Prompting Part XXVII

Mar 10, 2012 20:31

Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 27, prompt posts

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Irredeemably cracky fill sheepnamedpig March 18 2012, 08:03:59 UTC
Dear OP, I am so, so sorry. I have no excuse to offer except for my own immaturity and inability to take serious prompts as seriously as they sometimes deserve.


The kidnapper clutches his skull, fingertips bone-white from the pressure. Behind him, Sherlock hiccups, completely involuntarily. The man's fingers spasm against his head.

Three days.

Three bloody days. A sympathetic and similarly suffering minion sidles up next to him ( ... )


OP Re: Irredeemably cracky fill sheepnamedpig March 19 2012, 04:58:50 UTC
That, that was beautiful.

I'll be honest when I came up with this prompt this was the last thing I was expecting. But after spending several days in a row dealing with unbearably hot weather, rude customers, and three tones of school work, this made my entire night.

Thank you for such a lovely piece of crack. :)


Re: OP Re: Irredeemably cracky fill sheepnamedpig March 19 2012, 05:02:45 UTC
*Sorry, I meant three tons of school work. Though some of my homework does require tones.


Re: OP Re: Irredeemably cracky fill sheepnamedpig March 19 2012, 19:46:37 UTC
You do not know how relieved I am to hear this. You do not know. I don't know what came over me, aside from a tidal wave of immaturity and giggles. But yeah, I hope your three tones of school work came out sounding pleasantly harmonious. And do bottle up some of that hot weather and fax it over--it's been nothing but rain, rain, and cold where I am.


OP: One Little Thing sheepnamedpig March 19 2012, 17:42:28 UTC
This is just a factual nit-pick, but lobotomies don't require any form of sewing. In fact they were designed specifically so that nothing more than an icepick (or in this case, knitting needle) was required. After the insertion, you simply wrapped the entry point with gauze as the needle was pulled out to wipe the blood off, and then throw on a pair of sunglasses to cover up the black eye(s) the patient inevitably had afterwards.

The main reason for this was because the man who invented lobotomies (whose name slips me at the moment) didn't have a license to perform surgical procedures, and he wanted the procedure to catch on - which meant that they had to be easy and "efficient." They were basically designed specifically so that "any fool could do [lobotomies]."

Sorry for this rather long rant, just something I felt I should point out. ^^' (Don't ask me why I know more about lobotomies than I really should)


Re: OP: One Little Thing sheepnamedpig March 19 2012, 20:00:43 UTC
So clearly I am mentally about twelve years old, because I feel the need to point out the pun you could've used with 'knit-pick'. And now I have to instantly apologize, because that's a stupid pun, so my sincerest apologies, OP, and thanks for the rltrufax. I was too busy giggling over my own stupidity to do research, but I'll try to contain myself next time.

Though I suppose I could retcon it by saying that the sidling minion used it as an excuse to practice his purl stitch. He's just learned to knit, you see, and is working his way up to making a cableknit jumper.

Writing fanfiction has made me know a lot more than I really should about a lot of things.


Re: OP: One Little Thing sheepnamedpig March 28 2012, 17:42:49 UTC
Oh Christ, you're telling me that I missed the opportunity to make a pun? Damn.

What really bugs me is the fact that I almost did write "knit" before I realized that that wasn't how it was spelled. Shame, I do love puns...

Well, considering this is Sherlock we're talking about, there's also a good chance that they just went through his eyelid. The muscles for opening and closing eyes are some of the strongest in your body, and it would probably be a fight just to keep Sherlock's head still - let alone force his eye open.

But on the bright side, at least the minion's stitching is getting better. Sherlock has some lovely stitch-work on that wound.

That's true. Fan-fiction apparently brings out some of my darker humor as well.


Re: OP: One Little Thing sheepnamedpig March 28 2012, 20:16:20 UTC
Well, next time you miss a pun, I'll point it out without shame and we can cackle gleefully over it. Though, every time I think about this fill I burst into spontaneous giggles. Still twelve years old, I guess.

Wow, right through the eyelid? I totally didn't know that about eye muscles. Tho I bet they just knit him a soft scarf with some blue yarn and he calmed right down.

Absolutely lovely. It demonstrates an understanding of the properties of the material being used and excellent control of string tension during the weaving process.

Fanfiction brings out my darker everything. And my inner twelve year-old, apparently. It's a double-edged sword.


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