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anonymous August 21 2010, 23:43:18 UTC
Right, so the standard is that Sherlock is asexual.

I'd much rather see a Sherlock who is completely in touch with his sexuality and indulges from time to time. You can not be looking for a relationship and still go out and get off. Maybe he pops into the odd club now and then, on the pull. Maybe he's got a stable of boys he goes to when he needs to burn off energy after/during a case. Or hell, maybe he likes rent boys! IDK, just give me sex-positive Sherlock Holmes.

(Of course, make it John/Sherlock schmoop and I'll love you forever.)


anonymous August 21 2010, 23:46:41 UTC



Also, the stable of boys thing made me lol and then do grabby hands. I WANT SHERLOCK WITH A NETWORK OF FUCK BUDDIES. YES YES YES PLEASE.


anonymous August 22 2010, 02:37:18 UTC
Oh, so THAT'S what the 18/18+ yr-old Irregulars are really for.


anonymous September 2 2010, 17:04:08 UTC
I'm filling it right now... kind of... I think? It's gotten kind of away with me, it's far longer than I thought and I'm not even sure if it's really a fill for your prompt any more (yes, it's gotten that far away).

Uhm... what was I saying? Oh yes. Well, I hope I'll finish it soon, and even if it's not exactly what you wanted it still has a Sherlock who's in touch with his sexuality in it, so I'll probably even post it when it's finished. *rambling*


OP Here... anonymous September 2 2010, 17:13:38 UTC

I was worried no one would fill this but oh my God awesome. :D I am looking forward to this!


Fill zannabq September 5 2010, 13:44:54 UTC

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