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FILL: About Art (1 of 3ish) vash137 October 10 2011, 13:24:56 UTC
This prompt kind of got stuck in my mind and made me write it, so here goes. It's fluffy. You have been warned. I hope you like ( ... )


Re: FILL: About Art (2 of 3ish) vash137 October 10 2011, 13:28:55 UTC
When John chose to share the flat, Sherlock did a quick rendering on the back of a copy of an old case file. He forgot about it until the cabbie. Looking at the sketch again, the regularity of John's features, it couldn't have been more wrong. Sherlock tried again: the crease in John's brow when leaning over his laptop, the shine of his teeth, his face flushed and laughing after a difficult chase, the crinkle of fabric, John's hands balled into fists inside the sleeves of that appalling gray jumper ( ... )


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 10 2011, 13:30:48 UTC
“Basic drafting is useful for my work. It's observation, visualisation and fine motor control. I've trained myself at it for some time. Imagine how tedious it would be to have to consult an artist every time I needed a rendering for my Irregulars to pass around. Besides, a police sketch artist, no matter how well trained, won't fully render the details as described. Or they would alter my description under the mistaken idea that I had exaggerated or forgotten things due to the stress of a situation. I've tested this ( ... )


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 10 2011, 17:01:17 UTC
Beautiful! I enjoyed this very much!


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 02:23:53 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 10 2011, 19:35:49 UTC
Aw! This is beautiful. I know I shouldn't, but I adore insecure!Sherlock who is deathly afraid of John leaving him. Brilliant work.


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 02:26:26 UTC
Thank you! I totally have a soft spot for insecure!Sherlock as well, so he tends to creep up in my writing. Much love :)


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 10 2011, 22:09:20 UTC
Lovely <3


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 02:28:32 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 10 2011, 23:33:55 UTC
Ahhh, I love this so. Of course Sherlock would be a superb artist; he certainly has the eye and the hands for it. And of course he wouldn't think of it as anything remotely like art, no sir, not Sherlock Scientific-Method-Weeps-at-the-Mention-of-Me Holmes.

You illustrated Sherlock's mind and mentality beautifully in this. His meticulous precision and perfectionist's drive, his insecurity overlaid by his arrogance (it's not art, it's an experiment), and all those little signs of that wonderful heart of his that he tries so hard to suppress (the part with Victor hurts all the more from everything you didn't include. Oh, Sherlock).

“But I...enjoy trying to capture you. As frustrating as it is. You have too many expressions. Too many layers. It's never boring. I want to remember you, but these attempts, even if I rendered every moment, it wouldn't be enough.” This. And pretty much everything else that comes out of Sherlock's mouth. So, so, so wonderfully beautiful and uncertain and humanJohn's not going to leave you, silly boy. Not ( ... )


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 02:33:35 UTC
Thank you so much for your amazing and detailed comments! I'm so glad you saw so many of the things I was trying to put into the story and liked them :) Epic love letters totally made me grin.

I've posted this on AO3 and FF.net under the title "Making Art" if you're interested.

Much love :)


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 23:17:54 UTC
Yes, I saw AO3 entry. And bookmarked it, thank you very much. And HOLY CRAP YOU WROTE THE MATCHMAKER FIC HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS.

Oh, please please please say you plan on finishing this one? I will physically make and mail you any baked goods you demand if you do (or, you know, just metaphorically if that was a bit stalkerish).


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 19 2011, 14:57:39 UTC
I absolutely plan on finishing it. I was actually working on it tonight and will tomorrow night after work as well. The major problem with this is that I had an idea of how this story was going to resolve, but then it took a sharp left and I wrote like 3 versions of the next scene but they were all wrong. I think I've got things going in a good direction again, but I feel incredibly bad for making everyone who is reading this wait so long for the last two chapters. (also, on a purely personal level, after waiting this long, I doubt anything I write will be actually worth the long lag, but I'm gonna put it out there anyway). As I'm doing Nanowrimo in November, I intend fully to have this story finished by the end of October. Hopefully next chapter by the end of the weekend, if online scrabble and my fanfic reading obsession doesn't do me in too badly first.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting and being patient with Matchmaker! Much love :)


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) mismatched37 October 11 2011, 06:11:32 UTC
so lovely :]


Victor took a step closer, the sharpness of his aftershave overwhelming. “Will you kiss me?”

“Yes...oh...” Sherlock's mouth was dry when their lips touched.

ugh that's so gorgeous and perfect and i love it.

sherlock's vulnerability to john is so beautiful. again, the whole thing is so lovely. thank you ♥


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) vash137 October 16 2011, 02:53:45 UTC
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I really wanted that vulnerability to come through and I'm glad it did!


Re: FILL: About Art (3 of 3 - FINAL PART) pennin_ink October 12 2011, 07:00:40 UTC
I read this in Neil Gaiman's voice.

You have no idea how huge that is for me. I only ascribe his narration to a very select sort of story, the kind with a layered complexity belied by its open and forthright tone, the sort of intricate dance that you'd find in his work.

This story was a pleasure and a joy to read, and you are a remarkable story teller.


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