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Comments 20

reen212000 September 20 2007, 21:20:20 UTC
I so enjoy reading these kinds of extended vignettes. More than a charcter study, it delves into a place that gets confused by some. Naturally, I see this as a friendship story, which in my book is a little stronger than a relationship story. A nicely balanced fic, if I may say so. And you know how much I love delirious!Shep... Fevers are the happiness! Okay... for me.


kriadydragon September 20 2007, 21:51:12 UTC
Thanks. It was a bit tricky since I'm not a fan of pairings unless it's friendship only (or can be seen as friendship). And I agree with you. Also for me, there's something about friendships that pack more of a punch than romantic relationships, I don't know why. I think that, sometimes, some romances get too cluttered with eaither sensuality, sex, or emotional goo - all of which I despise.

Although I have come across a few cute romances that involved none of the above.


karri_kln1671 September 20 2007, 23:20:46 UTC
*claps* Bravo! Very nicely done. :) I'm not shipper, and if I were gonna ship, it wouldn't be Shweir, but I managed to enjoy this anyway, so really fantastic job!


kriadydragon September 21 2007, 02:17:03 UTC
Thanks. I'm not fond of pairings myself, but what made this story hard was writing Elizabeth. I like her character fine but I find her difficult to write for some reason, so normally write little of her character.


kristen999 September 21 2007, 02:05:21 UTC
This was very nice and I could see John pacing like this, heaping onto himself the guilt for not staying awake until helped arrived.

The end to me was perfect and would have lost it's emotional punch if it were anything other than friendship...the awkwardness, the tenderness and that last line leaves me in a very happy place!


kriadydragon September 21 2007, 02:24:49 UTC
Thank you. I can't do any kind of heavy romance, plain and simple. Maybe hint at stuff (like I sometimes do in my original stories) but that's it. Too many romances, for me, are overwhelming emotionally in a way that always has me rolling my eyes, while others contain too much of the stuff I hate (sensuality and sex).

I like subtle romances, the kind that are more like friendships but could possibly become something more. The married couples I know never refer to their spouse as their lover, they refer to them as their best friend. So heavy romances always seem over the top to me, more like playing out fantasies rather than dealing with true love.


seramercury September 21 2007, 02:24:35 UTC
That was amazing! I love the angle you went towards with this. I <3 emotional angst!! :D


kriadydragon September 21 2007, 02:26:26 UTC
*Grins* Thank ye. I'm glad you liked it. Emotinal angst is fuuuun.:)


padawan_aneiki September 21 2007, 03:07:37 UTC
Okay, this was just about darned perfect. :) I agree with everybody above; I'm not a Shep/Weir shipper either, but I love the power that is behind their caring for each other. This is very believable without being romantic in nature. Well done!! :D


kriadydragon September 21 2007, 03:47:34 UTC


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