Prompting Part XXX

Jun 19, 2012 22:14

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being
allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 30, prompt posts

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Song prompt: If you're reading this by Tim McGraw hunsher June 27 2012, 20:04:13 UTC
John and fem!Sherlock are in a happy relationship and try for a baby for months. She gets pregnant just 2 months before John is sent off to Afghanistan.

And one day she recieves a letter:

If you're reading this
And My mama's sitting there
Looks like I only got a one-way ticket over here
I sure wish I could give you one more kiss
And war was just a game we played when we were kids
Well I'm laying down my gun
I'm hanging up my boots
I'm up here with God
And we're both watching over you

I want tears and sadness and ripped out hearts and a small comfort for her that part of John is with her in their daughter.

God, I'm already crying. Q_Q


imagination_sta June 27 2012, 20:13:15 UTC
Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (1a/?) hunsher July 3 2012, 21:16:54 UTC
I'm filling my own prompt. How lovely. But seriously, this story just bugged me until I started thinking about it and I started crying. Yeah. I hope there are other emotional mazochist out there like me.

Sherlock was standing by the sink in the bathroom, clutching the pregnancy test in her hand when the result on the little screen flashed. Her feet slid out from under her and with a heartbreaking yell she fell to the floor. She rocked back and forth as she tried to accept the cruel reality. She wasn’t pregnantJohn almost fell into the bathroom as he came in, throwing the door open with a loud bang. His face contorted when Sherlock’s form came into his vision. He immediately dropped to his knees next to his wife and wrapped her in his arms ( ... )


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (1b/?) hunsher July 10 2012, 07:28:11 UTC
oOo ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (1b/?) hunsher July 8 2012, 11:11:02 UTC
Looking forward for more. Please continue.


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (1b/?) hunsher July 8 2012, 19:38:30 UTC
I was thinking about giving up, but you give me hope that my writing might do justice to this story :3

Thanks! <3


imagination_sta July 9 2012, 02:51:13 UTC
Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (2a/?) hunsher July 9 2012, 23:22:44 UTC
3 months later they were sitting anxiously in the waiting room of a well-known obstetric clinic, holding each other’s hands, legs moving up and down restlessly ( ... )


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (2b/?) hunsher July 9 2012, 23:24:55 UTC
Weeks and months passed and they argued about it, but in the end they decided that they wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl ( ... )


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (2b/?) glenavera July 10 2012, 07:27:13 UTC
So glad you decided to continue this. You captured the moment between Sherlock and John 'seeing' their baby for the first time perfectly. Can't wait for more.


imagination_sta July 12 2012, 03:16:23 UTC
Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (3a/?) hunsher July 20 2012, 09:48:39 UTC
this part is unbeta'ed After knowing that the baby is going to be a girl, Sherlock was unstoppable. She spent half of their savings on decorating and preparing the baby room -light purple walls, dark ebony cradle and furniture, all sorts of toys to facilitate cognitive and motor development ( ... )


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (3b/?) hunsher July 20 2012, 09:50:54 UTC
Their happiness ended quickly when one day Sherlock, after spending a girls’ afternoon out with Molly, opened the door of the flat to find John on the couch with his head buried in his hands. He hunched forward, his elbows on his knees and a piece of paper on the table in front of him ( ... )


Re: Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (3b/?) hunsher July 20 2012, 09:52:14 UTC
The first month dragged on incredibly slowly. Sherlock couldn’t sleep in the first weeks, she had nightmares. She dreamt about John who was in a snow white desert. Everything was black and white and John played football with his mates but after a few minutes it always turned into horror. The black and white picture had a new colour - red. A few red stains on John’s torso, around his liver. It was barely visible at first but stated growing. His shirt was soaking in red after a few moments, and drops started falling from his nose and it also leaked through his mouth. He smiled at Sherlock but his teeth were red now, the blood colouring the front of his shirt ( ... )


Fill: Dear Sherlock, if you're reading this... (4a/?) hunsher July 20 2012, 09:55:46 UTC
She heard a soft knock on the front door and wondered who that might be but doddered down the stairs and opened the door. A young man in army uniform stood in the doorway, hat in his hands ( ... )


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