Art: Come and See

Feb 09, 2011 11:00

Fic Title: Come and See
Author: Mariana O'Connor definewisdom 
Art Title: I Can See You
Artist: venturous1
Art Rating: PG
Medium: oil on canvas
Notes: - thanks to Mariana for an awesomely inspiring fic. Image inspiration for "I Can See You" from Gustave Dore's illustrations for E. A. Poe's The Raven


He opened his eyes, obscenely dark in the ash white face.

“John?” he asked. “I... can see you. You look like stars.”

John looked behind him, but the only version of him there was himself, past him, him who hadn’t lived this future yet (and yet he had because he was everywhere and everywhen, but linear progression was so much easier to keep in mind).

“You’re a gateway,” Sherlock said. His voice sounded like an echo of an echo. “I can see through you.”

art entry, artist

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