Ficathon entry - Falling

Sep 05, 2009 15:34

Title:  Falling

Author:  Michele Cross

Rating/Pairing:  PG/None

Characters:  The team

Summary:  The First Quarterly Ficathon Written story for Tridget, who shepwhump, team, puddlejumper scene.


Doctor Rodney McKay walked through the corridors of Atlantis, yawning and running his hands through his hair as if that would help it after a night of working on a project that he’d found he could not put down.

It was just incredibly lucky that his team did not have a mission this morning or Sheppard would not be happy with him. He gave a sigh and sipped the coffee that he had grabbed on leaving his lab. Coffee, that gorgeous amber nectar that they had missed during that first year while they were out of contact with Earth. It had been hell when they’d run out. For all of them, not just him. At least they had regular supplies now. Now that they were in full contact with Earth and had the Daedalus bringing them supplies at regular bi-monthly visits, they need never be short of coffee--stuff-- again.

Still it had been a lesson learned and he was sure that he was not the only one who had their own supply shut away in their quarters, just in case; anything could happen. It always seemed to happen that way in Atlantis always a problem cropping up; be it the Wraith, Genii or even exploding volcanoes and Galaxies!

He grimaced at his watch 06.05am he was late, he had promised Sheppard and here he was late.

His ear piece chirped and he grimaced again knowing who it would be on the other end.

“McKay.” He answered quickly, no point in aggravating the other man any more.

“Rodney,  where are you? Do you know what time it is?”  John Sheppard’s voice came over the radio.

Yes and I’m on my way, I should be with you in just a minute.” Rodney grimaced as he spoke, 6 in the morning was way too early to be up and awake anyway. For anyone, even one overly thin, up at dawn jogging Lieutenant Colonel.

“Ok, I’ll start the pre-checks but you will be flying the puddle jumper, Rodney what ever you say.”   There was a sigh of resignation in John’s voice.

“I will? Cool!” That brightened Rodney up no end. He loved flying the Jumpers and he was getting quite good at it, he would admit.

“I just want her flown in a straight line this time, McKay.” John’s voice was a little stern and made him frown. John didn’t sound happy today, that was unusual when it came to going up in the little ships. John was normally a morning person, running with or without their team mate Ronon Dex.

Could that be it? Ronon and Teyla had  been staying with the Athosians over on the mainland over the weekend. Ronon had been helping them build some sort ceremonial tent. Could John be missing them? It didn’t sound probable at the first thought but now that the seed had been sown, Rodney couldn’t help but wonder.

“I always try, John and I am just coming up to the jumper bay right now.” Rodney sighed with relief as he rounded the corner and entered the jumper bay.

There was only one jumper that was alight and showing signs of life and Rodney had to smile. John Sheppard would fly any of the craft that the Ancients had left behind, but he always went for the same one every time he had any choice in the matter, as he did today. jumper One was ready to go and her tail gate was open so that he could walk right on in.

“Good we can get going now.” John Sheppard was already sitting in the co-pilot’s seat and as Rodney walked up the ramp he sniffed and turned to Rodney. “You didn’t bring one of those for me?”

“Yep, I thought that you might need one at this time of the morning.” Rodney handed over the lidded cup that he held in his left hand. He then settled into the pilots seat and settled his own cup upon the equivalent of an alien dashboard.

“Not there!” John’s voice snapped and the tone in his voice made him look at his friend open mouthed. John didn’t normally snap at him like that, well not often and when he did there was always a reason behind it either danger or imminent disaster.

“John?” Rodney’s voice was soft and full of worry.

John sighed and rubbed at his forehead. “Sorry, Rodney I didn’t mean to snap.”

“Are you all right?” Rodney was still frowning at him noting the way that his friend wouldn’t look at him straight in the eye.

“Yeah, just a lousy night. That’s all, I’m fine.” John looked up and gave him a small smile.

Rodney looked at him sharply, but found nothing apart from an odd glint to the hazel eyes that was not normally there. Other than that there was just the normal air about his friend.

Having said that, Rodney was suddenly filled with a feeling that something was wrong, he just couldn’t have said what it was. Couldn’t have put his finger on it if his life depended upon it, and often it did.

“Shall we get going?” John had finished his own coffee and had stashed the mug safely away until they had finished their flight and returned to Atlantis with their two team mates.

“What? Oh sure.” Rodney told him and then finished his own coffee and placed the cup next to the one John had used and closed the small hatch so that they were safe during the flight.

He sat down in the pilot’s seat and readied himself. “McKay to Flight are we clear to take off?” He asked the control tower.

“Yes, Doctor you are clear, have a good flight and we’ll see you soon.” Chuck the technician’s voice sounded over the radio. Rodney closed his eyes momentarily as the sound of Chuck’s voice filled him with sadness even after all this time, Rodney expected Peter Grodin to answer. But Grodin had been dead almost two years and would never answer a request ever again.

“Rodney? You ok?” John was watching his friend closely. He didn’t miss the fact that his friend had closed his eyes and was frozen in place for a second.

“Yeah I’m fine. Shall we blow this place?” Rodney shot John a quick look.

“She’s all yours, Rodney just don’t break her.” John settled back, relaxed. What ever had affected his friend it was pushed back into the background. For now. John, though would not be leaving it alone. What ever this was it was causing his friend pain and he would not be having that. Maybe he could talk Elizabeth to give them some down time. It had been some time since they had all taken more then a snatched day here and there. Perhaps two days would help, he could then ply Rodney with beer and find out what it was that was bothering his friend. Perhaps then he could help Rodney get over it, work it out and make things right if it could be.

“Have I ever crashed one of your precious Jumpers? Oh no, we’ll leave that to Colonel crash a lot! How many times is that now?” Rodney took a moment as the jumper rose into position at the top of the tower.

“Just fly the damn thing, Rodney and in a straight line or I’ll take over.” John growled as he sat back and ignored the comment and didn’t snark back as Rodney was expecting.

Again there was the feeling that something was very wrong and Rodney almost opened his mouth to make a comment to that effect but he changed his mind, whatever it was that was bugging the other man he could do little to help right at this minute and he closed his mouth and concentrated on the journey ahead. What ever this was, he was going to get John to crack open some of his special beer and eventually find out what it was that was bugging him. It just had to be done gently, if he rushed John it would only make the private man close up like a clam and that was something that Rodney did not want to do.

Instead Rodney decided to make small talk. “Are you looking forward to seeing Jinto?”

It had the desired effect and John grinned at the mention of the Athosian child who had come to mean a lot to him. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing how much he’s grown.”

The journey continued in easy silence after that.

They were about three quarters of the way when Rodney and John both heard a muffled bang and the jumper jerked to one side.

“What the!” Rodney suddenly found himself fighting for control of the jumper.

“Rodney give her to me!” John was instantly alert and moving to take the controls at the pilot’s seat.

Not that Rodney needed telling twice. If they were in trouble he was certainly not the best person to be driving the jumper. That was for a pilot who had flown more than he’d ever done in his life and that just happened to be the man beside him.

“Rodney, find out what the hell caused that!” John’s voice was strained as he struggled for control of the jumper.

“Sure!” Rodney was already reaching for his ever present laptop and data pad, it took just a few minutes for him to plug it into the jumper’s system. In the back ground he could hear Sheppard contacting Atlantis and letting them know of their problem and current position.

“Great just what we needed!” Rodney could not stop his exclamation.

“What is it, Rodney? Tell me!” John’s voice was short and troubled as the jumper bucked.

Rodney had little chance to answer as he fell to the floor and had all the breath in him forced out in an “Oomph!”.

“Rodney?” John turned to check his friend even as he worked hard to keep the jumper where it should be. Primarily in the air.

“The right engine is shot, no power no nothing.” John’s sigh spoke volumes, he must have known what the other man was going to say. “Left engine is working on reduced power.”

“How long will we be in the air?” John’s voice was even more strained as he fought the controls.

“We may reach land.” Rodney confirmed. “May being the operative word. Oh and before I forget to tell you, I think I broke my wrist when I fell.” He popped that in with quiet resignation.

“Badly?” John asked through gritted teeth. His hands were so tight around the controls that his knuckles were stark white with tension. He didn’t dare turn around, his concentration was solely on keeping the puddlejumper up in the air for as long as was possible.

“Well the bone isn’t through the skin if that’s what you mean by bad.” Rodney had risen from the floor and was cradling his arm as he made his way slowly and carefully to his friend’s side as well he could given the jerking and bumping in the small ship. “I can’t use my hand though.” He sat in the co-pilot’s chair with a relieved sigh.

“Wait till we’re safe on the ground and I’ll take a look at it.” John promised knowing even as he said it that could well be wishful thinking as he knew the landing could be more than a little rough on both of them. “Try and call Atlantis and fill them in on what’s happened and give them our coordinates so that they have a rough idea where to start looking.”

“Sure…” Rodney broke off as they heard another bang. “I hope that do…” He had no time to say anything else as the jumper plunged from the air, the momentum carrying them further along their course.

The crash was not long in coming as they plunged into what could either be a beach or the bottom of the sea.

The two men inside the craft had no time to grab on to anything and were thrown about the craft, hitting the sides and bottom of the small ship.

Then there was nothing in the dark silence than the pop and crackle of damaged electrical circuits.


Teyla Emmagan came out of Halling’s tent with the tall bearded man by her side. They were both chuckling at something their small companion had said from behind them.

The day was bright with no clouds in the sky. Children played around them, giggling and trying to play football as John Sheppard had tried to teach them. It was really nothing more than playing pass the ball.

Ronon Dex was situated by the open fire, feeding more logs into it to keep it going. Each of the tents had their own tiny fire for cooking and heating purposes. The main fire was more for large gatherings and ceremonies.

“Good morning, Ronon I hope that you slept well?” Teyla greeted him with a warm smile.

“Yeah, it was good.” Ronon told her as one of the smaller girls came to his side and watched what he was doing as she sucked on her thumb. He grinned down at her and then gently ruffled the little one’s hair making her giggle. He looked up at her. “I would have thought that Sheppard and McKay would be here by now.”

“They must be delayed, it can happen.” Teyla reassured him.  They both knew that as amazing as the City of the Ancestors was it could also provide problems too; without Rodney McKay there they might not have the joy of living in Atlantis.

“True.” Ronon agreed.

“If they have not arrived or contacted us in another half hour I will contact them or Atlantis to see if they have left yet.” Teyla told him with another smile as the child cuddled up to the former Runner. He gave off the impression that he was a hard man and his enemies knew to be wary or scared of him, but when it came down to his friends--his family--Ronon Dex was nothing less than loyal, and he was completely capable of being a big softy. The Athosian children loved him and he would often play with them for hours when he came over to the main land. Teyla could see he would make a good father one day when the time was right.

“’Kay.” Ronon agreed as he gently tickled his young charge.

The thirty minutes promised flashed by in no time for Teyla as she had much to do with her people. Living apart from them as she was made it hard to deal with problems when they arose and often it was left to Halling to deal with until she could get there, especially if she was off world at the time.

“Still nothing.” Ronon told her seeming to come out of no where at her side.

“I will try and contact them.” Teyla promised trying to hide the fact that she was very worried. She hurried to the small tent where the equipment to contact Atlantis in an emergency was kept.

First she tried to contact John and Rodney themselves. She got no reply and then she tried getting an answer from the jumper, yet again there was nothing more than the sound of static as they waited.

Worried brown eyes met blue equally worried blue eyes. “I will contact Elizabeth.”

“Good.” Ronon leaned against the door pole and watched as she carried out the connection. A little hand slipped into one of his and he looked down to see the little girl from earlier standing by his side.

When he looked up it was to find that Teyla was already speaking with Elizabeth.

“No, Elizabeth we have had nothing from them and get only static when we try.” Teyla was nibbling on her lip worriedly. “You say that they left on time this morning?”

“They were about five minutes late. Rodney was flying, but even with that they should be with you by now.” Elizabeth sounded as worried as they were. “Let us try and contact them and we’ll get back to you. Weir out.”

They waited in worried silence. Finally the silence was broken by Elizabeth calling them back.

“What news do you have, Elizabeth?” There was more than a hint of worry in Teyla’s voice as she spoke into the radio.

“The last communication with John, he told us that there was some kind of problem with the jumper but that he thought they would make it to your camp.  Since then there  has been nothing. I don’t want to wait if there is a problem and John and Rodney need us.” Elizabeth sounded even more worried now. “I’m having Major Lorne prepare a jumper to go and see what’s happened. He’ll find them, I’m sure.” She tried to reassure them.

“Please let us know what you find?” Teyla and Ronon were both on the alert now, Ronon no longer lounging against the door but standing upright and watching every move that Teyla made.

“They aren’t answering?” Ronon’s hand itched towards his gun before he stopped himself and patted the young Girl’s hair.

“Apparently not.” Teyla answered him before thanking Elizabeth and closing off.

“We need to find them.” Ronon almost growled, he may have been uncertain when he first came to Atlantis but now his team was his family and he would do anything for any of them, even Rodney McKay.

“Yes we do, but there is nothing more we can do until we know where they are and why they are not answering. I am sure that Radek will be helping in that respect.” Teyla grimaced as she spoke, knowing full well what would come next.

“So all we can do is wait.” It wasn’t a question more of a statement. Waiting was something he hated having to do even if he was very good at it, had grown to be good at it during the years he had been running from the Wraith.

“Yes, I am afraid so.” Teyla looked down at the child still by Ronon’s side. “Fallon you should go back to your Mother she will be wondering where you are and we do not want her to be worried, do we?”

The child nodded before skipping off, her curly ringlets bouncing as she went. Both Teyla and Ronon knew that as soon as it was possible Fallon would be back by his side.

“I think the little one likes you.” She gave her friend a gentle smile.

“Yeah, she’s cute.” Was all that Ronon said. “I’ll wait for news, you have things to do here.” Saying that he sat on one of the wooden chairs around the radio and brought out a stone and revealing one of his many knives hidden in his hair he began to sharpen it.

“You will get me when Elizabeth calls?” Teyla asked. It might be some time before they got news and if they were needed when that call came…

“Yeah.” That was more than a promise from the Satedan and Teyla was more than happy with that promise.

She turned and made her way back to the meeting hut, where she knew more work awaited her.
On to Part 2

1st quarterly ficathon

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