Quick Round Challenge Rules and Sign Ups!

Feb 28, 2015 21:04

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Sherlock Remix Quick Round!

Quick Round Dates

Sign Ups Open: March 1st
Sign Ups Close: March 8th
Participant Master List Posted: March 9th
Participants Email Requests: March 10th - March 12th
Assignments Sent Out: March 14th
Posting Begins: April 2nd
Posting Complete: April 10th

What’s new/different about this round?

1. This is not a gift exchange.

This is not new or different, but it's worth reiterating. You, as a remixer, are not writing fic for someone else; you're taking another author's words, characters, and story and adding your own unique spin to it. Just be mindful that the same is true of the person remixing you. This sort of challenge is not for everyone and we encourage you to think carefully about the risks and rewards before signing up. That said, this is supposed to be fun, and you won’t be penalized for enjoying yourself.

2. This round is not anonymous.

Unlike previous rounds, this quick round will not be anonymous. Assignments will be emailed to participants, but the full list will be posted as an entry to the community and mentioned on tumblr.

3. This round is open to all Sherlock Holmes universes, not just Sherlock BBC.

Also unlike previous rounds, stories set in ACD Canon, the Downey films, Elementary, and other Sherlock Holmes verses are eligible to be nominated. Please keep in mind that previous rounds have been restricted to Sherlock BBC and that a majority of the participants are likely to have only written in that verse.

4. This is a no penalty, no pinch-hit round.

Due to the quick timeline of this round, there is no penalty for dropping out and there will be no pinch-hitting. We will not be checking up on you this time, though we would certainly appreciate an email if you won't be able to finish.

5. No LJ required.

This challenge is open to all, including those whose primary fandom presence is on a platform other than LJ.

6. Post when you’re done.

Posting will begin on April 2nd and will end April 10th. Members of the community will be able to post their own remixes to the community; if you wish to post your own fic, you must join the LJ community. Those who do not have an LJ will email their remix to the mods for posting. There are no assigned days or times; you can post when you’ve finished your fic. As always, we strongly recommend and encourage you to have it Beta read and Britpicked before posting.

How to Sign Up

You must have 3 eligible fics to sign up. Eligible fics are those fics you’ve written that meet the following criteria:

- The fic is set in a Sherlock Holmes universe (ACD, Downey, BBC, Elementary, etc).
- The fic must be complete.
- The fic must be at least a 221b (i.e. 221 words long with the last word beginning with the letter b).
- The fic cannot be co-written.
- The fic cannot be a remix.

Comment to this entry. Please include the following information in your sign up (Box A):

Author Name:
Email Address: This must be a non-LJ email address. If you are unwilling to list your email in your sign up comment, you must email the mods at sherlockremixmod@gmail.com. Please use Sherlock Remix Email as your subject.
Relationships I Would Like To Remix: This is to assist the mods in matching in the event we’re unable to accommodate author request.
Relationships I Do Not Want To Remix: This is to assist the mods in matching in the event we’re unable to accommodate author request.
I Do Not Want to be Matched to Any of the Following Content: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death] Per the poll on mandatory content warnings, this is the mandatory list of warnings that participants must use (i.e. The List). You may not add to this list, but you can delete any content that does not concern you.
I Do Not Want to be Matched to Stories with These Ratings: [G/PG/General, PG-13/Teen, R/Mature, NC-17/Explicit]. Leave blank if you can be matched with any rating.
Sherlock Holmes Verses I Would Want to Remix: This is to assist the mods in matching in the event we’re unable to accommodate author request.
Special Instructions for the Mods (Optional): You may choose to include information you feel may assist the mods in matching in the event that matching is necessary. This field is optional.

In the same comment, nominate three of your own stories for remixing. These will be the only stories a remixer may work with, so choose wisely. Please include the following information (Box B):

Nominated Fic #1: Title
Link(s) to the Fic:
Pairings/Relationships: Include all romantic and/or friendship relationships relevant to the story
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death] You may not add content. You may only delete warnings that do not apply.
Optional Warnings and Information: This field is optional and can include non-mandatory warnings, a summary, or any other relevant information.

Nominated Fic #2: Title
Link(s) to the Fic:
Pairings/Relationships: Include all romantic and/or friendship relationships relevant to the story
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death] You may not add content. You may only delete warnings that do not apply.
Optional Warnings and Information: This field is optional and can include non-mandatory warnings, a summary, or any other relevant information.

Nominated Fic #3: Title
Link(s) to the Fic:
Pairings/Relationships: Include all romantic and/or friendship relationships relevant to the story
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death] You may not add content. You may only delete warnings that do not apply.
Optional Warnings and Information: This field is optional and can include non-mandatory warnings, a summary, or any other relevant information.

Templates for both boxes are provided at the end of this post.

One of the mods will respond to your comment during the sign up process to confirm your comment has been received and/or to request clarification if necessary. Sign up will remain open until 11:59PM Eastern Daylight Time March 8th. Changes and edits sign ups may happen until that time. Once sign ups are closed, no further editing or changing of sign ups is permitted without mod permission.

What happens next?

After sign ups close, we will compile a list of all the participants and links to their sign up comments. This is the participant master list and will be posted to the community and to tumblr at 8AM EDT March 9th. Participants are encouraged to review the list and all of the sign up information provided by other participants.

Everyone will have one day to review the list and determine who they would like to remix. Beginning 12AM EDT March 10th, confirmed participants may email the mods at sherlockremixmod@gmail.com to request 3 authors they’d like to remix. Potential participants are advised that they may not be matched with their first choice, or any choice they’ve indicated in their email request. If you have no preference and would accept any match, you may indicate that in your email. You may also indicate one author you would not like to remix if you choose, though this is optional.

The email should be titled “Quick Round Request - YOUR NAME.” Your name should be the same as in your sign up. Request emails must be received by 11:59PM EDT on March 12th; participants who fail to email the mods before this time will be removed from the participant list and not matched to a remixee.

The mods will email assignments to the participants by 11:59PM EDT March 14th. You are free to discuss your assignments as they are not meant to be anonymous. From then, participants will have until 11:59PM EDT April 10th to write and post their remix.

Remixes must be at least a 221b in length and must be posted to the LJ community; posts that link to outside sources will not be accepted. Remixers may choose to post their completed remix to any platform of their choosing in addition to posting it to the community. Non-Livejournal users must email their completed remix to the mods for posting and may optionally request a specific day and time for the remix to be posted. There is no maximum length requirement.


Please use the following templates for your sign up:

Box A

Author Name:
Email Address:
Relationships I Would Like To Remix:
Relationships I Do Not Want To Remix:
I Do Not Want to be Matched to Any of the Following Content: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
I Do Not Want to be Matched to Stories with These Ratings: [G/PG/General, PG-13/Teen, R/Mature, NC-17/Explicit].
Sherlock Holmes Verses I Would Want to Remix:
Special Instructions for the Mods (Optional):

Box B

Nominated Fic #1:
Link(s) to the Fic:
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
Optional Warnings and Information:

Nominated Fic #2:
Link(s) to the Fic:
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
Optional Warnings and Information:

Nominated Fic #3:
Link(s) to the Fic:
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
Optional Warnings and Information:

If you have any questions or need something clarified, you can email the mods at sherlockremixmod@gmail.com or comment to the Questions/Comments/Help entry. Please do not use this entry for questions. This entry is for sign ups only.

Please feel free to spread the word--the more participants, the merrier! Have fun and happy remixing!

*admin*, challenge: quick round

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