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anonymous May 7 2011, 03:41:52 UTC
Sherlock is a well-known fanartist whose online antics always land him on fandom_wank. John's a beloved BNF fanfiction author. They meet at a convention; geeky love ensues.


anonymous May 7 2011, 03:50:42 UTC
Oh, how I love this prompt. XD

(Mycroft, that is a sigma. Stop fucking taunting me.)


essie007 May 7 2011, 04:43:49 UTC
This sounds like an awesome meta-fill waiting to happen. Please someone fill this! What would they be fans of I wonder. The original canon maybe? House?


anonymous May 7 2011, 06:08:52 UTC
OMG yes, this, please.

I think I read a 2009!Holmes fic somewhat along these lines, too, if you would like the link.


wallhaditcoming May 7 2011, 13:52:22 UTC
I personally would *love* the link


anonymous May 8 2011, 06:35:26 UTC
anonymous May 7 2011, 12:11:34 UTC


anonymous May 7 2011, 12:42:36 UTC

Filling this if I have to die at it.


op! anonymous May 10 2011, 18:05:50 UTC
yay! \o/


wallhaditcoming May 7 2011, 13:52:52 UTC
This is brilliant. Someone fill please!


anonymous May 9 2011, 02:09:26 UTC
I can so easily imagine Sally trying to get everyone to boycott Sherlock's art because of all the wank, but no one does because it's so good. And Mycroft as the mod of a popular community, constantly trying to control Sherlock's antics

Jim is the creeper who digs through the actors' bins and stalks them.


Fill: The Theory of Narrative Causality (1a/4?) anonymous May 17 2011, 15:20:54 UTC
sorry for how late this is, the fill sort of. ran away. a lot. anyway. hello, meme, nice to meet you at last.

things happen because the plot says they should.

[redacted] posted in fandom_wank,

In Which consulting_detective Would Like You All To Know His Thoughts About Sherlock Holmes

Thanks for the mousies at wank_report for the beginning of this account; I filled in the rest.

Right. consulting_detective. Best damn fanartist in Sherlock Holmes fandom, makes you take one look and jump under the cold shower, master snarker, deadpan cynist, canon lover, sneers at everyone who's in his way, etcetcetc. If you'd like reminders of his previous antics, see here, here, and here. (And here, if you want to be scarred forever ( ... )


Fill: The Theory of Narrative Causality (1b/4?) anonymous May 17 2011, 15:26:20 UTC
Downey would be not be able to play Holmes if he stuck a mop stick up his arse and drank his tea with one pinkie outstretched, and even then he would still be a sugar-hyperactive monkey with no proper sense of manners and the most ridiculous face in the history of christendom

The Ritchie movie is nothing more than American-bait with many explosions and basic appeals at the impressionable human psyche with supernatural stupidities

How To Butcher A Strong Female Character, or why they turned the most intelligent woman of the entire stories into a trousers-wearing, fighting-savvy, men-dominated femme fatale with red lipstick and no brains of her own

Funnily, though, consulting_detective refrains entirely from making scathing remarks about Law's Watson. People remark on this. consulting_detective keeps silent, and then admits that Law's Watson is interestingly-thought and better-played than his detective counterpart.

salts_theway suggests that someone has a crush.

andrés_son makes unfashionable remarks about consulting_detective's ( ... )


Fill: The Theory of Narrative Causality (1c/4?) anonymous May 17 2011, 15:28:54 UTC
Please. Stop. It's not worth dragging old battles in the mud like that; it's only going to make things worse, from now on. The original thread was actually pretty interesting, before everything began to get personal, and there were some discussions around the ACD canon / '09 movie resemblances and dissimilarities between some people not involved in the wank. These were good, I enjoyed reading that. I've already told my fill on those issues here and here, but I suspect SH2 is going to change perspective all over again.

(Yes, I'm still bitter about Rachel McAdams being off the cast. Shut up.)

That said, I think I've answered everyone who kindly commented on A Day Like Today - if I've left someone out by accident, I'm very sorry, and thanks very much. You guys know how much I appreciate your feedback.

(23 comments) - (post a comment)

To: jumperfucker,
From: shbigbangmod,


You have been paired with
consulting_detective for your entry ( ... )


Fill: The Theory of Narrative Causality (1d/4?) anonymous May 17 2011, 15:31:40 UTC
To: consulting_detective,
From: jumperfucker,

I'd noticed. The draft is attached.

Speaking of the pool, I'm still
a bit blurry on Moriarty and what
his appearance should be in this
'verse; d'you think you could sketch
me a quick outline of what you think
he should look like? it's like, your art
makes it clearer to determine my
writing. Or something. All my canon
fics are based off your art, anyway.

To: jumpefucker,
From: consulting_detective,

Are they, now.

"… I loved him best when he was asleep, when his face slackened, and his body's ever-brilliant intensity was assuaged with his exhaustion; at intervals, on days that grew hot and close in the evenings, he would curl on the settee for long hours, a dark coiling comma that was all legs and dressing-gown, and his lazy eyes followed me 'round our sitting-room, sometimes flickering like a pale candle, sometimes - sometimes touching at my neck, my wrists, as though he dreamt of softer things. Sometimes, they slipped shut, and I saw his chest rise and fall, gentler than I had ( ... )


Fill: The Theory of Narrative Causality (1e/4?) anonymous May 17 2011, 15:35:40 UTC
(hchatmod) wrote in holmeschat,




(1066 comments) - (post a comment)


Dear other member of this wonderful little comm I'm a member of.

Yes, I know I made a mistake that day. I am aware I committed the gravest crime. I am guilty of the worst sin ever. Oh, woe. What shall I do with myself now? tell you what, I'll cover my head with ashes and go sit in that corner for the rest of my life, bemoaning the day I ever dared contesting Thy Infinite Knowledge -

… oh, wait.

I admitted I haven't read the stories. Yes, I am writing fic off the movie and the movie alone. NO, THIS IS NOT A BIG FUCKING CRIME.

Fuck you and your stupid elitism and condescendence - see, I can use big words too! and I can do it without insulting you every other sentence! or implying you need to leave fandom forever! which is exactly what you did to me!

Fuck you.

(sorry for the rant, guys.)

dude, that's, like

not even anon

at all

anonymous Well, the comm ( ... )


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