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idek anonymous July 7 2011, 08:35:57 UTC
Sherlock's sorrow is a compact but unexpectedly heavy ball that John keeps in his shirt pocket.


Re: idek anonymous July 7 2011, 10:54:36 UTC
this is now my magical realism canon. seconded like WHOA.


FILL - eh, idek either anonymous August 3 2011, 11:26:25 UTC
They say he wears his heart on his sleeve

But it is HIS heart he keeps in his pocket

It's small but there, a weight near his chest

Comforting and in need of comfort

They are tears never cried

Words never said

Feelings never felt

Heavy, oh so heavy

But he's strong enough

for both of them

The weight of the world on HIS shoulders

HIS heart an anchor on his heart


FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 lotherington August 22 2011, 16:42:18 UTC
Hope you like this, OP! Finally got this finished after nearly a month of tinkering!

It is an iridescent globe that looks as if it holds an entire world inside it. The colour of unshed tears, the ball contains all of Sherlock's sadness and sorrow; his melancholy, his woe, his heartache.

He doesn't quite understand it.

John understands. John understands and bears the weight of the tiny world of Sherlock's sorrow just as he bears his own, and bears Harry's, from time to time. He understands and he feels, something which Sherlock still can’t quite bring himself to do on a day-to-day basis.


Sherlock needs John on cases to remind him of things he forgets to consider, the things he forgets to even remember. ‘People have died, Sherlock,’ John shouts one evening, his face tight and lined, his body tense. There’s a vicious exchange between the two of them; snapped and bitten out, but Sherlock remembers, after -- he remembers that John is feeling what troubles Sherlock himself.

‘People have died,’ Sherlock tells Moriarty, his hands ( ... )


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 obscuriglobus August 23 2011, 05:22:32 UTC
This is so sad and lovely. I really enjoyed it :D


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 anonymous August 23 2011, 12:13:46 UTC
Oh yes, this is wonderful.


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 anonymous September 11 2011, 07:03:27 UTC
this is beautiful in a brilliantly sad way.


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 anonymous September 14 2011, 01:19:18 UTC
This fill is the light through unshed tears.


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 shiverelectric September 16 2011, 11:08:47 UTC
Fucking lovely.


Re: FILL - The Sorrows of Young Sherlock - 1/1 meandthemadman September 16 2011, 12:34:09 UTC
This was really lovely ♥


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