sheps_atlantis' 2nd Annual Ficathon!!

Jun 13, 2008 18:34

We had a small turnout last year so I'm hoping more people will join in this year. This is always a lot of fun.

And sorry for the not posting of episode tags but I've been bogged down with the spring cold of the century. This thing has knocked me down and kicked me in the bum so hard, I get tired looking at a computer screen.

Sorry about that. It's just really annoying when you have fic pending that you want to get finished but you can't. Anyhoo, I'll shut up now... onto the rules!

1. All stories must contain characters from Stargate: Atlantis.
2. All stories should be approximately 1,000+ words.
3. All stories should be rated, spell-checked and beta read before posting.
4. Not allowed: above R-rated, slash, RPF/RPS
5. If you can't finish your story by the due date, please let me know when it will be finished.
6. If you can't finish your story at all, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can find a back up writer.
7. All requests must contain a valid email address.
8. Any questions? seramercury @

Requests end: June 22, 2008 by midnight est.
Assignments handed out: July 2, 2008 by midnight est.
Stories due: August 1, 2008 - August 8, 2008.

Sign Up:
If you'd like to participate, please reply to this post with the following information. (All comments will be screened in order to keep the requests a surprise.)

What you will write:
What you will not write:
Three things you want in your story:
Three things you don't want in your story:
Are you willing to be a backup writer:

* Please specify whether you would like spoilers or not, including the season/episode. For example: "no season two episodes please" or "yes, any and all spoilers are fine -- including unaired season two episodes" or "everything up to *episode* is fine, but nothing beyond that", etc.

ficathon - 2nd annual

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