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anonymous September 7 2011, 06:17:27 UTC
Could I please have desperate, begging youngish-Mycroft-in-his-twenties-or-so getting thoroughly debauched by Lestrade? Bonus points for fingering and dirty talk.


anonymous September 7 2011, 07:48:36 UTC
Did Lestrade get de-aged with him?


OP anonymous September 7 2011, 08:02:54 UTC
Nope! He's still all...silver foxy.


Re: OP anonymous September 7 2011, 16:24:02 UTC
Not the previous anon, but OOOH. Even better!


anonymous September 7 2011, 11:00:39 UTC
Oh my, yes please!


Fill: The Inexplicable 1/4 anonymous September 7 2011, 23:24:42 UTC
Okay, it's a bit wonky, because it became fucking long and it's way past 1 am now and I don't even usually write porn. That might explain the unnecessary bit of relationship angst in the end and the fact that I seem to have made up a whole darn AU just to write a bit of porn, idek. So... Mycroft is a student and he met Lestrade on a case concerning some uni related murders. Or something. Then they had sex. And now they'll have sex again.The laptop and stack of books in the sitting room did prepare him for it, but the sight of a sleeping Mycroft sprawled out in his bed made his stomach drop and his heart race in a mostly, but not entirely pleasant way. The young man was naked and only his lower body was covered with a slight blanket. So beautiful. So clever and so young, too. Maybe more than Lestrade could handle. Mycroft could have had anyone he wanted, but due some inexplicable twist of fate he was here, in Lestrade's bed. It defied everything Lestrade ever learned about life and the impossibility only added to the beauty ( ... )


Fill: The Inexplicable 2/4 anonymous September 7 2011, 23:25:46 UTC
Lestrade drew his hands over the young body, revelling in the shivers it elicited. "This is going to be one of those occasion where you just lie back and let me do all the work, isn't it ( ... )


AO3 link schwarze_elster November 9 2012, 23:34:43 UTC
Fill: The Inexplicable 3/4 anonymous September 7 2011, 23:27:40 UTC
Lestrade slowed down a bit. "Is that the plan? Making you beg ( ... )


Fill: The Inexplicable 4/4 anonymous September 7 2011, 23:31:02 UTC
Lestrade grunted. "To you. Maybe. Because you're a sex crazed genius ( ... )


Re: Fill: The Inexplicable 4/4 anonymous September 8 2011, 00:39:10 UTC
Oh this is perfect <3 The smut was awesome but I particular love the angsty bit with your vulnerable and young Mycroft. This is one great AU and I'd love to read more, I hope you change you mind and write again in this universe. Thanks for sharing such a great fill!


Re: Fill: The Inexplicable 4/4 anonymous September 8 2011, 02:36:36 UTC
Oh yes, very nice! I also really like the angsty bits as well as the delicious smut.


OP anonymous September 8 2011, 04:44:08 UTC
SDFGSLKDGDS ANON, OH ANON. SHALL I COMPARE THEE TO A SUMMER'S DAY? But really, this was perfectly lovely and more than I ever hoped for! Hot yes, but I loved the dynamics of their relationship and snarky-yet-vulnerable young Mycroft. <3 Thank you!


Re: Fill: The Inexplicable 4/4 anonymous September 8 2011, 15:59:11 UTC
Oh, lovely fill! So much love for your young!Mycroft ♥


Re: Fill: The Inexplicable 4/4 nejem September 16 2011, 16:39:31 UTC
Why, look at this, I didn't know I had a kink for older!Lestrade/younger!Mycroft but apparently I do! How lovely! :D


authoranon anonymous September 16 2011, 19:27:29 UTC
Thank you. I was quite surprised to discover this as a kink of mine, too.
Fandom should definitely explore it.

I want to rec this wip I found a few days ago:


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