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Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 1/? anonymous February 9 2011, 09:28:11 UTC
My almighty wizard god, a thousand apologies for the amount of time this took, it was meant to be a mini-fill, but it just kind of...got away from me. Thanks to those who looked this over for me, it's much appreciated that you herd my tenses about like sheep. Also, the phrase itself didn't end up getting worked in I'm sorry, I hope this fill is to your liking!Joan was staring down at Sherlock as he spread her legs slowly, and somehow she found it humorous how intent he was, how even now he was cataloging every nervous twitch that ran across her taut stomach, the somewhat labored rise and fall of her chest, the way her hands fisted in the previously immaculate fabric at the thighs of Mycroft's trousers as he shifted behind her. She wouldn't be surprised if this was all going on a spreadsheet later. As she watched Mycroft opening her shirt, his fingers precise and elegant on each button, watched as Sherlock opened the fly on her ratty jeans, less with grace and more as a way from point A to point B, she wondered how on earth she had ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 2/? anonymous February 9 2011, 09:30:12 UTC
And before Joan has much time to do more than open her mouth to speak, Sherlock was crossing the room, gathering her to him and bending until their mouths met. Her eyes went round with shock, and dinner truly would have gone spilling everywhere at that point had Mycroft not surripitously taken the bags and set them on a sidetable that miraculously was not too covered in junk. In their place, Mycroft slid his own hands, threading his fingers through hers in what felt like a surprisingly intimate gesture. Not that Joan had much time to think about that, Sherlock was still being shockingly good at kissing.

Between placing small, exacting kisses along the slope of Joan's neck, Mycroft eyed the room.

"Hmm, the couch ought to do nicely."

Which was where Joan Watson currently found herself. Mycroft had sat first, spreading his legs and pulling her down between them, and she felt him solidly behind her like an anchor. His fingers slid through her short hair, a little choppy around the neck since she usually trimmed it herself. She should ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 3/? anonymous February 9 2011, 09:33:13 UTC
Joan felt a little more exposed now, skin that hadn't seen the light of day since she'd come back to London was now stretched across the couch, her thighs splayed across Mycroft's. All she had left were a rather unremarkable pair of white cotton knickers, though it was obvious the crotch was dampening.

Sherlock made a noise of interest, looking pleased as he ran his hands up her thighs, bending down til his cheek nearly rested on her right inner thigh. He stopped there for a moment, just looking, his eyes darting in minute movements that suggested he was making a plan of action, and Joan was about to knee him in the head and tell him to learn some spontaneity when he rolled his face forward and licked her through the fabric.

Joan gave up trying to hold back and moaned, her hips rolling unconciously. She heard Mycroft hiss behind her, his fingers tightening, his breath coming in small puffs past the shell of her ear. They were moving together in an abbreviated rhythm, a cacophony of noises quietly pulled out of each of them in turn ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 4/? anonymous February 9 2011, 09:36:09 UTC
Sherlock clamped his mouth down, sucking hard on everything behind his lips and Joan's eyes fluttered as she pressed backward, becoming aware of the erection in the small of her back, which only made her grind back with purpose. Mycroft's breath was coming in short bursts, as if he was trying very hard to control himself. Sherlock pulled back a little, his tongue flicking her clit with in a quick rhythm that made Joan's body jerk while she gasped repeatedly. Panting, she put a hand to Sherlock's forehead, pushing a few inches away.

"If you don't fuck me now," she told him, trying to keep her eyes open as Mycroft's hands began to stealthily sneak downwards, "I'm going to get up and go ruin the experiment in the kitchen with the...the fingers in the acetone," she leaned back against Mycroft's chest and made herself breathe. "As soon as I can find my legs."

The self diagonosed sociopath grinned at her fondly, rocking back onto his heels and reaching for his zip, and that definitely wasn't enough for Joan, who found it in herself to sit ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 5/? anonymous February 9 2011, 09:39:48 UTC
Joan couldn't help but hold her breath as she slid down onto Mycroft's cock, Sherlock drawing a hand down the column of her neck and kissing the corner of her mouth absentmindedly. The three of them were still for a moment, waiting for her to adjust, and then she reached down for Sherlock's cock, feeling the most impatient she'd ever been since two days before the Christmas of 1984.

Sherlock huffed as if it was supposed to be a chuckle, but Joan wasn't paying attention because Sherlock was sliding inside of her and she wanted to wrap her legs around him and lock her ankles together because fuck. They were still again for perhaps a second, then Sherlock drew out slightly and back in, which caused Joan to move upwards, which caused Mycroft to shift, all of them stirring and sighing together.

The air in Joan's lungs felt static and heavy; she felt as if she was unable to draw breath in or out. Her arms churned, her hands searching, as if they couldn't decide where they wanted to be. Finally, one planted itself on Sherlock's chest, ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous February 9 2011, 09:42:16 UTC
Joan's breathe was catching again, because Mycroft was still making controlled, almost lazy circles beneath her, one hand moving down the slope of her abdomen to flick her clit methodically with his middle finger, and it was bursting over her again, her vision sparkling and fuzzing around the edges like her eyes were watering, and they probably were.

"Oh, oh," she stuttered, as her back muscles went taut repeatedly, and Sherlock moans low in his throat and she then could feel him pulsepulsepulse inside of her as he bit down on where her neck met her shoulder. Joan wanted to collapse, felt as if her bones might melt out of her body, her limbs splayed higgledy piggledy across the two of them, but Mycroft was panting harsh little breaths into the short hairs at the top of her neck, the beds of his fingernails going bloodless as he presses them into Joan's shining skin.

So Joan cranked her torso around, her fingernails digging into his shoulderblade to keep herself in place as she licked into his open mouth, kissing sloppily and ( ... )


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous February 9 2011, 10:55:27 UTC
gaah guujhh. hot . brain fdead hot. wow.


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! andrea_deer February 10 2011, 22:02:54 UTC
This was absolutely most delightful and amazing, and so hot that the only reason I can speak more or less coherently is because I waited a day with writing this comment. ♥


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous February 10 2011, 22:49:55 UTC
-fans self- um, wow.


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! margi_lynn February 11 2011, 01:00:53 UTC
This is the most pervy and wonderful thing I've read all day.

I am going to go to my bunk now and reread this. Yes.

Thank you for sharing!


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous February 14 2011, 21:07:25 UTC

Fanning myself... You just satisfied a kink I didn't even know I had.


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! scarletwilder March 16 2011, 17:04:22 UTC
Phew..Joan Watson is one lucky lady *wipes forehead*


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! ilovewales March 17 2011, 17:38:56 UTC
*pants* *jealous of Joan*

(egove Peasants to you too Mycroft)


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous March 21 2011, 19:19:56 UTC
Hot, hot, hot :D


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! anonymous March 21 2011, 19:32:43 UTC
Hot, hot, hot :D


Re: Fill! - Satisfaction With Two - 6/6 - Fin! esqueish November 3 2011, 05:56:02 UTC
Hello all, well, I guess I'm finally deanoning, now that I have an Ao3 account, and I threatened told myself that when I got one, I would own up to the fic that I've written anon on here, for the sake of having it all in once place. I've cleaned it up a little bit, brushed the dirt off and wiped the little smudgies off it's face, so if you'd like to see it a little cleaned up, you may find it here.


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