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Mystrade Angst anonymous September 24 2011, 04:56:11 UTC
After spending the night at some office party for the Yard, Lestrade comes back to his and Mycroft's flat drunk as a lord and determined to make the night even more memorable with the aid of that fine man of his.

Unfortunately, that plan is sort of blown out of the water when Mycroft promptly freaks out as Lestrade attempts to come anywhere near him and leaves.

What happens next? What freaked Mycroft out so much? How does Lestrade fix it?
I have no idea, what are your thoughts?


Re: Mystrade Angst kitchenmycup September 24 2011, 09:26:12 UTC
Oh. Oh dear :(
By which I mean, Seconded.


Re: Mystrade Angst anonymous September 24 2011, 13:18:33 UTC
No intention (or ability) to fill this prompt, but I have to say, my mind immediately went to Mycroft is freaked out because this is exactly how things went with Daddy Holmes: coming home drunk as a lord, expecting Mummy to make the night even more memorable, then turning nasty when she refused his advances and maybe even violent, and Mycroft as the elder son trying to step in and diffuse events.

Poor Mycroft, and poor Lestrade, come to that.


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1a/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 13:36:43 UTC
The Faithful And The Low

By ~ Tru

WARNINGS: Physical (and emotional in a way) child abuse, alcohol abuse

A/N: I really hope the previous anon doesn't mind. Your idea for this prompt and my own one somewhat melded. It really was a better spin on my Daddy!Holmes was a nasty drunk idea :)

Anyway - I hope you enjoy.


Greg knew the second he woke up alone on the sofa with a splitting headache to the shrill ring of his mobile, the even shriller lecturing of his Sergeant - that the day (or at the very least, the morning) was going to be, to put it frankly, a bitch.
As such, it only made sense for the front door to swing open with a painfully loud bang, and for the world's most annoying only consulting detective to stride inside, completely unannounced and uninvited mere moments after said awakening ( ... )


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1b/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 13:38:42 UTC
"Sherlock - what the hell!" he yelled, "Get out of my way ( ... )


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1c/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 13:44:26 UTC
"What do you think of our mother Lestrade ( ... )


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1d/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 13:47:09 UTC
Sherlock's tone became more bitter by the syllable as he answered, "For father to finish with us. You see, the plan was - he works out his frustrations on us, and then they go and make up afterwards. As soon as mother left the room, you knew you were in trouble. He'd turn to you and grab your arm, real tight. Like this ( ... )


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1e/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 13:52:43 UTC
"You were drunk and misjudged your strength. There a slight cracks there where there weren't last time I visited not too long ago. Considering the situation, I'd say Mycroft hit it quite hard ( ... )


Re: FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1e/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 15:46:50 UTC
Oh, poor Mycroft and Sherlock, I'm glad they at least had each other, even if their relationship is rather difficult. And poor Lestrade just walked into that situation with no idea what so ever. Time for him to apologize.

Great start!


Re: FILL: The Faithful And The Low 1e/2 anonymous September 25 2011, 21:20:29 UTC
Oh, my.

The Holmes family: more dysfunctional than you could have imagined.

No, Sherlock didn't come off as misogynistic; bitter and resentful (and it's a tiny bit ironic, him calling anyone else 'unfeeling', but then again, that's as much a shell he's created around himself as really not caring about others) but not hating women as such. He dislikes his father just as much.

Really good and going places I never imagined!


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 2a/2 anonymous September 26 2011, 14:37:56 UTC
He had a hour to himself, before Mycroft himself walked through the door ( ... )


FILL: The Faithful And The Low 2b/2 anonymous September 26 2011, 14:46:35 UTC
Mycroft shrugged, still stubbornly avoiding Greg's eye ( ... )


Re: FILL: The Faithful And The Low 2b/2 anonymous September 27 2011, 03:00:05 UTC
Dear anon: I'm not the OP or anything, but I have to tell you:


And it always helps me to think of it as an allergy, too.


Re: FILL: The Faithful And The Low 2b/2 darthhellokitty October 12 2011, 04:24:05 UTC
I am amazed by this - so well done! Very emotionally effective - Sherlock manages to scare the hell out of Lestrade and make sure he doesn't make that mistake again; despite his outward dislike of Mycroft, it's obvious he cares for his brother and wants to protect him. I like Mycroft as the forgiving, uncomplaining child, and Sherlock as the angry fuck-you! child. Very glad for the happy ending...


Re: FILL: The Faithful And The Low 2b/2 madwriter223 August 2 2017, 21:42:39 UTC
"And you're his Greg. He loves you,"
That line is beautiful. XD


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