The Theory of Narrative Causality (4a/5ish)
May 28 2011, 15:21:51 UTC
oh god, you all, you are dangerously lovely, and i can only hope this update lives up to your expectations. thank you so much for all your encouragement and kindness, I keep it well-loved. &hearts
ALSO. the fantastic raggedyhipster has writtenfic of this (&hearts&hearts&hearts). if you haven't read it, go do it right now, it's amazing.
cute enough to shoot you down (jumperfucker) wrote,
Ahahahah, okay, so. This fic featuring consulting_detective and myself was written on the kinkmeme. I read it, I LOL'd, and then I showed it to consulting_detective, who can't be arsed to browse the meme like a normal human being and so apparently relies on me to rec him the best stuff.
We giggled over it like a pair of schoolboys. And then we wrote a prequel to it, because apparently we're as mad as they go.
(So this is fic about fic about, well, fic. I need a YOU'VE BEEN INCEPTION'D macro now.)
Title: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS no seriously, we couldn't find a title so yeah, it doesn't get one Authors: consulting_detective and jumperfucker Characters:
( ... )
The Theory of Narrative Causality (4i/5ish)
May 28 2011, 15:56:48 UTC
And the great revelation, because, well, I'd be kidding myself if I said this isn't what everybody's been talking about. Yes, my name is John Watson. For the record, my parents hadn't read the books until after I was born, and weren't at all aware that Doyle's Watson's first name was John when they chose a name for me. (Not that Doyle did, either. He seemed pretty damn confused about the whole thing himself.) I also am an ex-army doctor, and I was invalidated home from Afghanistan, which was, and remains, a complete and utter coincidence. In some ways, really, this only makes me sad; well over a century has passed, and yet the conflicts are still there, in the same place
( ... )
The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)
May 28 2011, 16:01:27 UTC
consulting_detective (21:54): For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
you (21:55): hey don't it's not your fault
consulting_detective (21:55): I ought to have prevented it.
you (21:55): you ought to have nothing at all we all thought it was a troll, there was no way you could have known
consulting_detective (21:56): Of course there was a way I could have known. I'm too clever not to have known.
you (21:57): yes you are. but that doesn't mean you're psychic it's fine, sherlock, i swear
consulting_detective (21:57): And now your identity is out there for the world to see. He did that. I could rip him limb by limb for it.
you (21:58): calm down, tiger. look. it was only a matter of time before a thing like that happened. there were going to be leaks eventually, too many people knowing and anyway i haven't gotten any stalkers yet, so that's good
consulting_detective (21:59): He put you in the line of fire.
you (21:59): yeah, he did. because he knew i'd make a good weapon against you. it was never about me, sherlock.
Re: The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)jupiter_ashMay 28 2011, 16:06:52 UTC
O.M.G Not only am I hooked but this is absolutely amazing. I absolutely adore your grasp on fandom and your characters. I keep wanting to click on the blue bits and being disappointed when they aren't real links. The amount of time and effort that has gone into your formatting, it's so brilliant. I can't wait for Tuesday. This has been rather epic, and really, really unique and just fantastic at the same time. :D
Re: The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)kim47May 28 2011, 16:07:38 UTC
OH good god, this is magnificent. I was literally flailing through that entire fandom_wank post and freaking out (I actually gasped when it was revealed that the_professor was also jim_fromit, WHAT THE FUCK, I'VE ACTUALLY WATCHED THE SHOW AND I WAS STILL SURPRISED)and the end, I need tuesday like breathing.
Re: The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)
May 28 2011, 16:31:38 UTC
God this is awesome. I keep rereading it and I can't stop smiling. John seems like the kind of person whose journal I would keep reading even if he stopped posting fic, just b/c he's so freaking level headed and nice.
(Captcha has this comment on jumperfucker: 'John, derngd'. Yes, Mycroft, John is a dern good man.)
Re: The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)raggedyhipsterMay 28 2011, 17:11:18 UTC
Thank you for linking me, again, I feel honoured.
What can I say. Beautiful, fantastic, just everything about the way you've written this fic makes me want to scream out loud. Well done, seriously, really well done.
Also, my heart was in my throat at this last chat part. I've been there, I've felt it, and you captured how John would be feeling perfectly.
Re: The Theory of Narrative Causality (4j/5ish)raggedyhipsterMay 28 2011, 17:34:11 UTC
also "I feel vaguely like Misha Collins now.2
i almost died
and now, now, let me try and count it. John and Sherlock wrote a fic about themselves in a community wherein everyone writes fic about SH and you're writing fic about that and I've written fic about you writing fic about that.
ALSO. the fantastic raggedyhipster has written fic of this (&hearts&hearts&hearts). if you haven't read it, go do it right now, it's amazing.
cute enough to shoot you down (jumperfucker) wrote,
Ahahahah, okay, so. This fic featuring consulting_detective and myself was written on the kinkmeme. I read it, I LOL'd, and then I showed it to consulting_detective, who can't be arsed to browse the meme like a normal human being and so apparently relies on me to rec him the best stuff.
We giggled over it like a pair of schoolboys. And then we wrote a prequel to it, because apparently we're as mad as they go.
(So this is fic about fic about, well, fic. I need a YOU'VE BEEN INCEPTION'D macro now.)
Title: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS no seriously, we couldn't find a title so yeah, it doesn't get one
Authors: consulting_detective and jumperfucker
Characters: ( ... )
you (21:55): hey
it's not your fault
consulting_detective (21:55): I ought to have prevented it.
you (21:55): you ought to have nothing at all
we all thought it was a troll, there was no way you could have known
consulting_detective (21:56): Of course there was a way I could have known. I'm too clever not to have known.
you (21:57): yes you are.
but that doesn't mean you're psychic
it's fine, sherlock, i swear
consulting_detective (21:57): And now your identity is out there for the world to see.
He did that.
I could rip him limb by limb for it.
you (21:58): calm down, tiger.
it was only a matter of time before a thing like that happened.
there were going to be leaks eventually, too many people knowing
and anyway i haven't gotten any stalkers yet, so that's good
consulting_detective (21:59): He put you in the line of fire.
you (21:59): yeah, he did.
because he knew i'd make a good weapon
against you.
it was never about me, sherlock.
consulting_detective ( ... )
OMG that was simply EPIC!!!
*seriously needs to breathe some more*
I love you so much right now
I am so excite, you have no idea. Tuesday cannot come fast enough!
alsdkjflskjflasdjflsdjksljf *flails some more*
Just! OMG! *wills Tuesday to be right now*
(Captcha has this comment on jumperfucker: 'John, derngd'. Yes, Mycroft, John is a dern good man.)
The noises I'm making are not human.
Just.. brilliant.
What can I say. Beautiful, fantastic, just everything about the way you've written this fic makes me want to scream out loud. Well done, seriously, really well done.
Also, my heart was in my throat at this last chat part. I've been there, I've felt it, and you captured how John would be feeling perfectly.
i almost died
and now, now, let me try and count it. John and Sherlock wrote a fic about themselves in a community wherein everyone writes fic about SH and you're writing fic about that and I've written fic about you writing fic about that.
How much deeper can we go?
seriously I love you.
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