Welcome! (Prompting: part i)

Jul 26, 2010 11:58

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This is a fic prompting meme based around the BBC series Sherlock, written by Stephen Moffat & Mark Gattis.

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prompting: 01, prompt posts

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Inbetween [1/3] anonymous July 30 2010, 12:51:55 UTC
Sorry, I couldn't quite get Sherlock close enough to do any head-butting. (Verbal head-butting, though, they do in spades. Always.) Hope it works for you despite that.


“I brought you a cup of tea.”

John dragged himself up to rest on his elbows, blinking blearily in the bright light from the landing that now fell directly across his face, and tried to work out what was wrong. Not the nightmares, not having woken drenched in sweat with blood behind his eyes - that was normal enough, although it was the first time in this house, in this bed. He had probably made half a grab towards the bedside table, also, the one that was too far away, where his revolver so pointedly wasn’t: so far, so normal ( ... )


Re: Inbetween [2/3] anonymous July 30 2010, 12:56:02 UTC
John stared at the mug of tepid liquid for a while, and then limped across the corridor - damn leg, never responded well to a nightmare - to the bathroom. He was limping back again when there was a tremendous crash from the kitchen, followed by an excitable volley of cursing ( ... )


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous July 30 2010, 12:58:55 UTC
“I’m your flatmate, my dear John, not your landlady,” They both laughed for a moment, giggling like schoolboys, although when Sherlock came out with his second attempt at tea in his hand, he gave John a very careful look that the latter found even more uncomfortable than the one to which he had awoken.

“Stop trying to be perceptive at two fifty-three -“

“I’m always perceptive, I refuse to stop, and it’s two fifty-four -”

“Whatever, and don’t mind me, just go back to what you were doing. I shan’t disturb you now. Oh, and thanks for.” He lifted his mug in salute, shook out the paper, and settled back, pausing after a few seconds and glancing up to find Sherlock still staring at him. “Well?” he said.

“The tea,” Sherlock prompted.

“Is hot,” said John irritably, “so unless you want me to burn my mouth you will have to wait until it is three o’clock - or thereabouts,” he added quickly. He wasn’t sure if it was easier or harder to deal with Sherlock when he was awake or half-asleep, or whether feeling perfectly comfortable right here, ( ... )


Re: Inbetween [3/3] mariana_oconnor July 30 2010, 13:07:19 UTC
That was brilliant. The TEA! And the violin bow... and just everything. Sherlock's awkwardness and John's resignation and exasperation. ^_^


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous August 1 2010, 00:52:33 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)


Re: Inbetween [3/3] verasteine July 30 2010, 20:09:20 UTC
Fabulous. Sherlock is wonderfully in character and a bit exhausting -- well done.


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous August 1 2010, 00:54:15 UTC
Thanks! He has so much energy - must be the coffee and nicotine patch combo...


Re: Inbetween [3/3] blamethecupcake July 30 2010, 21:39:51 UTC
I loved it! Poor half asleep John, though I couldn't help but gush over Sherlock baring tea trying to help in his own horribly awkward way.


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous July 31 2010, 21:06:48 UTC
I am so very glad you liked it! Horriblyawkward!Sherlock is so much fun to write.


Re: Inbetween [3/3] ptelefolone July 31 2010, 15:12:29 UTC
Augh this is wonderful and so perfectly in character. Sherlock's attempts to make tea are ADORABLE. Thank you so much anon ♥♥


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous August 1 2010, 00:58:53 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked.

(I'm sure in his mind tea has always arrived ready-formed, and the hows of making it just never interested him. I have my suspicions as to exactly what he did, but perhaps that'll have to be another fic ;)


Re: Inbetween [3/3] calicokat July 31 2010, 18:14:41 UTC
This was lovely. Esp:

“But then how would you be an Englishman, John? Taking your tea without milk.”

“I’d be an Englishman drinking tea at three o’clock in the morning when there isn’t any milk.”



Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous August 1 2010, 01:01:31 UTC
Thanks! I just love that they behave like an old married couple from the get-go.


Re: Inbetween [3/3] demon_faith August 2 2010, 07:08:41 UTC
I love Sherlock preoccupied with the tea as a surrogate for fussing over John. Great characterisation and great story!


Re: Inbetween [3/3] anonymous August 3 2010, 12:33:42 UTC
Thank you! He has to fuss somehow...


Re: Inbetween [3/3] alone_dreaming September 2 2010, 21:45:57 UTC
Absolutely, amazingly, indescribably perfect.

You've got the characterizations just right. I can see Holmes flailing about the flat looking distinctively frazzled about tea. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure he understands how to make tea. Probably hopes that if he puts the water and the leaves next to each other, they'll procreate.

:) So wonderful. Love it.


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