Fic: Establishing A Connection Part 2

Oct 23, 2007 11:29

Title: Establishing A Connection Part 2
Rating: PG
Author: seramercury
Characters: All main from Atlantis season one, Jack, Daniel, Sam

John headed to the Gateroom with a heavy sigh. Caldwell was staying in Atlantis with the Daedalus while he was being sent back to Earth through the Stargate. He took a deep breath as he turned down the last corridor.

What he saw when he entered the Gateroom would be something he'd never forget. Every soldier, scientist, civilian and more seemed to be packed in there. Elizabeth and his team stood in the middle of the room and everyone began to clap as he entered.

John was beyond shocked and could see his friends smiling as he walked up to them. "What is all this?"

"Just wanted to thank you for all you've done, Sir," Ford replied.

Elizabeth nodded. "John, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and I wanted you to know that I've given the President my full recommendation for you to return."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

Teyla stepped up to him, bowing her head towards his. He copied the gesture and they remained that way for a few moments. "You will be missed, John Sheppard and my people will speak of the day you first came to Athos. I hope to see you again soon."

"Same here," he replied.

John went to Rodney next. "Hey, don't be too mean to your fellow scientists. I'm sure they're just as smart as you."

"Excuse me?" Rodney asked indignantly.

"Take care, Rodney."

Rodney sobered and accepted the hand shake. "You too."

With one last look at the Atlantis expedition team, John stepped through the event horizon and back to Earth. His heart hammered in his chest when two SFs came towards him. They stopped just in front as General O'Neill entered the room.

"Major Sheppard."

"General," he replied with a salute.

Jack saluted back. "Come with me."

One of the SFs began sputtering. "But, Sir, we have orders to take..."

"Hey, does it say 'general' anywhere on your uniform?" The SF shook his head. "Then you don't have those orders anymore. You're dismissed."

John hid the grin that was about to emerge as he followed Jack out the door and through the halls of the SGC. He saw a few familiar faces, most of which were giving him nasty looks.

Jack opened the door to one of the quarters. "Sir?"

"The IOA wants you court martialed, Major. I'm trying to prevent that. Just be good little soldier and stay confined to these quarters for the time being. I'm heading upstairs to speak with the President."

John's eyes widened. "He's here?"

"No, Bat Phone. I'll send Daniel by with some lunch."

"Thank you, Sir."

Jack nodded. "Just don't make me regret it."

John shut the door and sighed as he lay down on the bed. He already missed the hum of Atlantis. His missed his friends. As he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, he dreamed of being back home with them all.


"I truly believe that, Sir. Yes, Sir," Jack said, looking up when he heard a knock. He waved Daniel in. "If anyone is qualified for that position, it's Major Sheppard. He's already been there; he knows what he's up against. I think it would be an incredible waste of money to train someone new. I realize that, Sir. I will. Thank you, Sir."

Daniel spoke up when Jack put the phone back in its cradle. "So, what'd the President say?"

"He's going to call me tomorrow for an answer."

"Jack, the man saved dozens of lives since his assignment to Atlantis. You can't tell me they're still pissed about his black mark."

Jack nodded. "I know Daniel, but that's something that sticks to you like a bad case of plaque. Sheppard disobeyed a ton of people and those people can't trust him. They don't think he can handle his own command."

"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" Daniel muttered.

"What's that, Daniel?"


"That's what I thought. Look, why don't you see if Sheppard's in the mood to get out of here for a bit. I know I hate being confined to quarters. I'll see what Carter and Teal'c are up to."

"Okay. I'll meet you topside in 20 minutes."


"Major Lorne, what can I do for you?" Elizabeth asked as he stood in the doorway to her office.

"May I come in?" At her nod, he did so and sat across from her. He was quite a few moments before speaking up again. "Ma'am, I think many of the expedition members are having a difficult time with Colonel Caldwell."

Elizabeth nodded again. "I thought that was what you were coming to talk about. I've noticed it as well. He's a very demanding man, isn't he?"

"Not only that, but he's been making horrible comments about Major Sheppard. He is way out of line! Many are defending the Major, but I think a few of the Marines are starting to agree with him."

"Thank you, Major. The next time I contact Earth, I will be certain to include that in my report, however..."

Lorne grinned. "You need Caldwell distracted so he's not up here."
"I would never say that."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Elizabeth sighed as Lorne left her office. The morale of the expedition team had gone from excitement to finding the ZPM to deflating in a matter of hours. She knew contact with her was paramount, but at what sacrifice to her team? And at what sacrifice to John Sheppard?


Rodney was having a very difficult time working with the soldiers standing in his lab. Without his friend, things began to change and the man had only been gone three days! He glanced up at the Marine. He was newly arrived from Earth, one of Caldwell's top security officers apparently.

He cursed silently when the tablet beeped at him. Pay attention! He thought to himself. The big Marine eyed him suspiciously. "What?" Rodney growled.

"I thought you scientists were supposed to be smart," he replied. Then he looked at his companion. "Aren't they supposed to be smart, Chris?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah, Mike. My sister's a scientist and she's smart."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Mike moved closer to Rodney, who looked up at the very tall Marine in front of him, trying not to be scared. He's faced Wraith, for crying out loud!

"We're just trying to understand your logic in following someone like Sheppard, that's all."

"Well, you're not scientists so I don't know how you can even figure out any kind of logic," Rodney replied, for a moment forgetting how big the man in front of him was.

Sheppard would be proud!

Mike was not happy being spoken to that way and punched Rodney in the stomach. The physicist fell to his knees. He felt someone grab at his hair and yank his head back. Mike grinned evilly and smashed his fist into Rodney's face. That was the last thing he saw before he lost consciousness.

Rodney woke up to find he was still in his lab. He surmised he couldn't have been out for too long. Rodney groaned as he sat up. There was no sign of those Neanderthal Marines.


"Ford, don't shout," he replied, holding a hand to his head.

"Sorry. What happened?"

Rodney took a deep breath before responding. "Those Marines Caldwell stuck with me decided to use me for a punching bag."

"What did you do?"

"What did I do?? The man was making crap comments about Sheppard so I insulted the guy," Rodney said. He paused at Ford's silence. "Look, I know that probably wasn't the wisest idea considering the guy is three times bigger than me, but..."

Ford smiled. "No, McKay, I was just a little stunned that's all. When we first met you would have just coward under a table."

"This is true," he replied as Ford helped him to his feet.


I hope this letter finds you well. Everyone misses you here, even Atlantis. Rodney swears the city purposely turns off the lights when your name is mentioned. I told him that was impossible seeing as you're mentioned quite often.

We were able to finalize trade with Alina and her people. They're having a feast to celebrate and they are requesting your presence. I don't know if General O'Neill will let you come, but seeing as you were instrumental in setting up that trade, I would love for you to be there.

Take care, John, and know that we're pulling for you!

Elizabeth Weir

John sighed as he folded the letter. He would love to go back there, but he doubted that would happen. Especially with the way things were going. The decision that was supposed to last a day had turned into three days and he was getting antsy.

A jog. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. John quickly got changed and headed to the gym. He was happy that General O'Neill trusted him enough to let him roam the corridors without an escort.

He had just turned the corner when he nearly slammed into someone. The first thing he noticed were the General's bars so he stood at attention. Finally looking at the face of the man before him, John's stomach dropped.

"General Sheppard, Sir," he said.

"You screwed up again, Jonathan." John remained at attention as the man circled him, arms crossed, eyes blazing with fury. "Mark Sumner was a good man and a good friend. I don't care how much others believe you were helping him, but I know! I know! I've faced enemies down, but I would NEVER kill a fellow officer!"

John was about to yell back until General O'Neill and Colonel Carter came around the corner. "General Sheppard," Jack said. "To what do we owe this pleasure? I must have missed the memo because I had no clue you were coming!"

"O'Neill," General Sheppard sneered. "I don't need your permission to come here. I have the highest security clearance."

Sam watched as John stood at attention, his face pale. She nudged Jack, who realized what he was doing. "At ease, Major," Jack told John. "Now, General, I don't care if you have permission or not, but I think it's time you left."

Jack led General Sheppard down the hall as John quietly remained where he was. "John?" Sam said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you all right?"

"Peachy," came the snarky reply.

fiction-angst, author-seramercury, fiction-john

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