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anonymous November 14 2010, 06:50:36 UTC
So. Noncon. OMC/Sherlock, and that someone comes back from jail. Can we get some BAMF!John and Lestrade, and vulnerable/quietly afraid/shocky Sherlock? :D


pennies_4_eyes November 14 2010, 06:52:22 UTC
Oh! Secret unknown kink, where have you been all my life?


I think I'm on this anonymous November 14 2010, 09:22:45 UTC
.. give me a day or two to post, but damn, this prompt has set the plot bunnies wild.


clarify.. anonymous November 14 2010, 12:48:37 UTC
Just wanted to clarify, does the non-con occur after the OC gets out of jail (and he's exacting revenge on Sherlock), or is the non-con part of the reason as to why the OC is in jail?


Re: clarify.. anonymous November 14 2010, 12:55:41 UTC
Not the op, but I read it as both. That's what he's in jail for and he's aiming to do it again. *waits for OP input*


Re: clarify.. anonymous November 14 2010, 16:41:56 UTC
OP here. Wow, I never thought I'd get a response so fast! XD I was thinking that non-con was the reason the OC's in jail, and when he gets out, he wants to exact revenge (read as more non-con) because Sherlock put him there.


Re: clarify.. anonymous November 15 2010, 03:56:46 UTC
sweet! XD hopefully i'll have something up soon - i've been bitten by the writing bug. finally. stupid muse ran off for a while >:


Re: clarify.. anonymous November 15 2010, 03:59:43 UTC
We're all very excited, anon! :D


FILL: Felony (1a/?) anonymous November 16 2010, 04:25:08 UTC
I’d rather call this a prologue as it’s a set up more than anything else, and a little dull, but background seemed needed... hopefully it’s okay. This feels like it’s going to be a long one :S

When John informs Sherlock he’ll be leaving for three days for a medical lecturer, Sherlock pulls his attention, for the first time in days, from his experiment of the rate of decomposition when exposed to various intensities of light, and stares at John. “What am I meant to do then?”

John frowns, “With what?”

“With this,” Sherlock’s hand bounces in the air expressively, “how is all this meant to happen ( ... )


FILL: Felony (1b/?) anonymous November 16 2010, 04:26:31 UTC
word limit, whoops.

He’s just in the middle of dismantling the smoke alarm so his experiments won’t bring the street into chaos when Mrs Hudson unnecessarily calls the fire brigade at the first sound of the wretched thing - really, he had it all under control last time- when his phone chimes.

Have you read the paper?
DI Lestrade.

John didn’t bring it home.

Internet. Page four.
DI Lestrade.

His mouth smirks left, his eyes narrowed in suspense and mild glee, hands twitching as he searches.

The headline hits him first,‘Michael Vanden released’ and the dread second. He scans the article furiously, discovering that, with the system as it is, corrupt and full of bargains, his minimum five year sentence has already finished after two and his identity will be changed. There are no pictures of V, only the one where his eyes have been black barred out so only his smile shows but that in itself is chilling enough.

Fix this. Now.

My office.
DI Lestrade.And suddenly, Sherlock finds himself terribly small and vulnerable and ( ... )


Re: FILL: Felony (1b/?) anonymous November 16 2010, 04:56:33 UTC
Can't wait to see more of this!

(captcha says: berboal chamber- is that some kind of torture for Vanden?)


Re: FILL: Felony (1b/?) anonymous November 16 2010, 05:00:02 UTC
Not at all boring, anon! Scary and inticing!! I really like what you're doing with this!


Re: FILL: Felony (1b/?) azuritebright November 16 2010, 18:02:42 UTC
OP is so excited! *flails* This looks like such an awesome beginning! :) YAY!

"'With this,' Sherlock’s hand bounces in the air expressively, 'how is all this meant to happen."' Ahaha, yes Sherlock, you really must do your own shopping XD


FILL: Felony (2a/?) anonymous November 17 2010, 01:57:38 UTC
Mild warning for implications. Also, I know mycroft could probably make Vanden disappear but let's go with the weak excuse I've used ( ... )


FILL: Felony (2b/?) anonymous November 17 2010, 01:59:39 UTC
Lestrade’s lips thin, “The Anna Blunt case,” he tries instead, “tomorrow noon, we’re going down to the school to interview a few teachers, take a look around the grounds ( ... )


Re: FILL: Felony (2b/?) anonymous November 17 2010, 02:04:21 UTC


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