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Wholoooock itsxaxmystery December 20 2011, 06:06:24 UTC
Everyone remembers that Sally Donovan was the Doctor's companion for years.

Everyone remembers how she saved the world countless times, how happy she was, how alive that blue box made her feel when she thought she was finished and then heard it come sailing in after months and months.

Everyone remembers how much she loved that mad, stupid alien like some estranged kid brother who can't help coming home every time he gets into trouble.

Everyone but her.

Bonus points if that's why she irrationally doesn't like Sherlock - he just reminds her of someone but can't put her finger on it and it makes her unimaginably sad

Super bonus points for a happy ending. Maybe she didn't forget out of necessity like Donna, so she gets her memories back?


Standing Still (mini-mini-fill, possibly TBC) rattyjol December 20 2011, 06:31:50 UTC
In her dreams, Sally runs. She runs because he runs, the man she can never quite catch, always just out of sight in the fog. She sees his coattails whipping through the air as her alarm rings, and she's suddenly standing far too still.

She's always standing still, awake, always that nagging feeling at her shoulder like there's something she keeps meaning to do but never quite manages to get to it. Making breakfast, waiting at crime scenes, filling out paperwork, brushing her teeth. There's never any motion to it. The world rushes on without her, but she's always standing still.

Sometimes she'll catch people staring at her, with this look in their eyes, somewhere between pity and admiration and crushing despair. They always turn away very quickly.

Sometimes she looks at the stars and forgets how to breathe.


Re: Standing Still (mini-mini-fill, possibly TBC) itsxaxmystery December 20 2011, 06:38:44 UTC

thank you so mu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huuuuu-huch!


Re: Standing Still (mini-mini-fill, possibly TBC) itsxaxmystery December 20 2011, 06:39:57 UTC
OH oh, my heart. it hurts. make it better?

This is beautiful SO BEAUTIFUL *tears*


Re: Standing Still (mini-mini-fill, possibly TBC) eci_frog February 19 2012, 13:35:37 UTC
My heart aches...


Re: Wholoooock itsxaxmystery December 20 2011, 06:37:10 UTC
my heart my heart! there's not enough Sally!promts, do want!



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