, and squeezed gently. Moriarty closed his eyelids and let out a long deep sigh, letting his lips fall open. Moran squeezed a little tighter and again a little tighter still and as he did so he felt an increasing pressure of the blood flow in his prick. This always made him hard, especially when Jim was so compliant. “Seb” Jim croaked “not now”. He opened his eyes and as he did so Moran released his grip and swapped his attention to Jim’s hair tugging at the back of it with his left hand.

“You been to the poodle parlor again?” he laughed noticing the freshness of the dye in Jim's hair,eyebrows and eyelashes. Jim smiled but winced slightly at the pain of Sebastian’s hand in his hair. “I have to look Gay enough for Mr Holmes to fan-cy me”. He drawled, and winked cheekily. “What if he’s not Gay, what if he’s just like you, just fucked up?” Sebastian let him go, pushing him away and he turned to leave the room. His cock was getting painfully hard If Jim was still going to wind him up then he needed to go home and hit something - or someone.

“I have a job to go to. I have a job now you know. I am an I.T Geek! Funny huh? I can’t go into work with a bruised neck now can I? Or walking LIKE I’VE HAD YOUR COCK UP MY ARSE!” He spat the words at Moran’s back as he left the room. “You’re meant to be ‘Gay’; you have always got to look like you’ve had a cock up your ass!" with that Moran made his way to the door and slammed it shut behind him angrily.

“Fuck!” Jim sat back down in the chair, opened the top drawer of the desk and took out a small unlabelled bottle of pills. He unscrewed the lid, tipped two into his mouth and swallowed. He placed his head on the desk and slid one hand into his crotch. He was half hard. It wasn’t Sebastian that excited him it was the thought of what he could do to him - hurt him, break him and quite possibly kill…him. ‘Oh God, one day maybe?’ he thought. His eyes pricked with tears. He would wait there until the pills kicked in before he would get ready for his new job, then he would be a different person altogether.

Would you like to meet for coffee?
In the canteen?
Jim 26 March 00:35

The night of the Monday 26th March Jim Ryan the newest member of the Bart’s Hospital IT team met Molly Hooper for coffee in the staff canteen. She was quite different from how he imagined her. She was shy but not pathetically so, naïve but not an idiot. He could have fun playing with her - he kind of liked her. Of course, he was all charm and fluttering eyelashes and oozing as much sex out of his skin as he could manage. She fell for it - he smelt good, looked good and she was left imagining just how good he would feel against her and  even in her.

Molly was caught, caught in Jim Moriarty’s web.

Tuesday 27th March: For the next four days Jim Ryan went to work. He did his job and he did it well. He got bored like everyone else he surfed the net like everyone else,he drank too much coffee like everyone else and he even managed to come up with some great ideas for the new computer system. He met Molly again the next night. He listened to all her stories about the people she worked with, about what ailments and accidents her cadavers had had that day and even all the irritating stories about her stupid fucking cat Toby. He hated cats. He was getting bored now. He needed to move this on so he arranged to meet her in the Fox for a drink and meal at lunchtime on Wednesday. He had told her it was their first date.

Wednesday 28th March: Molly had changed, - really. She had brought in an extra change of clothes. It was just a simple print tunic and jeans, but it was better than wearing her lab coat and smelling of chemicals. As she changed in her office her heart was racing - she was so nervous. Although technically she had already been hanging out with Jim, that fact he had called it a date meant he was really interested in her. When he met her at the main doors, he had nervously leant forward and gave her a peck on the cheek and then reaching out his hand for her to take it, they walked in silence for a few moments before they arrived at  the corner where ‘the Fox’ was located. He gently guided her into the pub with his hand resting on the small of her back and at this she felt a tingling vibration running up her spine. She shivered at the sensation. “Cold?” he asked her. She felt embarrassed and she hoped to God he couldn’t see how he affected her just by this slight contact. “A little” she smiled. She was lying. He could clearly see that, but he played along anyway. “Oh, okay, let’s sit by the fire then”.

He was lovely, as usual. He complimented her on her clothes, whispered sexily with that Irish lilt during their conversations, and intently looked into her eyes when she spoke. He even gently stroked his thumb across her palm as he held it. He was just perfect. This lunch hour was turning into two hours. Molly giggled at all his silly jokes and appeared interested when he talked about IT and her breathing became fast and shallow when he leaned in to whisper to her. He smiled as he continued to spin her a line. Molly Hooper was getting dangerously close to the centre of that web.

After eating a light lunch he had started to ask her questions about her life, her website, about this guy Sherlock who she had fancied. She said she didn’t want to talk about him much - he didn’t matter now, now she had met him. But Jim had persisted. “He was so mean to you though, why do you still think he’s so clever. I worked out his puzzle thing. He’s not all that really that though is he?” This had drawn more out of her. She told him about his experiments in the lab, taking body parts home and even whipping corpses with crops, and oh how Jim had laughed at that. It had made him think of Sebastian.

Just at this moment Jim’s phone rang…”Oh I love that song!” Molly exclaimed as a tinny version of a Bee Gees song rang from the phone and it vibrated itself across the table. “Oh I am soo sorry, its work, I have to take this?” He had already picked up the phone and started to walk towards the mens toilets. “Yes, of course” Molly called after him. She would sit and wait patiently sipping her drink. He spoke quietly with a hiss into the mobile “What the fuck do you want Sebaastian?” Jim Ryan was now Jim Moriarty again.

Entering the toilets he kicked open each stall door to make sure there was no one in there and stood at the far wall watching the main one for anyone entering.
“What do I do with his Marshall bloke then? He won’t tell me”.
Jim rolled his eyes “I don’t fucking know. Break his fucking knuckles or something Tell him you will fuck his wife’s face up, I dunno”. “Thought you didn’t want anything permanent?”
“I don’t but he doesn’t know that, now fuck off, I’m busy!”
“You with that bird?”
“Yes, and she’s not exactly a bird. She’s a bit borring, but sweet really. I might fuck her anyway; I am fucking with her head already so…”
The line went dead as Moran disconnected him. He smiled satisfied he had pissed Sebastian off enough.

He looked at himself in the mirror, ruffled his hair, tilted his head and smiled. Turning, he took a deep breath and opening the door once more, he was Jim Ryan again - and as he clumsily tripped his way through the room towards Molly, he thought about what he might do to her next.

Chapter 2:The second date...

Thursday 29th March
This was going all too well, Jim Ryan had landed two days of early shifts. This was perfect because if he was working at the same time as Molly he could ‘bump’ into her in the corridor and it left him free on an evening. ‘What do you do on a second date?’ Jim wondered. Cinema was too public and you couldn’t talk. A restaurant would be no good -working on a help desk he wouldn’t be able to afford anywhere decent and he was ‘buggered if he was gonna sit in that fecking pub again.’ Simple, he would ask Molly what she wanted to do?

They left work together and decided to pop into M&S for a meal for two deal and a bottle of Red, though Molly said they may as well get two as it was on offer. Hopefully he thought he would be able to get her suitably pissed enough to tell him more about Sherlock and be able to persuade her to introduce him. As soon as they opened the door, Toby ,Molly's tabby, came running out at them whining like only a hungry cat can. “Oh, Toby, come on in, this is my friend Jim”. She picked him up and held him up to Jim's face. He gestured with his shopping bags that he couldn’t stroke him but said in his sweetest voice “Aww, how cute, he is lovely isn’t he? Hallo Toby”. After all the cooing and ahhing at the cat, they unpacked the shopping, and made small talk whilst they heated up the cooker and retrieved some plates and trays.

Molly showed him around the flat which was small, and furnished simply although it was easy to see it was owned by a young single woman. Every room was filled with clutter of pink things, fluffy cushions,nail varnish and just ‘stuff’. Jim inwardly thanked God for Sothebys...and dustbin men. The lounge was set up for one thing only - watching TV. The sofa faced the television and was covered in cushions and throws and he guessed this was where Molly spent most of her time when she wasn’t at work- curled up with the cat watching ‘chick flicks’. "I’ll go open the wine shall I?" Molly said nervously. She was watching as Jim starting looking at her DVD and music collection on the furthest wall. It wasn’t exactly to his taste all these weepy Rom-coms, though he was partial to an old black and white Saturday matinée sometimes. As she entered with a tray with a bottle of Red and two glasses, he was looking at her book collection. It was a bit of a contrast, but gave away Mollys personality in one viewing. Here on one hand was romance, andon the other, medical journals, magazines on Forensic science and Criminology even. He guessed the latter was because of her interest in Sherlock. Jim seemed genuinely impressed “Wow these are great..I could never understand any of this stuff” he lied. “How did you get into, you know... bodies?” he asked uneasily.
“Oh, my Dad was a funeral director. I worked for him when I was younger, but Mum sold the business, you know, when he died”
“Oh, I’m sorry...my Dads dead too”, Jim smiled sympathetically.

So they sat, the 'Morgue Technician' and the 'Psychopath' watching Glee DVDs and eating ‘gastro pub grub’ on trays in front of the TV, getting more, and more pissed. Molly seemed to be consuming most of the wine herself. For every one glass Jim drank she drank two - she was so nervous. It was a long time since she had anyone around the house for a date and she was worried  that she was rushing things. He was so nice though. She didn’t want him to think she was boring- he might not see her again. They giggled and talked about everyday stuff, reality TV shows, problems with the Tube and NHS strikes,but as Molly loosened up she talked about her sisters, her Mum and being alone.

They physically relaxed with each other as they melded into the sofa together. Jim lounging with his legs apart he had tenderly placed his right arm over Molly's shoulder. She had drawn her legs up underneath herself and leaned into him resting her head on his shoulder, while he listened to her quietly talking and telling him all her secret thoughts. Jim Ryan was listening to her, but Jim Moriarty was thinking about his own past - a ‘slut’ of an alcoholic mother he always resented for leaving his real father. The fights, the punches thrown at him and the time he had got an erection whilst taking his first beating from his step father. He had never known love. Truthfully, he wished he could love someone the way Molly loved her family.

He absent-mindedly placed a kiss on her hair. She stirred a little and raised herself to look at him, she looked tired, her eyes heavy with the effects of alcohol and attraction. Jim’s eyes were wide-  his pupils so dilated in the dim light they looked like black mirrors. His eyelashes flickered gently as he looked into hers. He smiled warmly and raised a hand to stroke the hair from her face. “You are a beautiful, person Molly Hooper” and placed a hand gently on her throat. stroking it’s palm down to rest it flat against her heart which beat a fast steady rhythm, his thumb hooked into the buttons of her shirt, “in here too, you are beautiful”. Molly opened her lips to say something but her voice caught in her throat and nothing came out except..”Jim?” She leaned forward tentatively. somehow her nerves had vanished, whether it was the wine or Jim’s eyes had absorbed them from her, but she placed a light kiss on his cheek. “Thank you” she whispered.

He moved his right hand lightly across her back whilst the left guided her hips towards him and she slid one leg across his as he closed the gap between his knees. He was looking up at her now. Both his hands moved to her buttocks gently moving in circles and as she looked down she closed her eyes letting her hair fall across them and she giggled “Oh no, this is embarrassing” .
“What, what’s wrong?” Jim asked “am I moving too fast?”. Molly hid her head in his shoulder as she raised herself so she was not sat fully on his knees. He eased his hands higher to her hips.
“No, I am just worried I am going to scare you off”. Jim laughed heartily “Are you kidding? Molly, I really want you, really...really” his voice soft as he lent into her hair and his hands gently edged her hips down again. He could feel her crotch resting on his jeans and he raised his hips to create some light friction between them. She gasped and pushed herself fully down on his lap. “oohh, she breathed out, closing her eyes and leaning forward again to kiss him fully on the mouth. Jim was a little surprised this was going so well. He was expecting her to be a little desperate for attention, but not quite so willing a participant. All he had to do was parcel her up and eat he for breakfast. He slipped his tongue between her lips and they kissed, tasting the wine on the others tongue, teasing and exploring each others mouths. All the time Jim was making subtle movements with his hips, rubbing his jeans against her knickers. He could sense she was getting very wet and moved his right hand from her hip to slip it in between her legs under her skirt. She made a small squeak but did not resist as he edged his fingers into her pants and pushed two fingers inside her. “Oh Jim” she whispered into his mouth.

“Mmmm..Molllly... Molllly, Molly, Jim had to watch himself here as he was starting to sound like himself, her name playing on his tongue in the same way he taunted Sebastian. He continued to softly whisper to her punctuating the words with a light kiss on her mouth. His fingers still moving inside her, his thumb gently moving across her clit.
”Molly...would you... do something...for me?”
“Mmm.....depends....what it... is...Jim” she gasped into his mouth and pushed his fingers deeper as he crooked and twisted them slowly. He lowered his eyes and moved his left hand down his chest and into his jeans. She pulled away from him a little taken aback. “Oh, um, I, um, sex, is a bit....ooh” He crooked his fingers higher inside her, making her lose herself for a moment.
He whispered again into her neck shyly "Oh no not sex, but I, well, it’s your mouth, I...I would like to feel your mouth on me...” He quickly withdrew his fingers and she whimpered with disappointment.
“Oh right, well, I may not be... well..." she tapered off. She thought she should shut up now, she was so turned on, she had to do something and if this was what he wanted...well then...

Then drawing back off his lap and keeping her eyes fixed upon him, she lowered herself to her knees and moved her hands with purpose up the inside of his legs. She gently squeezed and massaged as she got nearer to his flies and his hands quickly and clumsily undid his belt. He giggled again, and lent his head back, feigning his shyness and closing his eyes.
“Oh Molly, plllease...”
She tugged at his jeans bringing them down six inches or so, enough to see that he was half hard. Perhaps he had not been as turned on as she was and she felt a pang of disappointment again. She ran her hand across his boxers, they were pretty funky, and cute she thought distractedly.

Lifting his hips Jim pushed his jeans down further. Molly ran her hands up his naked thighs, lightly brushing the soft dark hairs there. She noticed a one and a half inch scar which had been badly stitched and healed for some time.
“Oh, what’s this, it...it looks like a knife wound?. What happened?” Jim had forgotten about it altogether, he quickly had to come up with an excuse. “Oh that, I was helping someone cut some trees, back home, you know, Ireland, and I fell out of one on some metal in the grass. Molly’s eyes widened “Really? you were lucky it could have been really bad if it had been higher.” She stroked her fingertips across the scar, and lent forward to kiss it.

Jim sighed and remembered how good the knife had felt as it was thrust into his leg by some guy he had threatened. It had ruined a good suit, Yes, and it could have been worse if Sebastian hadn’t been there to clean him and stitch him up. Army boys were so useful sometimes and it was no wonder Sherlock Holmes had one of his own. He realised Molly had pulled his now hard prick free from his underwear and was looking up at him as she was inexpertly moving her hand up and down the shaft. He had to concentrate now and not fuck this up. If his mind wandered too much she would think there was something wrong.

“Oh Molly, that’s nice, please, put me in your mouth” he moved his right hand into her hair his fingers were still wet with her cum but he hoped she wouldn’t notice. She willingly moved her mouth to the tip of his cock. He was not overly well blessed..It was short but thick and felt good in her hand. Already the tip was dark with blood flow and pre-cum leaked from the slit. She flicked out her tongue to lick it away and could not stop herself from moaning slightly at the texture of his skin against her tongue. Wrapping her lips around him she took the end in her mouth sucking in her cheeks curling her tongue around the bulbous tip. Jim Moriarty smiled as he pulled Molly's head down further to push himself deeper into her mouth. She groaned and the low hum vibrated about his cock. “Oh, Molly....that’s sooo good” he couldn’t help sounding a little condescending. he had to hold this together. He sat up edging towards the edge of the sofa so that he had more control over her movements. She placed one hand at the base of his cock squeezing lightly and the other resting on the scar on his thigh. She pushed him as deep as she could into her throat and gagged at the fullness of it all. She retched and pulled him away. Breathing deeply she composed herself before sucking him in once more, her tongue sliding across the shaft again. Her eyes were closed in concentration.

Jim Moriarty watched her, ‘My God, she was really trying wasn’t she’. He was beginning to see a different side to Molly Hooper. He thought about the whores Sebastian would pick up - the desperate ones, the ones who didn’t mind being knocked about a bit, the ones he would fuck roughly while Jim watched from the corner of the room, masturbating. Seb-ast-ian...now, he had an idea... Molly was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t see Jim Moriarty slip his phone from his pocket. It had been on silent all evening, and this would make it all too easy. His right hand was still tangled in Molly’s hair as he slowly moved his hips as an indicator for her to continue. With his left he held out the phone behind her head facing them both and snapped a photo of her head in his lap. With  an amused sneering smile on his lips, he hit the send button and it automatically went straight to Sebastian's phone. This took seconds and he quickly replaced it in his back pocket without Molly even noticing he had moved at all. The thought of Sebastian's face when he received it made him even harder.

While Molly continued her administrations Jim Moriarty's mind was wandering. He did not see her face any more nor her mouth around his cock. He remembered the thousand or so photographs that sat on his laptop that he had been collecting for months of the man he was directing his hatred upon. He thought of Sherlock Holmes’ face, bruised and broken and what it would look like after days of beatings. He thought of Sebastian standing behind the kneeling detective, a gun pressed into the back of his head, whilst Jim fucked his cracked and bleeding mouth. ‘Oh fuck, this was too much’ he was getting closer now, the thought of large dark welts across Sherlock s high cheekbones was just too, too much.

“Oh, fuck, oh, fuck”
At these words Molly looked up into the face not of Jim Ryan but Jim Moriarty - his eyes rolling back into his lolling head as he tried hard to hold on to reality. She pulled away and spoke “Jim, you okay? You want me to st..”
“NO! no, please, please Molly...” Jim’s kind smile was back again “I am so close....you are amazing”. Reassured by these words she dipped her head again and sucked him back into her warm mouth. Just then she felt Jim’s phone vibrate through the sofa.
“Oh God, oh shit no, not now!”
She tried to continue, but she felt him move to reach for his phone angrily and it put her off. Pulling away she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and frowned as he held the phone in front of him. He had already started to soften and lose interest.

He looked at the message...two words...
'YOU C***T!'
Jim Moriarty tried not to smile as he thumbed out a reply.
Jim Ryan spoke apologetically “Oh, no Molly, I am sooooo, so sorry, it’s my neighbour, shes like eighty and her sons away and I have her key...and she's managed to lock herself out. I am sooo sorry...”
“Oh, no, that’s terrible, no you go. I think maybe I need to go to bed anyway...I think I am a bit drunk.” She wobbled as she stood up and brushed down the front of her shirt and skirt. The mobile vibrated again as Jim tucked himself back into his boxers and stood up to pull up his jeans.
"Oh what now” he checked the inbox again...
Jim replied once more: 
“Oh I had really better go, I really can’t apologize enough” he held both her hands now and drew her towards him. “I had a really lovely time”. He kissed her, Molly melting into his mouth once more. She reluctantly pulled away and spoke quietly. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, can I see you again?, I’ll cook, properly I mean, will you...stay?”
“Stay, oh...stay?. Oh God yes. Oh Molly, of course, yes!” Jim Ryan smiled his most delighted 'Christmas morning' smile - a real ‘ I just won the lottery’ smile.
“Okay then” Molly cheerfully said not quite believing she had just asked a man she had only known for a few days to stay the night with her...to sleep with her. Jim Ryan made his way to the door, gradually and reluctantly, between more gentle cuddles and kisses.

Finally they said goodbye and as the door shut behind him Jim Moriarty made his way up the street, looking for Colonel Sebastian Moran's car. He found it at the corner of the road. An inconspicuous grey ‘Ka’.Not really noticeable as a snipers crime wagon. It amused Jim. It was a poncy girls car, but he guessed it did it’s job of 'not existing' as it’s plates were quite untraceable. He walked around to the passenger door and got in. Once Jim was in Moran checked his mirror and pulled away at speed.
“Evening ‘Boss’ he said sarcastically.
“You better not be fucking me around, I was just about to cum down her throat”
“Tom’s dead, shot in the back and Marshall broke his neck, well Kitchener broke it for him”
“Oh great, bloody marvelous, I needed that number. I have other things to do than clean up your little gang’s fuck ups”
“Your little game with Sherlock Holmes, or shagging this tart?”
“Sometimes, you can be such a little bitch Sebast-ti-an”
“So who do I send to Cornwall now, and what about the old lady?”
“Send Pete, he’s a charmer; nice family man”
There was a pause while Moran concentrated on making a turn at some traffic lights.
“You stink of pussy” he said matter of factly.
Jim smiled and ran his fingers under his nose “Hmm and cats. I fucking hate cats...”
Moran grinned “I love cats” “
You like shooting them, there is a difference” Jim retorted.
“You need a shower”
“I need you to get me a cheap suit, cheap but nice; find me something I’ll look sexy in”
“A body bag?” Moran grinned looking at Jim out the corner of his eye. Jim didn’t reply with anything quick witted, he was thinking, he was at his most dangerous when he was thinking.
“I am going to die you know?”
Moran shook his head “We all are Jim”.
Jim was sounding depressed again “Will you miss me?”
Again Moran shook his head and watched the road “I will miss...your eyes”
Jim chuckled “Maybe they can put them in a jar for you.”
Moran laughed gruffly “Maybe they can do that with your prick as well. Then I can shake the jar and make you give yourself a poke in the eye?"
Moriarty did not laugh, he was silent for a few moments and then switched to his patronizing ‘I'm the boss’ voice he always used when he wanted to put Moran in his place.
“Do you know WHAT you are Seb-ast-ian? You are my dog...and you know it!.” He smiled righteously.
“Yeah? and one day I am going to rip your fucking throat out” Moran’s amusement was long gone.
Jim looked out of the window at the damp dark streets streaming by and uttered his reply.... “I will look forward to it.”.

sex, molliarty, mormor, sherlock, sebastian moran, fan fiction, explicit, john watson, molly hooper, jim moriarty, violence

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